Chapter 16

A Night To Remember

Hi readers! Thank you so much for patiently reading this. IDK which part of this fanfic is interesting tbh hehe. BUT BUT! Thank you that you like it! I really appreciate the comments and subscriptions hihi. Every comment is so “nakakakilig” (IDK the English term for this. But it is almost similar to “happy emotions that goes down to your spine” haha or something you feel when BTS or your bias is looking at you). Also, sorry if there are plenty of typos, missing words, and grammar error >.<

Okay too many words! Enough of this.

I think this is the 2nd last chapter of this fanfic T^T

Blue italized is Jin’s thoughts, while Peach is Mina’s (I wanted to use pink for Jin because pink princess haha! But since he is a boy, let’s use blue :D)


Elle’s POV

I was scratching my eyes while yawning when I saw Mina on the couch, curled up.

“Good morning!” I greeted her who, I assumed, was already on the couch for a long time. “Why are you staring at your phone?”

I offered her the bread I was eating but she just gave me a quick glimpse and returned to her phone. Based on her looks, she seemed to be awake the entire night. She was so pale, dark circle under her eyes, and tired eyes.

I sat on the empty space beside Mina, peeking at her phone. “You did not sleep, did you?”

“I can’t sleep! I want to call him but what if he won’t answer it because he is still mad at me?” despite of her no-sleep look, her voice was filled with energy. 

I was about to say something but she started talking again as if I wasn’t around. “I am not going to know the answer if I won’t ask him right? Right? Right? But but what if… Ugh! I hate these questions!” she began talking to her phone with the picture of Jin on the screen – talking like a crazy person, as she talked to a picture. She was also kicking and air-punching for I-Don't-Know-reason. She's getting weirder and weirder.

“You are the type of person who would put her 100% effort on something. Why don’t you do it to Jin oppa? By the way, I will meet Jagi… I mean Yoongi in an hour.”

She stopped kicking, as she side glanced at me with a very judging look that made so conscious. “You are blushing by just saying Jagiya!” she teased me and her eyes landed on my chin, waiting for my reaction. 

“wait..! In an hour?! Wait!” She stood up and hastily went to the bedroom.



Suga’s POV

“Yah! Stop staring at your phone!” I snatched the phone from his hand which caused him to frown at me. “If you want to call her, call her!”

“Yah Yoongi! Give back my phone!” Jin commanded but I just ignored it. He was reaching the phone but I hid it behind me.

He would probably call Mina since her number is on the screen. I was about to tap the call button but he successfully snatched his phone back.

“Hyung, are you going to call her or what? Nothing will happen if you would just stare at her number.” 

“I know! That’s why I am leaving now.” He grabbed his jacket as he would leave the dorm. But I hastily pulled his jacket to stop him. “Hey!” he pulled his jacket but I pulled again as if we were playing Tug-o-war.

“But why? Don't leave me, hyung,” I asked in a sweet voice – with puppy eyes and pouting like an aegyo most probably – which is so unusual of me. If I couldn’t stop him, he may not see Mina.

But Jin hyung is really strong! I need some help.

“Are you playing tug-o-war?” finally Jhope came, hoping and smiling widely. “Can I join?” he acted like an excited kid who wants to play with us, but in reality he was only helping me to stop Jin from leaving.

“Can you please stay out of my sight? I am going to Mina,” he said, annoyed by us.

“Why? Is there a problem?” I asked as if I don't know what happened. J-hope looked at me with a confused face. I replied to him with a facial expression saying Just-go-with-me-if-you-don’t-understand-what-I-want to-happen.

“Ahhhhh. I understand now,” J-hope said. “Hyung, sit down first and relax.”

“I don’t usually give in things like this but you know, I am curious now and I am giving some . So I think it is better if you tell it to us,” I said.

“What are you two up to? Are you planning something?” 

“NO!” Jhope and I chorused.

“Really,” Jin said sarcastically. He told us what happened between them. J-hope and I remained silent as we already know it. “I feel sorry for saying everything to her.”

“Don’t tell us that you are sorry. Tell it to her. Mina is much manlier than you hyung,” I said knowing that Mina wanted to apologize to him, which I really don’t understand why. Jin hyung is actually the one who said hurtful, yet eye-opening, words to her but Mina was the one who’s dying to apologize to Jin hyung. She must be crazy, or she really has this special feelings for him but she’s still not realizing it.

“That’s why I am going to her, but you keep stopping me,” Jin hyung grabbed his jacket in attempt to leave the dorm. J-hope stopped him again.

“Fighting! Go to her now,” I said that confused J-hope.

“Why? I thought…” J-hope whispered. I told him to watch Jin hyung open the door.

When he opened the door, Elle and Mina were already standing behind it.

“Annyeong haseyo!” Elle greeted. She quickly walked towards us, leaving Mina and Jin.



Third person POV

Jin was shocked seeing Mina. He wanted to apologize and see Mina but not in a sudden moment. He wasn’t prepared yet. He suddenly grabbed Mina’s hand. Whatever happens, she is here now.


Jin was about to bring Mina outside but V made his way to hug Mina and interrupt them. V wrapped his arms around Mina’s. “Noona, thank God you are here! Jimin is sick now and he doesn’t listen to me.”

