
My Cheeseburger

After BamBam dropped you off, you go inside your home happily. It was the happiest you’ve been since a long time. That day could have been a lot different got what you've been wishing for since ever. His words played in your head and you bit your lower lip just by thinking of it.

An year had passed by since that day and you both were still in strong relationship. It was the last day of the year and also, it was your anniversary. You got up early in the morning for school and checked your phone while rubbing your eyes. There was a message from BamBam:

“Hey beautiful~ Happy anniversary! It’s been a year since you’re mine and I want more! ^^ See you after school at the park~ Mwahh :*”

You giggled at message and replied back.

“Hey handsome~ Thank you for being mine and only mine. My prince charming <3 Happy anniversary and can’t wait to see you~”

You hit sent and then went to freshen up.

Even though you both went to different schools it didn’t affect you both. You’d both always meet after school outside or go to each other’s house. Both BamBam’s and your parents were aware of your relationship and couldn’t have approved more. Your parents were fond of BamBam and his parents were fond of you.

In school that day, you pretty much didn’t listen to anything the teacher said. Your head was filled with fantasies of what today could be like. Bambam had said that he had a surprise for you and you were looking forward to it. The time slowly dragged by and you kept checking your watch. You were waiting for school in general as a whole to finish. This was your last year and you couldn’t wait to get in college as you and BamBam would be going to the same place. Same college. Same major. You couldn’t wait to be with him. Just thinking of him made you smile. Suddenly, you were snapped back to reality by the teacher calling out your name.

“Y-yes mam? Present mam!” You said absently jumping up from your chair causing the whole class to giggle.

“Listen to the class instead of daydreaming and fantasizing, will you?” said the teacher.

“Sorry mam.” You said apologetically and sat down.

When the final bell rang, you said a rushed goodbye to your friends and ran out of the class after grabbing your bag, almost making all the books inside spill out.

When you reached the park, BamBam was waiting for you in the spot where he said he would be. You ran towards him waving and he did the same.

“Hey honey! Happy anniversary.” He said putting his hand around your waist and kissing you on your forehead.

“I can’t wait for your surprise~” you said

“Let’s go” he said holding your hand.  

The sun had already started to set and sky looked orange.  BamBam took you to one of sitting area with a roof where there was a basket.

“I brought some sandwiches and juice for us to eat. See? I said I’d arrange everything.” Pulling your cheeks

“Aigoo~ I Love you!” you said while wrapping your hands around his waist as he patted your head.

“I love you too~ Now let’s eat!”

It was dark now as you both say under the pavilion munching on sandwiches.

“Jagiya~ Do you want juice?” he asked while taking out two juice boxes.

“Sure!” you said while taking it from his hand.

“Oh but, I feel like having ice cream.” Said BamBam without looking up from his juice box “Could you buy me some?”

“Sure…” you said with a weird face. Why does he suddenly want ice cream. Either way without any questions, you went to buy ice cream. You bought BamBam’s favorite flavor and slowly walked back to the pavilion. The shop was a bit away from where you were sitting but you were willing to do it for BamBam! Their relationship was going great and you were glad that you had confessed that day. It was kind of a lame way of confessing but it went fine. He had turned around to run after her. He had read it at that precise time to have run back to her. Before that year could end in the worst way possible. He had made it precious. For that you were always thankful to him and your love for him only increased every day.

As you walked back to the pavilion, you saw a glow that was never there before.

“Weird. What’s that?” you thought as you walked at a faster pace. When you reached the pavilion, the sight that waited surprised you.

There were small candles inside the pavilion following its circle shape. A sweet aroma filled the air as you got closer. BamBam suddenly appeared from behind a pillar with a small bouquet filled with white roses, your favourite. He started singing slowly:

~What would I do without your smart mouth
Drawing me in, and you kicking me out
You got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down
What's going on in that beautiful mind
I'm on your magical mystery ride
And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright

My head's underwater
But I'm breathing fine
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind

'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning
Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you.~

He faded his song into a smile and said, “Happy anniversary, baby. Always, always remember that I love you. I love everything about you.” He handed you the roses and your eyes started tearing up as you took it. The only time you had seen something like that was in movies. You never imagined anyone would do that for you.

You rushed to him and gave him a big hug and said, “Thank you BamBam. I love you so much.”

“And you better not leave me. I won’t ever leave my cheeseburger~” he said hugging you back.

You pulled away from the hug and said again, “Thank you.”

He slowly wiped the tears away from your cheek and leaned to kiss you. His touch sent shocks through your body. Your eyes closed shut, enjoying every second. Surrounded by candles and decorated with the fragrance of roses, you both shared a deep kiss.

You didn’t know how long the kiss was. All you remember was the sensation you felt. BamBam smiled and said, “Happy new year, cheeseburger. Next year too,the same time, you should be next to me. Don’t ever leave. Arasseo?~”

“Arasseo~ I won’t leave you.”


You grinned. “I promise. I’ll always be your cheeseburger.”




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JYPFan113 #1
Chapter 1: I'm gonna die! So cute <3
Chapter 1: ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠso cute ♡♡♡
DerpMia0413 #3
Chapter 2: It's even more adorable than the first chapter. Kill me now ^^
DerpMia0413 #4
Omg that was so freaking cute plz sequel or something.