
The Difference Between Us

“WHERE DID YOU GET YOUR DIPLOMA? EBAY?” Sehun screeched, effectively interrupting the teacher’s lesson.


The teacher looked back at the rainbow haired student, something akin to annoyance accompanying his features, “This is math class, Mr. Oh, not a language class. My writing skills are not needed in this subject.”


Sehun scoffed at him, “Does that mean that I can write complete nonsense on my work and you will accept it because ‘this is math class and writing skills are not required’? You can't expect me to learn anything with that atrocious misuse of words. I refuse.”


The teacher sighed and ran a hand through his previously styled hair, “Mr. Oh-”


“Sehun,” the brash student interrupted.


“Excuse me?” Mr. Choi- the teacher- asked.


“My name is Sehun, not Mr. Oh. By putting the Mr. at the beginning, you are implying that I am above you, and no self-respecting teacher would put their students above them.So you will adress me as Sehun until I surpass you in life, and let’s face it,” he paused looking Mr. Choi up and down, from his messily tucked in shirt to his wrinkled slacks. “It won’t take that long.”


The class snickered behind their hands as they watched the conversation escalate. Everybody knows not to fight with Sehun; the victim of his words will always be rendered speechless.


Mr. Choi’s face started turning red, though if it was from anger or embarrassment, no one knew. “Sehun,” He said, his voice laced with annoyance and anger. “Go to the principal's office. Get out of my class.”


Sehun sighed, but got up regardless, “This all could’ve been fixed if you actually paid attention in language class, but alas, you didn’t. How embarrassing it must be to be corrected by someone at least sixty years younger than you. Enjoy your grammarless math.” He said with a final wave and with that he walked out of the classroom, leaving behind an angry teacher and a laughing class.


As Sehun made his way to the principal’s office, he spotted a fight of words that interested him. There were two larger males surrounding a smaller one with tan skin. The larger ones seemed angry and ready to beat up the smaller one, however, he was holding them back with his words.


“Let me believe in what I want,” the smaller one said, “it’s not hurting anyone. Besides, I bet your little sister still believes in fairies, and I really don’t think you beat her up, now do you, Jonghyun?” One of them growled and glared at him. “But hey whatever. I’ve learned not to quarrel with idiots; they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience, and I’d rather not go there, I like my IQ just the way it is. So if you’ll excuse me,” he said, trying to brush past the two larger beings.


The one that wasn’t Jonghyun pushed the little guy’s chest until he hit into the lockers, “You’re not going anywhere. Do you think you can bad mouth us and not get punished? Jongin, I thought you knew better than that.”


The one called Jongin sighed, “And I told my teacher I was going to the bathroom,” he mumbled under his breath before sighing again. “Alright, do your worst.” He spread his arms as if waiting for the punches, but that was as far as Sehun would let the argument go.

Stepping in he spoke, startling the people there, “Boys, I would appreciate if you wouldn’t fight.”


When the bullies spotted him, their eyes widened in fear. Sehun felt powerful at that moment. “Sorry, it won’t happen again,” they stumbled out before running away with their metaphorical tails between their legs.


“Thanks, I guess,” Jongin said, watching his tormentors disappear down the hallway.


“Well, I couldn’t let such a beautiful face get ruined could I?” Sehun replied with his usual charmer smile on. Although he was a bit peeved when Jongin didn’t respond to it.


“Well, if they touched my face, they would get caught, so the majority of the injuries are in hidden places, but thanks for your concern... I guess,” his eyebrows knit together as if he was deep in thought. Just as Sehun was about to talk to him again, Jongin interrupted, “Well I better get back to class, I don’t want the teacher to think that I’m constipated or something.” He gave a small smile before trying to walk past the brightly colored guy.


“Wait,” Sehun said, stopping him, “my name is Sehun. And who do I have the pleasure of addressing?”


“Jongin,” he replied simply, nodding his head a bit before officially walking away.


Hmm, interesting indeed. Sehun thought to himself before continuing on his way to the principal’s office.

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Chapter 2: Nooo.. no kaisoo ! XD
Kyungsoo.. is he some psychotic ?
Chapter 1: Im dying for your update !
Chapter 1: This story's really interesting. I love Sehun's character here. I'm really excited as to how the plot progresses!