Chapter 8

The Lies I Told You

Yoongi was released from the hospital later that day after a few precautionary warnings from the doctor. For the next week, he was told that he shouldn’t go to practice – something he was secretly grateful for – and he should avoid any heavy lifting or excessive stress so his body had time to heal properly. The doctor also suggested that someone watch over him for a while, just in case he collapsed again. It was likely that everything would be fine but until the test results came back in a few days, she just wanted to be careful. She was one of those better-safe-than-sorry doctors, a trait that juggled between comforting, reassuring, and annoying.

Jimin and Jungkook offered to stay home with Yoongi; it was the most logical option. Both of them already had the choreography down and needed the least amount of practice. Hoseok knew the dance by heart too but a third person was unnecessary and he couldn’t bear the thought of being away from Taehyung all day for a whole week. Yoongi hated that he was going to have two babysitters, especially when they were both younger than him, but the manager ordered him to follow all of the suggestions the doctor gave. He didn’t understand why he needed one person watching over him, let alone two, but he didn’t argue.

Before leaving the hospital, the doctor promised to call Yoongi in a couple of days with the results of his tests but assured him that he was probably going to be fine. He thanked her and quickly rushed off to meet the others down the hall. It had been a relief to be able to go home and rest in his own bed after the day he had.

“Do you need anything? Are you hungry? Jungkook and I are making dinner. Jimin is helping too,” Seokjin walked into his room where Yoongi was resting quietly in his bed. He wasn’t really tired at the moment but he didn’t want to move either; he had been in his bed since he got home a few hours ago. Everyone left him alone but they would continuously ask each other if the other thought he was alright. They always responded with a half-hearted statement about how he was going to be fine – just a little sore for a while –because, in reality, no one knew for sure but they didn’t want to think anything could possibly be wrong with Yoongi. The only person who could speak with certainty was Jungkook, who knew that Yoongi was alright and that nothing was ailing him aside from a bit of extra stress, a little more exhaustion than usual, and the injuries from his fall. It was comforting to everyone to have somebody who was sure of Yoongi’s health; that was especially soothing for Jimin, who was beside himself.

“I’m a bit hungry, but I’m fine otherwise. Thanks hyung,” Yoongi bowed his head slightly.

“Alright, I’ll get you when dinner is ready,” Seokjin smiled before heading over to Namjoon’s bed and grabbing a few of the things that had been cluttering it. Yoongi looked at him curiously, “he figured that you’d want to be alone for a while so he’s trying to stay out of your way but he wanted to work on some lyrics. He asked me to bring him some of his stuff since I was coming in here anyway.”

“I see,” he nodded. “I guess that was nice of him. He really does know me.”

“He’s a good leader and a good friend, that’s his job.”

“Do you really love him?” The question came as a shock and Seokjin paused for a second.

“He’s my boyfriend.”

“That’s not the same. You’re different from Hoseok and Taehyung.”

“Of course, we aren’t kids,” Seokjin laughed.

“Namjoon is younger than Hoseok, in case you forget that sometimes. He doesn’t show it often but he is. But that isn’t what I mean.”

“I know.”

“Then why are you with him?”

“Because I love him.”

“But it’s different, isn’t it?”

“I wish it wasn’t,” Seokjin sighed and looked at the notebooks and papers in his arms. He genuinely wished that he could return Namjoon’s feelings right now. Time was the only thing that he could rely on to change his heart – that and Namjoon. Even if it was different, he did love Namjoon; everything about him was wonderful. Their personalities rarely clashed and if Seokjin was a princess, then Namjoon was a prince and a knight but that didn’t change anything.

“I do too. I love Namjoon. He’s a good guy – one of my best friends – and I care about him. I know you don’t want to hurt him so I really hope that you love him more than I do, at least that would be a start,” to Seokjin, these words sounded harsh; even if Yoongi was blunt and cold, he knew what Seokjin needed to hear, no matter how bad it stung. He had no idea if his love for Namjoon was stronger than Yoongi’s but he wanted to believe that it was. It would feel less cruel if that was true.

“I love him more,” he tried to convince everyone in the room.

“More than anyone?”

“I don’t know.”

“Then work on that,” Yoongi spoke; it felt as if he was warning him or scolding him for failing to answer correctly. He nodded and turned around to leave, “it’s alright if you don’t know right now but you should figure out if you even can. It’s fine if you can never love him. I won’t think any less of you but I’m saying this for his sake: if you can’t, dump him right away. The longer you keep this up, the more it’s going to hurt. And that’s going to hurt you too so think about that.”

“I will,” Seokjin walked to the door, his heart pounding in his chest. Suddenly, something came to mind that caused him to turn around, “but I think there’s someone you need to be thinking about too. I know you aren’t oblivious. It’s going to come up at some time and you know that. Anyway, I appreciate your advice. I’ll get you in while. Please rest.”

“Alright,” Yoongi’s face was blank, he didn’t think anyone else had noticed – actually, thinking back, Namjoon probably knew too. Aside from himself, those two were always the most observant s he had ever known. It was creepy how much they picked up on. He laughed; they were perfect for each other.

Unfortunately, he knew Seokjin was right. It was becoming more obvious that his relationship with Jimin was progressing into something more. He could see that in Jimin’s eyes when he fell – worry flooded them and the painful look he gave Yoongi was suffocating. Never in his life had Yoongi seen a look like that from Jimin. It meant something; it had to mean something. Yoongi shut his eyes and just as he did, he remembered the sound of Jimin’s voice while he was unconscious. That sweet voice rang in his ears, distant and miserable:

. . .I promise to take better care of you from now on, so please, don’t ever do this again. I don’t care if you’re just a tough, stubborn, cold, independent, little head. I am staying by your side. I must be insane. . .

That was all he could remember. Jimin’s voice faded and Yoongi wished he could remember every word Jimin had said to him while he was out and every gentle touch he was deprived of. It was that thought that hit him. Realization settled deep in his chest; Yoongi wondered if his eyes were as revealing as Jimin’s. This craving – his buried and restrained desire for Jimin’s care – it said it all. It meant something; he was at least sure of that.


~A/N: Just wondering, would you guys prefer if I give the chapters and actual name or is it okay as is? And sorry there is basically no fluffy cuteness in this one

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readereads #1
What Ive been searching for, really. Hwaiting for the next chapter ??
Chapter 21: I am shook. Jungkook plsssss pt. 2 and is it just me or does he seem waAaAy more mature •-•
Chapter 18: Jungkook plsssssss TT
Chapter 8: Your story teaches life lessons o_o idk maybe you just have nice word play
Chapter 6: my heartteu!! ! ughhuhgh your writing has me in circles hehee that was a compliment I swear
Chapter 4: How am I now just discovering this..? AMAZINGgggGggG
Chapter 21: Yep and I'm crying again. Great :')
Sandeuller #8
Chapter 21: Wow I was not expecting this. It's amazing, though!
catattackj #9
Chapter 21: Whoa this is so serious and intense. I love it so much
Fang-Fang #10
Chapter 21: Oh my god... this has me shook