I'm A Bad Husband

~ INFINITE's One Shots~

I just felt like writting a one shot about L.Joe ^^

 L.Joe and you (Jieun)

The snow was getting heavier, L.joe was still not home. I called him again and again, message again and again. But as always, he ignored it. L.joe and I have been married for 4 years. It was a forced marriage which was made by our parents, we tried to object the marriage but they did not listened to us. So when I was 16 and l.joe 17, we got married. It was not the kind of marriage I dreamt when I was a kid. We always fight, if we are not fighting, we are ignoring each other. I tried to be a better wife but l.joe doesn’t seem to care.

It’s 12 am and l.joe was still not there. This is what happen every single day, he went out with some girls and left me waiting at home. I told him to message or call me if he’s coming home late but he rarely does so. Suddenly, my phone rang. I quickly check who it was. I was surprised to see l.joe’s name. I looked at the message and he told me that he’s not coming home. I sighed and went to off the lights and go to sleep.

Next morning

I woke up to the sound of the birds chirping. I looked at my side and saw no one was there . even though l.joe and I are not close, we still shared the same bed. Since we owned a king sized bed, there was a lot of space between us. I got up and looked at the calendar, it was our 4thanniversary and as always, l.joe never remembers it. I got up and wore long sleeved knitted sweater that my mother made for me as a Christmas present. It was still snowing, but not as much as the day before. I love winter, it’s so cold and I love cold weather and just wear comfy clothes.

I went and make pancakes for breakfast since it was l.joe’s favorite food. Even though I know by the time he reached home, it’s going to be cold. But I have to do something  for anniversary right? After I made the breakfast, I went out to have some fresh air. Suddenly I bumped into someone.

“Ah, mianhe!” I said as I looked at the person.

“Jieun?” the person said.

“ M-myungsoo oppa?”

“Jieun-ah!” Myungsoo exclaimed as he hugged me tightly.

Myungsoo oppa was my favorite sunbae in high school because he was cool and humble, unlike the other sunbaes. Turned out that I was his favorite hobae too. We started hanging out and eventually,  Myungsoo oppa had a crush on me. But that was when I’m already married. Even though I rejected him, he did not try to be distant with me and we were still the same. I like the Sunbae and hobae relationship better. Myungsoo oppa then moved to California when his father got a job there.

“I miss you,” He said.

“I miss you too, oppa,” I replied.

“So how is your relationship with L.joe? Are you guys in love with each other?” Myungsoo asked as we continued walking.

I decided to tell him the truth since he is my bff and should have the right to know what happened.

“What!!!??? He still ignores you?!” Myungsoo was angry, very angry.

“Oppa it’s okay,” I said.

“ No! it’s not! I’m gonna teach that guy a lesson!” he said as he tried to walk away but I held his arm and begged him not to.

“Araso, but if he does anything to you, I won’t hesitant to beat him up.”

“  Araso oppa,” I said cutely.

“Aigoo, you’re so cute,” he said as he pinched my cheeks, “ I gotta go, I have a meeting coming up.”

“Ok, bye bye!” I waved him goodbye and watched his figure start to disappear.

I decided to go to my favorite field. I love it even more when it’s winter. The whole field is covered with white snow. I arrived there and inhaled the fresh air. This will be the last day I would be able to enjoy this.

L.Joe’s P.O.V

I was walking home when I saw Myungsoo, the ‘Kingka’ when I was in high school. He looked at me with angry eyes. He then stop walking and stand in front of me.

“Yah! You, why do you have to keep hurting innocent Jieun?!” he asked. Me hurting Jieun? I don’t even talk to her.

“ I think, you ate the wring medicine today,” I said as I tried to walked away but he was too fast and punched my face. The corners of my mouth started to bleed.

“I swear if you make Jieun’s life miserable, I’m gonna kill you,” with that, Myungsoo  left me.

“Stupid dickhead,” I said and walked home.

When I arrived home, I noticed that Jieun was not home. I went to the kitchen to find something to eat when I saw a box and a homemade pancakes beside it. I went closer and read what was on the box.

Happy 4thanniversary!!  Please open this box!! It’s really important! It’s will probably be my last present to you, so please don’t throw it.

“Stupid girl,” I mumbled.

I opened the box and saw letters inside and some stuff toys in it.

