3 Girl Girls Girls

The Risk of Love (still in progress)

Niel's Pov: 

It became the afternoon and I left the toy store to check around back and sure enough I saw Hyung-Sik. 

"Hey Loser"-Hyung-Sik 

"Quit talking too yourself"-Niel 

He gave me a smirk and stood in front of me. 

"yah....lets just talk...I won't tire you out..."-Hyung-Sik 

"What the H*ll... do you want hyungsik?"-Niel 

He crossed his arms and said "Nothing...we just felt like coming over"


He laughed and said "Listen...we don't talk too girls from the south so you slim balls can't have ours...I saw Chun Ji with Min Woo's woman..tell him to back off or-"

"Min Woo's woman? More like sugar mom..."-Niel 

Hyung shik shoved Niel 

"Yah kid...watch your mouth,,,she ain't my girl so I ain't gonna mess with you but if any of you touch our girls again..your gonna regret it."- Hyung Shik 

Niel shoved Hyung-Sik back and said "Same for you" 

Hyung-Sik spat and walked away and Niel went back to meet with the rest of Teen Top 


Hikari just came home and I am preparing her Lunch. I hid her gifts well and even wrapped them. 

I feel really old and unwanted for some reasons. 

I mean,,,I think it's because I feel like a single mom. 

I have a crush on a boy who was my neighbor but won't consider me because I have a kid and I have back aches from carrying Hikari around and my feet hurt and I work and go to school online. I mean...I'm lonely...

I shouldn't feel like this. 

Why am I even here? 

Jang Mi's mom came and dropped off Hikari, Hikari handed me a paper and it was a coloring sheet she attempted to color. I stared at her and then I remembered.. 

I am here for you...


Niel's Story 

All of Teen Top met back at Chun Ji's place. 

"So...you couldn't keep it in your pants huh?"-Cap 

"Ha..She bought me a drink and I couldn't refuse"-Chun Ji 

"tsk tsk hyung"-Ricky 

"You'll understand later"-Chun Ji 

"Yah...did Min Woo fight you?"-L.Joe 

"Nah"-Chun Ji 

The guys kept talking to Chun Ji about this women. 

Niels Pov 

I wonder if that girl...no..she can't be...well...nah she doesn't look like the type of girl to be around Zea. Maybe she has a boyfriend...nah she looks single...wait she must be married or have a baby daddy if she was at the store...I want to ask her- 

My thoughts were cut off by Cap 

"Are you okay?"-CAP

"Yeah I zoned out at how boring Chun Ji's love life is"-Niel 

"Yah"-Chun JI 


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SupaKawaii #1
Chapter 2: Please tell me what you think! ^^