29 - Frustrations of a Wolf

The Werewolf's Best Friend is a Genius
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Chapter 29


"I need concealer. I wonder if I can formulate something from the lab?" I mused to myself as I looked at the mirror in my bathroom. I noticed how pale I had become and that made the redness of my eyes even more prominent.

I missed the sun. I missed the feeling of warmth on my skin. I look like a ghost.

Well I can be a ghost. Figuratively speaking of course. Ghost are like a shadow of a person before and I feel like I belong to that category. Empty. Shell like.

"Zombie." I muttered and to uplift my mood I started to hum the song Zombie. "In your head.. What's in your head..!!"

"Brain matter." I heard Cisco's voice and I saw him leaning on the doorway. He narrowed his eyes at me as I splashed water on my face. "I really hate your hair."

"Aww you hurt my feelings." I answered throwing him the soggy towel after I used it. "Also this is a girl's bathroom. Although I know I'm a prisoner I do have some right to have privacy."

"Opps. You are a girl? I did not notice." Cisco answered evading another towel I threw at him. He chuckled as he backed out of my small bathroom. "I brought breakfast Flo. Hurry before I finish off the syrup."

I didn't answer him since I got lost in my memories of warm mornings, pancakes, coffee and -

Shut it down. Shut it down.

I gripped the sides of the sink as I tired to breathe normally and not alert Cisco. I know he meant well but I don't want people to comfort me. I will break down if that happens. Cisco is such a great person and I like him but I cannot get attached to him and Ori.

"Oh screw you Florence. Stop lying. You are attached to them." I said to myself glaring at my reflection. "You are making the same mistakes again you idiot."

I glared at myself hating how weak I was. How dependent I had become on Cisco and Ori. It's happening allover again but I know now what to expect. What I can do. And I swear I will change this part of my story's ending.

"Flo! I'm going to drink your coffee!" Cisco shouted.

"Don't you dare!" I answered splashing more water on my face. My eyes still look puffy but I think Ori and Cisco already know what I do at night before I go to sleep.

Who needs sleeping pills when you have sadness and loneliness to put you to sleep. 
And those two, they just are being polite not to mention it. Or maybe they just find it awkward to bring it up. I bet my coffee that it's the latter.

I gave my face one last look before leaving the bathroom. Cisco was seated on the floor with a low table in front of him. Despite all the technology these people have I have no chair in my room. It can be a weapon or tool for my escape. Oh if they only know I have no plans.

I sat down on the other side of the table and smiled as Cisco pushed a plate towards me. It was indeed pancakes and Cisco had drizzled syrup all over it. I suddenly missed cooking – I wonder if Cisco and Ori would like what I will cook for them? If that ever happens.

"Flo." Cicso said and prodded my arm.

"Hm?" I answered as I sliced a portion of my breakfast. I prepared myself to hear his lecture of how I push my feelings away and all the etceteras.

"Are there any happy zombie songs?" He asked. I almost choked on my food at the randomness of his question.

"Why you ask?" I answered after I took a gulp of water.

"Is there?" He ignored my question.

"I can't name anything off my head. Let me think." I took another bite as he sipped his coffee. He looked pensive. I placed my fork on my plate and touched his hand. "Cissy what's wrong?"

"I miss Ori." He answered. "Not that you're not good company. It's just that, it has always been me and her. She's my only friend here and I know that she has responsibilities and things to do outside of this place but it's just if ever she leaves she always says good bye."

"This is the first?" I asked.

"Yes and I don't like my routine changed all so suddenly. It makes me angst-ish." Cisco answered.

"Ori will be fine. She can handle herself well." I answered reassuringly and rubbed his hand gently. "And she is not using her powers most of the time."

"I have never seen her use it. Well her strength. I have seen her use her enhanced senses but that's all." Cisco said.

"I have seen what her -" I paused as I took a breathe.

"You don't have to finish. I know what and who you mean." Cisco said now the one rubbing my hand. He suddenly brightened and gripped my hand.

"What is it Cisco?" I asked.

"I know a happy zombie song!" He said loudly.

