Chapter 2

Take Me Away

Dongho hadn’t taken it easily.

As soon as the words slipped from her lips he put up walls and shut off his emotions. She couldn't leave him. She was his best friend, how could she just leave him?

“Ok.” He stated simply, retracting his arms from around her and giving her a sideways glance. “When?”

“Next Saturday.” She said, swallowing a rather large lump that had settled in .

Dongho nodded and pressed his lips together.

“I see. What time?”

“Early afternoon.” She sighed.

Once again, he just nodded.

“So… could we… I mean… We can at least have ice cream again, right?”

Dongho paused for a moment to consider it.

“I guess so.” He forced a smile and she set the cup down on the bedside table.

“And we’ll be able to meet up from time to time. We can skype, we can text, we can call.” She sighed. “You’re my best friend, and I don’t want something as petty as distance to ruin that.”

Dongho nodded and stood up, walking towards the door.

“Of course.” He stated, “Sorry but… Could you come back later maybe? I have a lot to do, and I’m not supposed to have people over when my parents are out.” He stated, opening the door and heading down the stairs.

Seungjin nodded.

“Ok, I’ll see you later.” She said softly as she made her way to the door.

Dongho forced himself to reach out and ruffle her hair, before he watched her leave.

Almost as soon as she had told him he seemed to grow distant immediately.

Seungjin hunched her shoulders as she began walking down the road, if this is what their relationship would be like now, she wasn’t sure it was going to last. They had been so close for such a long time, and it hurt her to think that it could all be gone in a matter of what? Minutes? Days? Weeks? If he were to remain like this with her, she doubted their friendship would last even a month.

He closed the door and turned around, letting his composure slip, tears soon began to roll down his cheeks as he headed upstairs to his room, throwing himself down onto his bed and letting out a loud cry.

Seungjin was the thing that kept him stable. He could get through these painful weeks knowing he got to see her at the end of it, and now that she was leaving he had nothing else. Usually he didn’t care about being bullied; usually he didn’t care about not having and friends. And that was because he had her.

Now she was gone and he had nothing.

It was just difficult for Dongho to admit that really, she was more than his friend.

She was his first love.

And now… She was gone.


Closing the door behind her, she let out a sigh and closed her eyes.

This was not what she wanted. She didn’t even want to move, let alone leave Dongho. What was happening was out of her control and she really hoped he would understand that.

“Seungjin? Are you home?” Her mother came out from the kitchen wearing a tired expression. She nodded stiffly and began to make her way to her room. “I’m sorry.” Her mother continued, stopping her immediately. “I know it’s hard on you, but it could be a good thing. It’s a chance for a fresh start, meet new people, make new friends. Just try and be positive about it, ok?”

Seungjin didn’t respond, just disappeared into her room. It wasn’t a good thing at all. She didn’t need her mother to sugar coat it for her, she wasn’t stupid. She knew her friendship with Dongho was going to suffer for this, and that was the last thing she wanted. He’d already practically disowned her.

That afternoon she refused to leave her room, she struggled to sleep for her crying kept her awake, and all she could think about was how different everything would be this time next week.


Before she knew it, it was Saturday again. She had said goodbye to her parents, they had left for America in the early hours of the morning, and it was time for her to go meet Dongho.

She pulled on a pretty blue floral dress and put on her white ballet flats, grabbing her purse as she made her way to the door, shutting and locking it behind her. Right now, she was going to see Dongho before she left. Having ice cream together for the last time.

She walked into the ice cream parlor, smiling seeing he was already there.

“Hey!” She grinned, walking over to him. They had agreed to meet there, since they wouldn’t have as long together today. Seungjin’s taxi was booked for early that afternoon, so she had to be back in enough time.

“Hey.” He smiled sadly at her.

She sighed sitting down beside him, placing her order before looking back up at him, noticing the hurt etched into his soft features.

“You’re angry at me?” It was more of a question than a statement as she had intended. That shocked Dongho and he looked at her with wide eyes. Why would she think that? He had no reason to be angry with her.

“I’m not angry.” He bit his lip. “I’m just… I’m upset I don’t get to see you anymore. I don’t want to stop being your friend. I don’t want to stop eating ice cream with you every week.” He pouted sadly.

That was the truth for both of them. Neither of them wanted to be separated. Seungjin didn't want to leave her best friend. And Dongho didn't want to leave the first girl he had ever fallen in love with.

