Chapter 1

Take Me Away

"Wow, you look pretty!" Dongho smiled brightly as Seungjin closed the gate behind her.

"You say that every time you see me." Seungjin huffed, brushing it off as a joke. Dongho gave her compliments all the time, so much so that they were becoming more and more meaningless. Not only that, but his timings would always be spot on. He'd say she smelt nice when she didn't have time to shower in a morning. He'd say her hair looked nice when she had only tied it up in a messy bun to keep it from falling in her face, and he'd tell her that her make up looked good, even when she hadn't put any on.

"Because you do." He shrugged.

"Well thank you Dongho, I'm sure I do, but keep your thoughts to yourself, I'm beginning to think you might like me." She teased, cocking her eyebrow at him and giving him a playful smirk.

"Ew." He wrinkled his nose. "Ok you look horrible. Is that better?"

"Thanks." She chuckled, taking hold of his arm and pulling him up from the swing he was sitting on.

"You're welcome." He chuckled, getting up and slipping his hand into hers, a feeling he completely adored.

Dongho had never had a friend like Seungjin before. When he was younger he had always been nervous around girls and could never talk to them without making himself sound stupid. Maybe it was because the girl he liked when he was four asked him what his favourite food was and he replied with 'blue'.

Dongho had made it a weekly ritual to visit the ice cream parlour, and every week - Saturday morning - He would sit on the bar stool, next to the short girl in the pretty dress. They would always unintentionally end up with the same flavour of blue raspberry. He never had the confidence to speak to her, but he remembers the day he first did as though it was yesterday.


"Hello, what can I get you?" The waitress smiled brightly at Dongho.

"I'll have a blue raspberry with chocolate sprinkles please." He replied.

"And for you?" The waitress asked, turning to the pretty girl sitting beside him.

"Oh, we're not together." She replied, shaking her head. Dongho sighed, wondering what it would be like if they were. Though he knew that was never going to happen. He never even spoke to girls, let alone asked them out for ice cream, even if it wasn't a date.

"Oh, I'm sorry." The waitress apologized. "I just thought... You look like a cute couple together, that's all, I didn't realize." She shook her head before dashing off to get the ice cream, leaving Dongho staring down at the counter in front of him, bright red in the face.

"A couple?" The girl chuckled. "Did you hear her?"

Dongho's eyes widened.


"Uh, yeah..." He let out a soft chuckle, most likely due to his nerves, and scratched the back of his neck.

"We should pretend we are then we can get served faster." She scoffed. "They don't half take their time in this place."

"W...What?" Dongho asked in horror, looking up at her.

"Sorry I was just joking." She laughed, and Dongho let out a sigh of relief. "My name's Seungjin by the way, I think I've seen you here before."

"Dongho." Dongho found himself smiling back at the girl. "You probably have, I come here a lot." He smiled, not giving her the answer he had in his head: 'Of course you have, I sit next to you every week.'



Though that was three years ago already. Every week, they would sit next to one another, and it soon became the normality for both of them to go buy ice cream on a Saturday morning.


"So, what flavour are you going to get this week?" Seungjin asked.

"Is that a joke? We always both get blue raspberry."

"I know, but don't you ever feel like a change?"

"To what? Banana?" Dongho stuck out his tongue and pulled an adorable face of disgust.

"There's nothing wrong with banana! It's... refreshing. Or something sweeter like peanut butter cup?"

"That's too sickly."


"Too tangy."

"Praline pecan?"

"I've never liked the crunchy bits in it."


"Too bitter."

"Mint choc-chip?"

"It's like eating toothpaste."

Seungjin let out a sigh as she tried to think of different flavours of ice cream.

"Cookie dough?"

"Too sweet."

"I give up." She huffed, beginning to swing her and Dongho's interlocked hands as they walked down the path.

"Blue raspberry forever and ever ok." Dongho chuckled, earning a sweet smile from Seungjin, which melted his heart.


"Did you get that project turned in on time?" Seungjin asked through a mouthful of ice cream as she plunged the spoon back into her glass.

"Which one?"

"The one you were fretting over last week." She cocked her eyebrow as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. Dongho looked down, feeling his cheeks flush. He made himself sound really stupid sometimes.

Sighing, he put some more ice cream into his mouth and nodded nonchalantly.

"I did, but I don't think I got a particularly good grade."

