
The Difference Between Us

Something felt off about the night. Maybe it was the way someone smiled at another as they walked by, or maybe it was the insane laugh that echoed through the dark alleyway. “That’ll teach you to call me short,” an indeed vertically challenged redhead said, stepping over the body of his latest kill. “‘Drink more milk,’  they said, ‘you might get taller.’ they said. You won’t be saying much any more. Wanna know why? Because you’re dead!” Cue the maniacal laughing once again.

It is only when a wandering fly decides it likes the redhead’s mouth that the cackles ceased, replaced instead with hacking coughs. This man had always been quite the drama queen (but if one were to ask him, he would deny everything), so it came as no surprise when he fell to the floor ‘gasping’ for breath.

“I’m too beautiful to die!” Was his continuous mantra as he reached his arm outwards, crawling along the asphalt.

He wasn’t always this crazy. He had been sane once... a very, very long time ago. It was a dark and gloomy night when the small string of his sane mentality snapped, no one- not even himself- quite knows what happened to cause this change, but he had never been the same since. Of course the constant murders he committed weren’t the greatest therapy in the world, but who was the rest of Arakad to judge? They were doing the same thing.

After his dramatic fall and coughing fit, he picked himself off of the ground, dusting his clothes of the black grit that had gathered. He cleared his throat and looked around, making sure that no one had noticed his momentary lapse of his ‘cool guy’ image. Closing his eyes for a moment, he looked inside himself to see his power count.

His last kills had gained him about twenty more abilities each, adding to another forty powers to his seventy-six. A small smile graced his lips as he realized that he had enough to finally cross over to Earth. He knew that was where his father was, and he was going to find the older man, even if it meant he could never come back to his homeland.

Everyone believed that Kyungsoo’s father was dead, but Arakadians had a connection with family, so Kyungsoo knew that his father was still living. They could sense when family members were killed, or if they were simply lost, but the connection Kyungsoo had with his father- his last living family member- had simply disappeared. There was no way that could have happened unless the he had found a way to cross over to the twin planet.

It was Kyungsoo’s duty to find him to help with the dissipating border. All he had to do was find a way to cross over safely without disrupting the border more. He opened his eyes and walked out of the alleyway, making his way back to his home. Maybe I just have to envision the other world, he thought as he tried to figure out a way to cross.

As he was walking, someone in front of him fell to the ground with a gaping hole in their stomach, dead. He stepped over the body and continued on his way like so many others were doing. Death was a common occurrence in Arakad, one just had to be careful that they weren’t the ones dying. Kill or be killed. That was the motto. Schools taught the most effective way to kill an opponent, different weapons to use, and how to use powers, and soak up energy and abilities from the latest kill. That was life, and Kyungsoo didn’t know anything different.

He had heard stories from his father about the other world, Earth it was called. A place where people had ‘friends’ and there was ‘happiness’ and people ‘smiled at others’. That was something a young Kyungsoo could not comprehend. In Arakad, friends meant that there was someone that kills you with mercy, smiling at others meant that they were the next target, and happiness did not exist.

People did not ‘fall in love’. They had arranged marriages to have kids, then the one who killed the other first, was the one who raised the kids. Love was yet another thing that did not exist. But Kyungsoo wanted to try it. He wanted to live on Earth, experience ‘love’ ‘friendship’ ‘happiness’ he wanted to know things different from the dark and gloomy atmosphere he experienced every day, the cold glares, the hatred, the death.

But first he had to find a way to get to Earth, find his father, and close the border. Then he could try those things.

As he reached his house, he walked in slowly and quietly. No one knew if someone had broken into his house while he was away and was simply waiting for him to come home so they could ambush him while he was not expecting it.

He did a quick scope of his house making sure it was devoid of life, before he went into the kitchen for food. Killing people took a lot out of him, and for some reason, he was always hungry when he gained new powers. However, it wasn’t as if he could ask someone if it was normal, so he just fulfilled his needs without help.

Opening the fridge, he looked for his favorite meal- although meal was a bit much, it was just a filling and energy replenishing fruit. He made a sound of contentment when he spotted it: bubble fruit. He grinned in victory when he pulled one of the clear spheres with floating seeds out of its plastic canister. The transparent surface caught the light from the fridge, creating a beautiful array of colors like a prism. Kyungsoo stared for a moment before popping the fruit into his mouth, the sphere immediately exploding into a flavorful solution which he speedily gulped down, the liquid tingling pleasantly as it flowed down his throat.

This was Kyungsoo’s definition of happiness. Sadly, one a day was all that could be handled by the body without collapsing from exertion, so he regretfully put the plastic container back in his fridge, savoring the aftertaste of the bubble fruit.

Humming to himself, he went to the living room and sat down, starting to think of ways that he could get to Earth. He figured the easiest way would be to imagine Earth, then use his teleportation ability to get there. Well, he thought to himself as he looked down at the ragged clothes he was wearing, might as well look my best for this new world. He stood up and walked into his room, opening his closet to sort through his clothes. Black. The only color anyone owned- it helped people to blend into the night better.

After a little of consideration, he chose a leather jacket with a hoodie with black skinny jeans and pure black converse. He just hoped that Earth had style, because he definitely did, and would not stand for a bunch of disgusting looking humans wandering around his soon-to-be home. Checking himself in the mirror, he ran a hand through his hair to give it that hair look. Throwing himself a wink, he looked around his room for the last time before closing his eyes.

Quickly, he went over the rules his father had told his so long ago: ‘kiss the first human you see, gather their DNA and some of their memories so you can fare better in the world. No killing anyone. Try to keep who you are under wraps. Their feelings are hurt easily, so play nice. Be careful.’

Well then. Taking a deep breath, Kyungsoo imagined a place based on the stories he had heard from his father. When he had a basic thought of somewhere, he used his teleportation ability, feeling his body come apart before appearing somewhere else. Hope bloomed in his chest when he felt the connection with his father resurface.

Opening his eyes, he was momentarily confused; the world was supposed to be light, not dark like Arakad. But upon closer inspection, he saw a gorgeous male standing about one hundred feet in front of him, eyes wide. He had soft brown hair and plush looking lips. Kyungsoo smirked, this is the human. He teleported a little closer and walked up to the boy that was infuriatingly taller than himself.

Grabbing the back of the brunette’s neck, he dragged him down to his height, and kissed him square on the lips gaining an unmanly squawk from the boy, his eyes widening even further.

Well hello there Jongin, Kyungsoo thought as he gathered some of the memories from the confused and slightly terrified male.

“Catch you later,” he said with a wink when he pulled away. And with that, he was gone in a puff of smoke, leaving his victim completely confused with a heart threatening to beat right out of his chest.

What just happened?

AN: So I didn't actually read through this, but I thought I should just post it anyway because it's been like four months since the last update... Sorry about that... No inspiration I guess. 

Anyway. The next update probably won't be for a while again. Sorry about that. 

Yeah... Bye! :D

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Chapter 2: Nooo.. no kaisoo ! XD
Kyungsoo.. is he some psychotic ?
Chapter 1: Im dying for your update !
Chapter 1: This story's really interesting. I love Sehun's character here. I'm really excited as to how the plot progresses!