The painful truth

The painful truth..

We would live happily ever after..

With adorable kids and a cute dog, in a big house with a garden.

we would live together forever..

But now everything is different..

When I got that letter, I knew that all this was just a dream that is never going to be the truth..


I walk down the street .

I just got back from shopping and my leggs are killing me.

I almost walked 2 miles just to buy some food for tonight.

my best friend is coming over , I haven't seen her in ages.

I’m a foreigner from europe.

She still lives there and she decided to visit me here in South-Korea.

When I heard the news, I was totally excited and I couldn’t wait.

Now its finally the day, but I have to hurry, because I’m going to bake an apple pie.

I really like them and I haven’t eat them in a long time.

I try to walk as fast as I can, but I have a really big shopping bag full with food, so I lose my balance.

I bump into someone and I fall on the ground.

All my food falls on the ground, my apples fly all the way to the other side of the street, my milk is leaking and there's a tear in my bag of flour.

'' OH! I'm so sorry!'' I say shocked and I try to pick all my stuff from the street.

I reach my hand to an apple but then I feel that persons hand.

I looked up and there I saw him.

I looked right into his brown eyes.

''let me help you.'' he said with a smile on his face and he graped the apple.

''T-t-thank you.'' I stammered while still looking at him.

‘’are you all right,’’ he asks , ‘’ you look so shocked.’’

‘’yes yes I’m fine!’’ I say with a bright smile on my face.

I feel that my face is red as a tomato, I look like a big fool.

This conversation makes me feel a little bit uncomfortable.

Especially because he is so handsome.

I stand up and wipe the dirth from my skirt.

I grab my bag and sigh.

I can’t even make that pie anymore.

When I look behind me I see that the guy is still searching for my apples.

‘’eh you really don’t have to do that.’’ I say.

They are dirty anyway.

As if he had heard nothing from what I had said he continues.

I’m kinda suprised about his action.

When he found all the apples he walks to me.

‘’HERE!’’ he says very happy.

If you just wash them you can still use them for your pie.

How does he knows that I’m going to bake a pie?

‘’ow,, thank you.’’ I say and I take the apples.

‘’Yes maybe It’s weird,, but I know it when people gonna bake something.’’ he says with a little smile.

He looks like he thinks of something special , an old memory maybe?

‘’Ow sorry, I don’t wanna bore you with an old story of mine.’’ he says with an awkward smile and his hand on his head.

‘’Ow, its oke.’’ I say , I try to smile,, but It’s still kinda awkward.

‘’I’m dongho.’’ he says and he smiles at me.

He gives me a hand.

It’s funny, I think he does that because I’m a foreigner.

‘’Whats your name?’’ he asks.

‘’ehm, my korean friends always call me chia.’’ I say.

‘’Well, then nice to meet you chia.’’ he says while smiling brightly.


Thinking back of our first meeting, really hurts.

I feel like crying but I'm not going to do that.

I look at the letter again.

Should I open it? no, I can’t , not know.

I walk to my bureau and put the letter in one of the cases.

I lean against the chair, and take a deep breath.

How can I ever continue like this?










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haha xD okie ;3 thnx
Haha xD
To make us know if you updated, all you have to do is hid the chappie put update chapter, and then again you need to un-hid (does this word exist? xD) and put update chapter again And done :D
hahah thnx ^-^ but first,,, I have to know what is going to happen x''D
I wanna know what's going to happen T^T
Please update soon!
AH! This is so sad T^T
ahhhw thank you x3 I felt like,, mm it's not that awesome as I thought :O I really appreciate it ^-^ ow! and if anyone has a request like,, an Idol that want in this story, you can post it in the comments , and maybe I can use it ^-^
OMO! THIS IS SOOOOO SAAAAD YET INTERESTING!!!!! D; you know how to play with emotions using words! XD Omg I feeeeelll sooooooo saaaaaaadd! Keeeepp it aaapp bruuuuH! XD OH AND<br />
oke,, many grammer mistakes x''D
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