"Don't worry, you're smarter than you give yourself credit for." Seungjin traced her tongue over her bottom lip as she pulled out her math paper from her bag, sliding it across the bar to Dongho.

The brunette boy stared down at the piece of paper on the counter top.

"A+?" A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he let go of the spoon, picking up the paper and having a quick flick through it. "This is really good, I told you that you were- Wait. Oh, oh, ok, this is the one I did for you." He gave her a sideways glance, feeling a little awkward as he went back to reading through the paper.

"Alright, no need to rub it in my face." Seungjin smirked. She opened to speak again, when she was cut off by her phone ringing.

Letting out a loud sigh, Seungjin rolled her eyes and fished in her bag for her phone. It was Saturday morning! All she wanted to do was relax with Dongho, why would anyone interrupt her now unless it was an emergency?

"Hello?" She asked, answering the phone when she saw her mother's name on the caller ID. Dongho sat looking at her, wondering who could be calling her when she was busy spending time with him. His expression must have shown it, because when Seungjin looked up and met eyes with him, she mouthed a 'sorry' and cocked her head to the side with frustration, pursing her lips into a cute pout.

Dongho, unfortunately, could only hear one side of the conversation. He did his best to work out what Seungjin was talking about, but it only ended with him becoming even more confused.

"No. Oh, Mom! That's not fair! I always come out on a Saturday and you know that! No. Just a little longer. About an hour. What?! No. Mom please! Can't we just- Fine. Yeah, ok, I'll be there in ten." She sighs, rolling her eyes and stuffing her phone back into her pocket and making a face.

Dongho raised an eyebrow at her.

"I'm sorry." Seungjin sighs, shovelling another spoonful of ice cream into before looking up at him. "I have to go home. Mother wants to see me urgently." She forces a smile and kisses him lightly on the cheek, before rushing to the door. "I'll see you next week!" She calls as she's about to leave.

"Yeah, see you later!" Dongho beams, waving her goodbye before turning back to his half empty dish of ice cream and sighing. Seungjin had never just left him halfway through the ice cream. Never. It really must have been an emergency, but hey, at least he got a kiss to make up for it. He smiled to himself and ran his fingertips across his cheek.


"I'm home!" Seungjin called when she opened the door to her house and stepped inside, kicking off her shoes.

“We’re in the kitchen.” Her mom’s voice was monotone and immediately Seungjin knew something was wrong.

She walked into the kitchen and took an apple from the bowl.

“What’s wrong?” She asked, taking a bite as she looked at her parents and younger brother, whom were all sitting round the table with darkened expressions. “Mom.” She urged, when no one replied to her. “What’s going on?”

“Seungjin I think it would be best if you sat down.” Her mother stated firmly, not looking up from the table.

Seungjin’s mouth opened as she began to speak, but her words refused to come out. Her eyes flickered between her parents, before she looked back down at her brother, who only stared back at her with blank eyes.

“Go on then.” She urged, sitting down and her lips, placing her apple down on the wooden table.

“We’re moving.” Her mother stated simply, still not looking up at her.

“What?” She asked suddenly. “Where to?”

“America.” Her father answered, once her mother’s silence had made it clear that she wasn’t going to answer that.

Seungjin’s eyes widened, and her head snapped up.

“What?! When?!” She cried and her father could only shake his head.

“Just us. Me, your mother and Yunhan. You’re staying.” He clarified, making her even more shocked.

“But why… Why would you… Dad… You can’t just.”

“I was offered a job, and the way the rent is going…” He trailed off and shook his head. “We’re selling the house, we’ve found you a cheap flat in Jongno-gu, we’ve had you enrolled at a local school.”

Seungjin’s eyes widened even further.

“I’m moving to Seoul?!” She cried, immediately standing up, falling open in disbelief.

Her mother could only nod.

“I know it’s short notice but-“

“Short notice?! What do you mean?! When am I going?!”

“Next Saturday.”

“This is ridiculous!” She snapped, before storming out of the kitchen, and fleeing to her room.

“Seungjin wait! I know it’s a shock but don’t be too mad with us, we didn’t have another choice!” Her mother shouted, but to no avail.

Throwing herself down onto her bed, she kicked her legs and let out a muffled growl into her pillow. It was alright for her parents, they were swanning off to live the high life in America, and she was being dumped in a new town, with new people, all by herself.