I leaned back at his exuberance and fast mood swing.

"What?" I asked slowly.

"There's a zombie on your lawn! There's a zombie on lawn!!" He sang or rather shouted.

"Oh that zombie song." I said chuckling as Cisco continued singing.

"You're a sunflower!" He said pointing at me. "Bob like one!"

"I don't have brains." I said bobbing up and down. "But I'm rich in HDLs and Vitamin E."

"That is not in the song!" He protested but continued purposefully singing off key.

I smile as I watched Cisco. I don't know how he can maintain his sunny deposition despite our grim location. We finished up breakfast and I was now also humming the Plants Vs Zombies song as we checked up on the children.

We stopped at Maroc's tube and he waved his hand when he saw us.

"Morning kapatid!." Cisco greeted. Although we both know Marco can't hear us we still like to talk to him. I have a strong suspicion Marco is great at lip reading because he is smiling now as Cisco talked to him about breakfast. I left the two alone and wandered around until I found tube labeled 367. Inside was a slender girl who had closed eyes. She was one of the oldest I have seen she was about 20 based on her files. Her hair was like flames in the water as it floated around her.

"Astrid." I said her name softly but unlike Marco who was sort of sensitive to our presence this one was not or she was trolling me. I caught her hand twitch and smiled. I touched the cold surface of the glass tube and Astrid's eyes opened. She had the most beautiful blue-gray eyes I have ever seen, it shimmer with curiosity and life as she stared at me. "Hello."

She made a flicking motion against the glass, pointed to her ears and mouthed I can't hear you duh to me. I nod and went back to my tablet.

"ED?" I said to my microphone.

"Yes Mistress? Do you need me there?" ED answered.

"No. I just need to to try turning on tube 367. I'm in front of it." I said.

"Alright Mistress." ED said. "Please give me the signal to turn it on Mistress."

"Now please."I said watching Astrid. She looked like she was trying to do ballet but obviously can't because of the small tubes attached to her. A flicker of electricity passed through the tube, so fast that if you had not been waiting for it you would have missed it, and Astrid was suddenly still. Her eyes were now wide open and looked at me with fear and contempt. She was frozen like the rest of her companions. I watched her for about five minutes writing down a few notes on my tablet. "Okay ED. Please turn it off."

The same flicker of electricity passed and Astrid had both her palms against the tube. Her eyes full of questions. I smiled at her reassuringly.

"It works perfectly for this tube." I remarked to ED. "Vitals during the testing phase ED?"

"Normal Mistress. Your suggestion of making it look like one way glass was excellent." ED answered.

"Hey they are already trapped in a tube we can't impose darkness on them too." I said and frowned as I glance on tube 366. The little boy could have been no more then 10 but all his limbs were held by metal chains and his eyes were like begging me to stop his misery.

I guess sometimes the bliss of darkness is much better.

I stepped up to his tube.

"I'm so sorry that you have to suffer like this. Don't worry. It will be over soon." I said to him. I decided there and then. "ED."

"Yes Mistress?" ED answered.

"Please download the files of tube 366 into my tablet."

"Alright Mistress. I will inform you when it is done."

I nod absentmindedly as I stared as the boy.

"I'll call you Jerry." I said to him. "And you're next."

I knelled down and opened the secret door installed in the base of all the tubes. I checked and noticed that Jerry had quite a few modifications into his tube. I was still studying it when heard Cisco running towards where I was.

"Flo! Flo!" He shouted and I hastily closed the door and looked back to Astrid to warn her but it was too late, Cisco was much closer then I had expected. "Woah! What the hell?" He exclaimed.

"Cisco. What is it?"I asked trying to distract him from staring at Astrid who had her arms in an awkward position.

"No you answer me. What is this?! Why is this awake?!" He said to me loudly pointing at Astrid who had moved her moves to her side. "Flo why is she awake like Marco?"

"Her name is Astrid." I answered. "And I guess it's time to tell you something."
"Tell me what?" Cisco said still staring at Astrid. The girl blinked her eyes and gave him a tentative smile. Cisco's mouth hanged open. "How? How did you do that? We have tried so many times to wake one but according to Master Ori and her twin were the only successful ones."