Dear L.joe,

        I want you to know that, I love you,]. I know it’s sudden but I felt this since the first day I met you. But I’m scared to confess to you so I decided  to write a letter to you. But anyway, I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH LEE BYUNGHUN!!!  Hehe  ^_^

                                                                                      From Lee Jieun, on 9/8/09


L.Joe annyeong!!

          I know we haven’t talk to each other since like, forever. This is not the kind of useless letter. But yeah. I have something to tell you but I just don’t have the guts to tell you in person. I have leukemia . And I’m not going to take the therapy since you said it yourself, that you would be happy if I were to vanished from your life. So, I decided to do just that.

           Aigoo, I’m crying now, weird aren’t i? Heh. I wish that you will be happier when I leave you. Find a beautiful wife that would love you more than I do, but that will seem impossible since I love you too much. Have beautiful kids and enjoy your life with your new family. Even though I’m gone, I hope you will still remember me. I Love You.

                                                                                              Love, Kim Jieun. 10/11/11


Kim, Kim. She used her father last name instead of mine. I have leukemia. What kind of stupid husband am I?! I don’t even know that my own wife is suffering. I look deeper inside the box.  I saw a small teddy bear that I bought for Jieun for her 17thbirthday. She still keep it, even though it’s cheap. I then found pendent. A pendent that Jieun bought for me for Christmas, but I just threw it in the dust bin .


“Byunghun! Look what I bought!!” Jieun said but I ignored her and continued watching the Dream High.

“It’s your Christmas present!! My friend said that if you wish something that you really want  to come true, it will!!”

I snatched the pendent from Jieun, “ I wish that Jieun will die as soon as possible.”

I Waited for a while but nothing happened,” This thing is bull! You’re still alive!”

I didn’t realized that Jieun was crying and went back to take the pendent.


No! NOO!! My wish can’t come true now! I just realized that I’m in love with Lee Jieun, my wife. I grabbed the pendent and ran to where ever I thought Jieun would be.

3rd person p.o.v

L.joe took half an hour looking around the neighborhood, but still no Jieun. L.joe was scared, scared that Jieun is going to leave him. Just then, L,joe saw a beautiful girl standing in the open air with her hands wide open. That’s it, that’s Jieun. L.joe ran up to her but stop just behind her.

“Jieun,” L.joe whispered.

                Jieun turned around and saw L.joe standing right infront of her.

“L-L.Joe,” she stuttered, her lips was purple as grapes, her face was as pale as a piece of paper. But she was still beautiful.

L.joe wanted to say something but his voice won’t come out. Jieun smiled and turned to her original position.

“ Lee Byunghun!!! I love you!!” she shouted I  the open space.

L.joe went beside her but there was a good 1 meter gap between them ,” I love you too!!!”

Jieun looked at L.joe with a teary smile and said ,” I can die happily now.”

With that, she fell onto the ground which was full of snow. L.joe could not believe his eyes. He went to Jieun and hugged her, transferring his body heat to hers. At the same time, kissing her fore head.

“ Jieun!! Wake up! Open your eyes!!” L.Joe said as he hit Jieun’s cheeks lightly. He went nearer and kissed her now, cold as ice lips. Shiver went down his spine, not because the kiss was the greatest he had ever had, but because she was too cold.

“Let her survive!! I just want to tell her that I love her 1 last time!! PLEASE!!” l.joe shout into the sky. L.joe didn’t notice that the pendent inside his pocket did some sparks.

“Are you a family member of Lee Jieun?” the doctor asked l.joe.

“Yes! I am. How’s she? Did she survive?”  l.joe starting booming the doctor with questions.

“ She surprisingly survive! This is a miracle!!” the doctor told L.joe what happened and told him that he could see Jieun.

L.joe went in and saw sleeping Jieun. He sat beside her and took her hands I his and drifted to neverland (see wat I did there? XP)

The next morning he woke up to see smiling Jieun.

“I’m alive?” she asked.

“Yes, jagiya, you’re alive.”

Jieun blushed when L.joe called her jagiya.

“Jieun, I’m sorry about everything I did to you, I love you okay?”

L.joe leaned in and pressed his lips against Jieun’s. Sparks flew everywhere. They  broke the kiss and looked into each other eyes before kssing again.


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chelsea123 #1
chelsea123 #2
chelsea123 #3
Oh fml I tot I made.paragraps =_=
KameFishy #4
I looove ur fic
Update soon
soniaoh951 #5
wat is ?