Meeting them

Upside down


A couple of days had passed since L.Joe finally accepted his new life. Well not completely though. He still wanted to meet Ricky and Changjo but he couldn’t find them anywhere. L.Joe didn’t know how to become friends with Chunji again either.

“Ah this is so stupid” he sighed and closed his book. L.Joe was studying in his shared room.

“Hello~” someone sang behind him. L.Joe jumped from his seat surprised.

“Oh. My. God! You stupid angel scaring me like that! I told you to stop it” yelled L.Joe.

“Aw I’m sorry” pouted Des.

L.Joe rolled his eyes and opened the book again, trying to study. “What are you doing here anyways? Don’t you have other lifes to screw up with?” asked L.Joe annoyed.

“I was bored… “ sighed Des. “And no, I only screw up your life” he chuckled.

“Wow… lucky me, woho~” L.joe cheered in a sarcastic way.

“Yes! You should be lucky. Not a lot of people see an angel like me” grinned Des.

“Ah just go away! I’m trying to study” L.Joe shooed him. “Stupid! I though this was suppose to be easy” mumbled L.Joe to himself.

“Hm what are you studying?” Des titled his head.

“Biology… it’s so hard” pouted L.Joe and closed the book once again.

“Let me see that” Des took the book and started to read. “Mhm…” he nodded his head. “This is stupid, now let’s play” Des smiled and threw the book somewhere in the room.

“Fine, but first tell me why did you do this” L.Joe got up.

“Do what?”

“Destroy my life!”yelled L.Joe.

“You’re still not over that?” sighed Des.

“Over it? I will never be over it! Sure I kind of accepted the thing that I will be here for the rest of my life but … just tell me why?”

“Heh… oh look at the time kid” Des looked at his wrist. “I have places to go and people to see. Bye bye now~” he smiled before leaving. Obviously L.Joe wasn't suppose to find out why he was being punished like this. 

“Stupid” L.Joe mumbled and picked up his book.

He was about to study again when suddenly his roommate walked into the room.

“Oh hey, I was looking for you” smiled Cap.

“um… yeah?” L.Joe raised his brow.

“You promised that you’ll come with me to watch football” said Cap.

“Oh that… yeah. Is it starting now?”

“They already started. Our school is playing with some other school here, outside” replied Cap.

“Okay, just let me get dressed”

After he got dressed Cap and L.Joe went outside. There were a lot of people cheering for their own school. There were even some professors watching the play. Cap already found two seats in the first row just for L.Joe and himself. While the two of them were walking towards their seats the ball they were playing with flew in the crowd and hit L.Joe’s head really hard. It caused him to fall down and scratch his knee.

“Look what you did!” yelled someone. “Are you okay?” that person kneeled down in front of L.Joe and looked at him concerned.

“Ahh… y-yeah I’m fine” said L.Joe without making any eye contact. When he finally raised his head and saw the person talking to him he gasped. N-Niel? Oh… yeah I forgot, he plays football…

“Your knee” Niel looked at L.Joe’s leg.

“Don’t worry it’s just a scratch” L.Joe got up.

“N-no! Let me clean it for you” Niel insisted.

Huh? Clean it? Heh okay thought L.Joe and smiled. “Um… okay…” said L.Joe awkwardly and followed Niel to his room.

“I’m Daniel by the way, but you can call me Niel” he smiled and shook L.Joe hand.

“I’m L.joe” he smiled. “W-where are we going?”

“To my room. I have a first aid kit”

“Isn’t there a nursery room here?” asked L.Joe awkwardly.

“There is, but it’s closed. I don’t know why” said Niel and opened the door to his shared room.
The two boys walked in and L.Joe sat on one of the beds. Niel pulled out the supplies he needed and kneeled down in front of L.Joe.

“So you’re new here?” Niel looked at L.Joe as he was cleaning his knee.

“Um yeah” nodded L.Joe.

“I thought so” chuckled Niel. “I’ve never seen you around before”

“yeah I just moved here” sighed L.Joe thinking about Des and then his old life.

“Where did you life before?” asked Niel.

“I lived in… “ he started. Ah where do I say? AH I know! America, well I did live there for couple of years… “America” he finished.

“Wow really? That’s so great” smiled Niel and finished with his work. “Okay all done” he got up and helped L.Joe up as well.

“Um thank you” said L.Joe awkwardly and blushed.

“You’re welcome” Niel flushed him a smile and they got out of the room.

“Yah Niel!” someone yelled at him as he was closing the door to his room. Niel turned around to see who was calling him and smiled when he saw that person.

“Chunji hyung” he smiled and hugged him.

Chunji…? Ah I miss him… L.Joe looked down, depressed. Chunji leaned in to kiss his boyfriend but Niel backed away.

“Not now” he shook his head. Chunji pouted and looked at L.Joe confused.

“Who’s that?” he asked coldly. “Why was he with you in our room?” he then looked at Niel.

“A-ah … this is L.Joe! He’s a new student here” replied Niel.

“Hi…” greeted L.joe awkwardly.

“And what were you two doing in there?” Chunji pointed at his and Niel’s room.

“I was cleaning his knee… one of my team mates kicked the ball and it hit L.Joe”

“Oh… okay” said Chunji. He didn’t look like he was buying all that even though it was true. He didn’t seem that he liked L.Joe either.

Oh boy… he’s not the same at all… he even hates me now, for being with his boyfriend… This is going to be tough. 

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strafield #2
Chapter 10: You will still updating this rite?
I will keep waiting! ;)
aiigoooo chunji and ljoe searching together :3
kekekeke and ricky and cap :3 kissed *3* bububu but poor niel, i feel bad for him :( though it's the first crack in niel and chunji's relationship ! finally a chance for ljoe to make a move *3* >:D
finally something is happening between them :3 chunji, it doesn't take long for you to develop feelings for ljoe, i promise :)
Woho, why do I get the feeling that Chunji is jealous over CAP and L.Joe, don't stop that make him more and more jealous :P
sorry Niel but you have Cap <3
mychangyo04 #7
Haha..ljoe got yah chunji.!.!haha like it