"There was another one actually and like I told you. I had much practice." I added with a shrug. Cisco faced me his face full of mixed emotions.

"Well what is it that you want to tell me?" He waited.

"It's actually a secret Cisco. Can you keep secrets?" I asked.

Cisco frowned at me and glanced back at Astrid.

"Well Flo whatever secret it is it better be a short one." He finally said.

"Why? Is there an emergency?" I asked suddenly a bit anxious. I was not finished yet.

"No nothing like that." Cisco answered.

"Then what?"

"Ori's home."



After 3 weeks of wandering around South Korea – I even managed to go to Jeju and Nami Island- I finally decided I want to go home. The hell if Master punishes me, I was anxious to go home. I was anxious to see if Cisco and Flo were okay specially Flo.

Almost everyone in the Island knew that Cisco was a genius but he was a harmless squirrel. Cisco was a prime example of a nerd who rarely exercises. Flo on the other hand – is lethal. She might irritate the wrong person and with out me to stop them they might kill her.

And I have decided a few weeks back that I will not let Florence Khan die.

That was a bit idiotic since I know Master plans on doing so when he gets what he wants from her as revenged for altering Yifan and Luhan but I won't let that happen. I need to think of a way to make her escape.

Which is another idiotic idea since I knew Flo enough to know she won't leave until she changes those kids in the experiment level. I have a feeling she is doing something already but I have no idea what but if it helps her escape them I'm all in that ship.

I was anxious to see my two friends – yes I have now admitted to myself that they are my friends but Master was still rambling away with his speech to us. He finally stopped a few minutes later and eyes me with his black eyes. His stare was unnerving like he can see through and can see where my loyalties really are.

"Ori dearest. How was your trip?" He asked as he waved his hand to dismiss everyone except General Pilak.

"cold and wet." I answered making Master laugh. He knew how much I hate the cold.

"Is that all?" He asked after he stopped laughing.

"It was illuminating Master. I saw what you want me to see and I understand now."I answered and saw Master beam at me like a proud father but I caught the cruel glimmer of his eyes.

"Good good!" He said and patted my back. "Now you can go back and rest."

"Thank you Master." I said. He nod and addressed General Pilak.

"General will you go with Ori dear and fetch Florence Khan for me?" He said.

I felt my heart stop and coldness enter my veins.

No. No. No.

I swung around to face Master again.

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Updated Chapter 23 for The Werewolf's Best Friend is a Genius.. :)


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ijhi_ia #1
Chapter 44: Is it wrong if i want flo to end up with kris??
at first i like flokai couple,,but now i didn't want her to end up with kai....
Blue_Sea #2
Chapter 24: Why are flo's parents so indifferent about the fact that Kai hurt flo so severely? Or that the whole bunch are the reason Flo went missing? It's like they don't even care and take everything as it is. Ren is the only one that somehow acts according to how a family member of a missing person would react, shout around and get angry at everything.
Even more when that familiy member is being wanted by so many bad people. So why are they eating breakfast in such a 'peaceful' way, when their daughter is missing and probably dead? You'd think that parents can't eat because of the concern and worry they are feeling, but flo's parents are like 'We can't do anything to search for her, we did everything we can. So, let's eat breakfast now.' The hell? -.-'
Normal parents would die from being overly worried, well, that is what every criminal series show when a girl is kidnapped. Or that was how my mother reacted when she couldn't contact me bc my phone was dead ._.
I really don't know, but I don't get the love of flo's parents. I don't feel any caring feelings for flo from her parents ;_;
adnacat #3
Chapter 43: it's really sad to watch kai hopless but part of me said that he Deserves it he should feel a little pain
i can't wait for the next chapter thank u so much for the amazing story <3
Blue_Sea #4
Chapter 22: Has Kai now slept with Nara? Or what was their realtionship at this point? I rly hope not :"(
adnacat #5
hi girl i hope you are not giving up the story :( i hope u can update soon <3