It wasn't like Dongho wanted to keep her all to himself - far from it - He knew she didn't love him, and thought of him as nothing more than just a friend. All Dongho wanted was for Seungjin to be happy. If this were her decision, he would have been a lot more accepting of it, it would be what she wanted to do. But this definitely wasn't her choice. And that made him devastated. He had to part with her painfully. There wouldn't be an easy way of doing this.

"Oh God!" Seungjin exclaimed as she glanced at the time on her phone. "I have a taxi booked, I'll have to set off soon, I don't want to be late for it."

Dongho pursed his lips. He contemplated.

"Let me walk you home?" He offered, finishing his mouthful of ice cream and standing up, extending his hand to her.

Seungjin's eyes wandered from his soft features, ghosting over the rolled up sleeves of his white and blue check shirt, before she settles her gaze on his softly tanned hands.

"Ok." She muttered, taking hold of his hand as she stood up, letting him pull her out of the shop.

Outside the weather was bright. It was the early summer, and made for a pleasant stroll back to Seungjin's house. It was warm, breezy, the birds were singing, and both of them almost forgot why they were going to Seungjin's house. Until of course they arrived.

She went inside and up to her room, retrieving her suitcases and bringing them downstairs. The house looked so bare and empty since her parents had had most of the furniture moved into her new home. She took one last glance around at the deserted building that once had been called her home, before shutting and locking the door for good.

"Ready to leave?" Dongho asked softly, glancing over at the gleaming black taxi that waited for her on the street.

Seungjin her lips and looked up at him.

"Yeah." She smiled, walking to the trunk to put her cases in, Dongho following reluctantly to help her. They finished putting the cases in and Dongho turned to her, his eyes soft.

"You don't have to do this you know." He said. For a moment Seungjin thought he was joking, or that he was saying it for the sake of saying it, but the serious look on his face told her otherwise. His arms hung limply by his sides, he looked at her with a saddened expression, his eyes swirling with a sea of emotions Seungjin had failed to notice in the looks he gave her before. "You don't have to go if you don't want to." He tried again, glancing down at his hands as he fidgeted nervously, his soft dark hair falling in front of his features, hiding the look of pain he currently had etched into his expression.

"Dongho." She chucked softly, her eyes shining as she looked up at him, she didn't want to leave, but she had to, and he wasn't making it any easier for either of them. "You know I can't stay. My family sold the house, I've already transferred schools, it is too late." She reached out, gently the tanned skin of his arm. His eyes shot up to look at her, pleading with her, although he knew their fate was sealed.

"You could stay with me, have your schools transferred again. You don't have to do anything you don't want to, no one can make you do anything you don't want to."

"Please." She begged, pulling away from him as she looked away from him. "Don't make this any harder than it has to be for me." She looked back up to meet his eyes and smiled softly.

He sighed and pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly, burying his face in her hair, wanting to stay there forever. She was right, he couldn't make her feel bad when he had to say goodbye to her.

"I'm going to miss you." He mumbled, trying his best not to cry in front of her, he hadn't once, and he wouldn't now.

"I'm going to miss you too." She replied, her voice muffled in his shirt.

"I love you." He confessed, his heart beating rapidly as the words slipped out.

"I love you too." She replied, pulling away as she smiled at him.

Dongho's heart sunk. She didn't mean it like he did. She never would. It would have been much better if she just hadn't said anything.

"I'll see you soon." She smiled, kissing him on the cheek, not giving him any chance to react before she was in the taxi, fighting back her tears as she told the driver to set off.

Dongho waited until the cab was fully out of sight before he his heels, beginning the tiring and dreary walk back to his house, the tears blurring his vision as he walked.


It had been two days since Seungjin had moved into her new house. It was only small. But there was a living room with a cooking area (it could hardly be called a kitchen - it was tiny!) A bedroom, and a bathroom. It wasn't much, but Seungjin had settled in almost right away. She wasn't a person to require too much space, and so this was just perfect for her. It was a nice house, and she could find her way around pretty well. The school she attended was just up the road, the closest supermarket was within walking distance, and there was a nearby park which seemed fairly large, and unoccupied most of the time.

But of course, not all could go down well. It was her first day of school tomorrow, and Seungjin was dreading it.

She woke up early in the morning. Taking her time to shower, dry and straighten her hair, put on a little makeup, her new school uniform, and have some breakfast. She had been worrying for a while about this. What if she didn't get on with anyone? What if everyone hated her? What if she could make no new friends? What if she was bullied? What if she didn't understand the topics? What if she wasn't as clever as them? What if she was the dumbest in her class? What if the teacher picked on her.

