F for Flamingo

From A to Z: My Story of Krystal Jung
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We had a school trip. Uhm..it's not that interesting, only went to Seoul Grand Park, but what did I expect for five graders' trip? One more thing, we had to draw one of the animals there.

After listening to what the teacher said, I still haven't thought what animal I should draw. Doohwan and Sungjoo, my best friends in elementary school, have already gone where the elephants were. Seriously that's so lame to draw those big animals. I needed something more challenging than elephant. I just thought that because elephant was drawn many times in our art class, not that because I was good at drawing.

I was still standing in front of the bus when I caught Krystal headed to somewhere, alone. Usually she almost never been far away from her noisy girl friends. So it's just a little bit surprise me that she walked by herself. The weird thing was my feet suddenly walked without I asked and followed her.

She stopped in front of a big outdoor cage. There's a pond inside and a lot of big birds with pink bright color who owned that cage. Some of them were drinking from the pond and the other were wandering around. I looked at the board in the fence which said 'Flamingo. Species: James's Flamingo. From: Argentina'. Ah...so they are flamingoes, I thought to myself.


I almost forgot that Krystal was there too. She's sat already on the bench with drawing book in her hands and the pencil colors beside her.

"Do you want to draw them too?" She asked while looking at me.

"Ehmmmm...I guess so!" I scratched my neck.

"Then sit with me!" She tapped the empty spot near her pencil colors. Well th

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KimChi_24 #1
Chapter 27: awwwww<3<3<3
Chapter 27: this is beautiful. damn beautiful
Chapter 25: i wanted to use some emojis herw but i cant because it will turn out like this (???)
Chapter 19: the problem’s cominggg
Chapter 17: thank u queensland
Chapter 16: :( cute
Chapter 15: kinda wanna punch some sense to that bastard yet he was the one that made this happened
Chapter 15: short but happiness. yEEHAW