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"Make Leo jealous?" N thought, "No way! It'll never work, especially not on that lion..." N kept pacing in the kitchen trying to come up with another idea to get Leo's attention on him. "Should I cross-dress?" N thought, maybe... maybe... as he look around the living room, he found a couple like on the couch and he didn't like it a bit.  Leo and Ken is sitting close together... Way too close together and Ken is hugging Leo. "What the hell.. Leo barely let me hug him, so why is he letting Ken hug him?" N thought. N decides to break them apart so he decided to walk towards the living room. "Leo~ what are you doing?" Said N as he put both of his arms around Leo trying to push him away. Leo try to escape from N but N is not letting go, he is hugging Leo really tight and it's annoying the lion. "Stop N" Leo said quietly but N heard him. "Why? Why can't I hug you? You've been so busy lately and I barely have time to be with you, just let me hug you for now." N said feeling irritated. "I'm tired" Leo said. "Liar... You always say that but you let Ken hug you." N mumbles but Leo heard him.

"What are you trying to say?" Leo said. Ken decided to leave the couple alone as he felt a storm is going to come. "You've been closer to Ken than to me and that's wrong..." N said, "I am your boyfriend, how come you don't let me hug you?" "You're being ridiculous" Leo said feeling even more irritated as he stand up to leave. "You don't love me, do you?" N said, hoping Leo will tell him that he loves him. "If you don't trust me, why are you even dating me then?" Leo said as he walked into his shared r

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Chapter 5: omg hahahaha this is hilarious and i love it! hahaha esp that front page news got me rolling on the floor hahaha
ConnorNight #2
Chapter 5: Are you planning on finishing this story? I'm curious because I really like it.
Umin92 #3
Chapter 5: Are u on hiatus?
ConnorNight #4
Chapter 5: Your story is really good :) please update
Claudy1410 #5
Chapter 5: I like your story, please update soon ...:)
Chapter 5: I guess that paparazzi dun heard Leo's screaming of "N is mine" part!! Anyway good chap!! Keep going!! ^^
priscila2909 #7
Chapter 5: hello author-nim... i'm new reader here... your story is good, but i'm feel this is too short... hope you update soon, and maybe more longer... hhe
glamour_4502 #8
Chapter 4: Pls update soon! :)
DevilNextToYou #9
Please update soon >_<
mischief-user #10
Chapter 4: Ohhh!! This story is amazing!