
Upside down


A month had passed since Des left L.joe there in another life where no one knew about him. His relationships with Niel, Cap, Changjo and Ricky became even bigger. L.Joe just still couldn’t get to Chunji. It seemed that Chunji was ignoring him and didn’t want to become friends with him.
The plan of Chunji breaking up with Niel hasn’t gone anywhere either. L.joe still couldn’t think of something that will make Chunji break up with his friend.

“Ugh where is everyone?” L.joe asked himself and pouted. He was in the cafeteria looking for his friends. It was 8 am and it was time for breakfast. He looked around and only some few students were in there eating breakfast. L.joe sighed and went back to his room. When he entered, he saw Cap packing his bag.

“What are you doing?” asked L.joe confused. “You’re not leaving, are you?” he widened his eyes. Cap was about to answer him but L.joe cut him off. “Don’t leave” he yelled.

“Yah I’m not leaving” said Cap finally.

“Oh.. then… where are you going?” asked L.Joe.

“You haven’t heard?” sighed Cap.

“Heard about what?” L.joe raised his brow.

“About the camping”

“What camping?”

“Every year the teachers take all the students camping” replied Cap.

“But why aren’t they taking me? No one told me anything about this” pouted L.Joe.

“It was on the board in the hall for two weeks. You should of read it” chuckled Cap. “Now start packing, of course you’re going too” he smiled. “Oh and… we leave in 1 hour”

“What? Help me pack then!” panicked L.Joe. “By the way how long are we going to stay there?”

“A week”

“That’s nice”

“You have pink underwear” suddenly Cap yelled and started to laugh.

“What?” L.joe started to blush. “Those are n-not mine” his voice cracked. “I mean… Ugh stupid Des” he yelled mad.

“Who’s Des?” asked Cap. “Your boyfriend?” he laughed.

“What? No, god~ No! He’s my….brother. He helped me pack”

“Mhm, right” Cap winked at him.


When the two of them got ready they went outside with their bags. The buses were already there and some of the students as well. L.joe looked around but he couldn’t find anyone familiar.

“Who are you looking for?” asked Cap.

“Niel” replied L.Joe and continued to look around.

“He’s over there” said Cap and pointed at him. Niel was there with Chunji and their bags. The two of them were talking something with the teachers.
L.joe was about to run there but then he noticed Chunji. “Chunji” he said quietly and rolled his eyes.

“You don’t like Chunji?”

“Are you serious?” L.Joe raised is eyebrow. “Who would like him? He’s just so mean and rude”

“Hey guys” suddenly someone said.

“h-Hey Niel… Chunji” L.joe smiled and the both of them. Niel smiled back while Chunji didn’t even bother to look at L.joe and Cap.

What’s his problem? L.joe thought and glared at him.


After gathering all the students, all the buses took off.
The six of them were in the same bus and everyone was sitting with their roommate. Niel with Chunji, L.joe with Cap, and Ricky with Changjo.

“Yah Ricky!” called out L.joe quietly. The boy was sitting opposite of him.

“Yes?” Ricky looked at him.

“You wanna sit next to Cap?” he whispered and winked.

“Um…I-I don’t know” Ricky started to blush.

“Come on” L.joe got up. He looked at Cap and smiled. “I’m going to sit next to Changjo for a while, you don’t mind sitting next to Ricky, right?”

“Nah, you just go ahead” smiled Cap back.

“okay” nodded L.joe and switched his seat with Ricky. “Hey Changjo, what are you doing?”

“Nothing…why did you switched seats with Ricky?” he asked confused.

“I know about his little crush on my roommate” whispered L.joe and chuckled.

“Oh he told you” smiled Changjo. “Well that’s great but…”

“But what?”

“I thought Niel hyung likes him too” he whispered.

“I know but he has a boyfriend”

“But I thought they were going to break up” said Changjo.

“They are but…I think those two are much cuter than Cap hyung and Niel” said L.joe and looked at the two boys laughing at something.

“Of course” chuckled Changjo. 

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strafield #2
Chapter 10: You will still updating this rite?
I will keep waiting! ;)
aiigoooo chunji and ljoe searching together :3
kekekeke and ricky and cap :3 kissed *3* bububu but poor niel, i feel bad for him :( though it's the first crack in niel and chunji's relationship ! finally a chance for ljoe to make a move *3* >:D
finally something is happening between them :3 chunji, it doesn't take long for you to develop feelings for ljoe, i promise :)
Woho, why do I get the feeling that Chunji is jealous over CAP and L.Joe, don't stop that make him more and more jealous :P
sorry Niel but you have Cap <3
mychangyo04 #7
Haha..ljoe got yah chunji.!.!haha like it