Finally, she set off, walking up the road and seeing a lot of other students making their way into school at the same time as her. She her lips and set off inside, she was just going to have to brave it. Once the first day was over and done with, the rest of this was going to be easy.

Looking around, she realized, she hadn't a clue where to go.

She tried to ask a few people the direction to the principles office, but all of them either ignored her, or hurriedly brushed past, claiming they were late to their class.

It wasn't long before she saw a tall guy walk through the door like he hadn't a care in the world,He was handsome and had lightly colored hair. From where Seungjin stood, she could see he had an eyebrow pierced and seemed to be walking through the school like he owned it. He looked a little arrogant and rude, but she thought she might as well try asking him. At least there was a chance she wouldn't be rudely ignored like everyone else.

"Excuse me!" She said loudly, stepping in front of him to block his path.

The boy stopped walking when he noticed the small girl stood in front of him.

'Sup?" He smirked. "Come to confess your love for me? What did you bring me?" He chuckled, leaning over so he was eye level with her.

Seungjin frowned, breaking his intense gaze, and looked around, only now noticing the amount of girls walking past this boy, whispering and chatting amongst themselves, staring in awe at him, and sending death glares in her direction. Ok, he wasn't a celebrity or anything... right?

"What?" She frowned. "Look, I just wondered where the principles office is." She muttered.

"Oh." He looked a little taken aback. "You came here for Kevin, right?" He clicked his tongue in distaste as he looked down at her.

"What?" She repeated, not even knowing who this 'Kevin' was. "Look, I just moved here, and I'm looking to see the principle." She stated.

"You're not madly in love with me then?" The boy asked, his eyes widening.

Wow he had nice eyes.

Seungjin shook her head, trying to rid herself of the though. This was a guy she had only just met! He seemed like an absolute jerk too! Why would she be madly in love with him?

"You're not madly in love with Kevin either?" He asked, raising an eyebrow, both shock and amusement in his expression.

"Who's Kevin?" She found herself beginning to loose her patience. Maybe she would have preferred it if he had just ignored her.

There was a short silence as the boy straightened up, pulling his phone out and quickly tapping on the screen.

"Wait a moment." He smirked. "I'll show you."

Seungjin nodded hesitantly, before hurriedly shaking her head.

"Look, I really need to be making my way to the principals office, I have to-"

"Don't worry." The boy interrupted her. "Look." He smirked, pointing towards the staircase. "That's Kevin." He finished, giving his friend a small wave, before slipping his hand back into his trouser pocket.

Seungjin followed his gaze and was suddenly paralyzed. She couldn't move. She couldn't breathe. She couldn't do anything except stare at the blonde boy walkign down the stairs. Ok. Yes. Yes she was in love with Kevin. Wow. Angels were real. Or was he a God?

"Eli!" Kevin's light, sweet voice rang through the air as he approached the couple standing in the foyer. "Oh, who's this?" He asked, smiling down at Seungjin.

"Kim Seungjin." She answered, bowing politely. "Now could you please tell me where the principals office is?" She asked Kevin. "Your friend wasn't really being much help and I don't particularly want to be too late." She smiled sweetly.

"Of course dear, it's just down there." He said pointing at the corridor to her left. "Turn left, up the stairs, left again, left again, first door on your right." He smiled.

"Thanks!" Seungjin smiled, relieved to be able to set off at last. She followed Kevin's directions and quickly arrived at the principal's office.

Once she was out of sight, Kevin turned to Eli, ignoring the surrounding cries of 'Oppa who was she?' and 'Oppa can't you talk to me once.' And he shook his head.

"Don't be cruel to the new people." He chuckled. "Ah, Eli Kim, will you ever learn?"

"I was being friendly. She totally wants you. So be careful." Eli warned, clinging to his best friend's arm and pulling out his phone, holding it up as he pretended to be taking a picture of the two of them. "Oppaaaa I loooove youuuuuu." He mocked in a high pitched girly voice, causing Kevin to chuckle as he pulled him along to their first lesson of the day.

Sorry for the late update guys, turns out my memory stick deleted most of what I wrote so I had to do it again :/
I have an awards presentation to go to tomorrow and I do not want to.

Thank you for subscribing, and I know there isn't many of you so far, but it's a ukiss kiseopxoc fic, so tbh i wasn't really expecting any subscribers, at least for the first few chapters. So thank you all so much!!

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Chapter 2: update soon!!I'm waiting for kiseop come out in this story^^
Chapter 2: I love it! <3