At the same time, it wasn’t really their fault. Her dad was right. They needed the money, and to Seungjin, it was an important time of her school life, she couldn’t afford to move to America when her grades were so important in this next couple of years.

She let out a few more groans before picking up her phone and scrolling through her contacts.

‘Are you still out? I’m free again now~’ She typed in, before sending the message to Dongho.

‘Yeah ^^ I finished your ice cream T.T ~ I’m sorry~~ I’ll meet you at the park again?’

‘Can’t I come over to yours? I’m not in the mood for being outside >.<’

She sighed and got off the bed, rushing back down stairs, putting on her shoes and leaving, ignoring her mother when she tried to ask where she was going.

‘Yeah, of course… Are you ok? :(‘

‘Yeah, I’ll be there soon~’

She stuffed her phone back into her bag and set off on her way to Dongho’s house, knocking on the door as soon as she got there.

“Hey.” He greeted her with a small smile when he opened the door.

“Hey.” She said softly, as he stepped aside to let her into the house.

Not a second after the door was closed and Seungjin couldn’t control it any longer. She covered her face with her hands and her body shook gently as she began to cry.

“Seungjin!” Dongho squeaked, immediately throwing his arms around her and pulling her into a tight hug. “Seungjin sweetheart what’s wrong? Please don’t cry darling. What happened?”

She couldn’t reply, she just continued to cry, finding Dongho’s embrace comforting.

“It’s ok.” He soothed her, gently rubbing her back. “It’s ok, let’s just go upstairs hm? Go wait on my bed and I’ll make you a cup of hot chocolate, and you can tell me everything. Alright?”

Seungjin nodded, giving a small sniffle as she pulled away from him and slowly headed up the stairs.

Dongho let out a shaky breath, biting his lower lip as he turned to go into the kitchen.

He made her a cup of cocoa, his hands shaking as scenarios raced through his mind.

First she had to go home early, for something that couldn’t wait, and now she was here, crying over something, and she wouldn’t tell him what it was.

He couldn’t stand to see her upset. He’d give anything for her happiness, yet it seemed that pain was inevitable. She was going to unhappy, and if he couldn’t prevent it, then he had to fix it.

Opening the door, he found her sitting on the edge of his bed, looking down at her lap as tears streamed down her face.

“Here.” He said softly, sitting down beside her and gently taking hold of her hands, curling them round the warm mug.

“Thanks.” She managed to mumble out.

He looked away and let out a small sigh, as he fidgeted with his fingers.

She gently sipped the drink, staring absent-mindedly at the wall.

“Seungjin.” Dongho finally broke the silence. “Please… Just tell me what’s wrong.” He sighed. “I can’t stand to see you so upset.” He gently ran his fingers through her hair. “What happened?”

She shook her head and took one final sip before she spoke.

“Please.” She sighed, glancing up at him. “Just give me a minute to appreciate your company.” She said softly, tilting her head to the side to rest it on his shoulder, and letting out a soft sigh of content.

“Alright sweetheart.” He smiled, wrapping his arms around her waist as he pressed his lips against her hair.

As much as he wanted to know what was wrong with her, Seungjin’s happiness came first, and if it made her happy to just sit with him for a while first, then that was ok.

He was happy to able to hold her, and make her feel like her problems were all gone, if only even just for a moment.

She was happy to just be with him, he was the best friend she had ever had, and the bittersweet feeling of being sat in his arms was sweet enough for her. She didn’t want to leave. She didn’t want to stop being able to see him. She didn’t want them to grow apart.

All she wanted was to eat blue raspberry ice cream and spend time with her friend.

“I got home and they just told me.” She sighed. “And at such short notice too.

Dongho didn’t reply. He just stayed silent, and patiently waited for her to continue.

“I don’t want to Dongho.” She said softly, looking up into his eyes. “But I haven’t got a choice.”

“Tell me Seungjin.” He stated plainly. “Whatever it is, it’s going to be ok, I’m here for you, remember? I’ll look after you, I’ll make it all better.”

“I’m moving to Seoul.”

Here is your first chapter! I hope you like it!! Gaah~ I do feel very sorry for them but what can we do? I'm a cruel person!
Happy new year!!! :D I hope you all have a wonderful 2015!!!


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Chapter 2: update soon!!I'm waiting for kiseop come out in this story^^
Chapter 2: I love it! <3