Mina and V went to Jimin’s room, followed by Jin, Suga, Elle and J-hope. Jimin was curling up in pain.

Mina sat on the bed, touching Jimin’s forehead. “He is not hot but his sweat is freaking cold!”

“He doesn’t have fever, Noona. His stomach hurts,” V informed.

“Yah! What did you eat?” Mina asked, almost scolding Jimin.

“He is not eating. He is  on a diet,” J-hope said.

“What?! Yah,” Mina hit Jimin’s arm despite of the stomach pain of Jimin. “I told you to eat healthily right?!”

“Noona, comeback is almost around the corner. I should look good,” Jimin said, still curling up and squinted eyes in pain. He was pale and sweating cold.

Instead of sympathy, Mina scolded Jimin more. “You are torturing your body! Don’t you know that you still need to be healthy? And starving to have a good body doesn’t mean healthy!”

“Sorry noona,” Jimin pouted.

“Why are saying sorry to me?”

“Because you are mad.”

“I am not mad. You are already perfect, Jimin,” Mina said.

V sat beside Mina, and cuddled her like a kitten asking for attention. “Noona, please say it to me as well! Jebal,” he said, leaning his head on Mina’s arm.

Mina patted V’s head. “Aw, my sweet little baby. Do you have a problem?”

V shook his head but still kept clinging.

“He read a very non-worthy-to-read article about him. I think the writer is just a hater!” Jungkook said who was controlling his rage, as V was really affected by that article. The usual hyper and jolly V became quiet after reading the article. If not because of Jimin’s stomach pain, V would be in bed alone, contemplating if he did something wrong – if he should change.

“Remember that ARMY is going to support and protect you always. Cheer up, Taehyung! You are perfect! Everyone is perfect!” Mina cheered and hugged V.

“Don’t mind those butthurt people,” Elle said.

Mina stood up to cook rice porridge. When she was about to leave the room, she asked, “Oh wait. Is there someone else in pain aside from Jimin and V?”

“The hyung beside me!” J-hope said who was standing in between Suga and Jin. He looked to the right where Jin was. He tapped Jin’s chest foolishly. “This part! This part!”

The atmosphere became awkward because of it. To escape from the awkward situation, Mina went out of the room to cook, but Jin had the same idea.

The awkward atmosphere from the room transferred where Mina and Jin are

“J-just stay beside Jimin. I’ll be the one to cook,” Jin said, not looking at Mina’s eyes as he still doesn’t know how to apologize and what to say.

Same goes for Mina whose hands were sweating in nervousness, as she thought tht this would be the time to apologize.

“Uhm, Jin..”

Jin was about to walk towards the kitchen but quickly turned to Mina. “Huh?”

But as soon as he turned, Mina’s thoughts had disappeared. She startled and lost her words. She shook her head, telling him that it was nothing, with wide eyes, and turned away.


“why?” She quickly turned to Jin, eager to hear Jin. She couldnt understand why she was so eager to talk to and hear Jin but  talking to him wasn't easy at all.

“I-I am g-going to the k-kitchen now,” Jin pointed the kitchen and turned away. He actually wanted to apologize, but just like what happened to Mina, his courage went down to 0 percent. Why can’t I talk to her? This is so frustrating! Jin thought to himself.

This is the most awkward situation I’ve ever witnessed in my entire life! It is just a simple “sorry” but it is so hard to say. Not because of pride, but I am too shy, embarrassed, nervous and all! Ugh! Mina’s thoughts, slapping herself internally.



Jin headed to the kitchen to cook rice porridge. The thought of apologizing to Mina was still emerging. He was planning out when and what to say to her.

“I must apologize later!” he said to himself while washing the rice. “I should’ve watched my mouth before letting those words! Ugh!!! Mina is surely affected with I’ve said to her. And the stupid me said it to her on her birthday! I am actually the stupid one, not Mina!”

Jin kept on ranting to himself with a little hitting on himself. “This is driving me crazy! Stupid Jin! Stupid!”

He was mixing the rice porridge, still with the same thoughts – blaming himself for saying such harsh words and how to apologize. 

He suddenly felt a pair of arm wrapped around him from behind.


The warm presence from his back was from Mina.

“Sorry, Jin. Please don’t be mad at me. I don’t want to ruin everything just because of my selfishness. I was thinking only for myself, that I almost forgot the people around me who care and love me. Sorry!” Mina confessed which confused Jin, as he knew that he should be the one apologizing and that Mina was hurt and probably mad at him because of him. But it turned the other way around.

Mina was the one who was so sorry and oppressed. What Mina was feeling was what Jin felt as well.

She gripped Jin’s shirt as she tightened her hug, but Jin removed her hand. He faced her and held her shoulders gently.

“Why are you saying sorry to me? I should be the one apologizing to you for getting mad. I should have watched my words. I’ve hurt you and it is not forgivable. I am sorry, Mina.”

Mina didn’t say a single word, but hugged him instead.

“Am I already forgiven?” jin asked, rubbing Mina’s hair. She pinched the side of his tummy that caused a smile on Jin. “I take it as a yes.”

Jin cupped her face gently in his hands. He was looking at her eyes deeply as if he was entering her soul.

Mina couldn’t understand the twirling inside her stomach. It felt like a heartburn or worse than that, as the twirling travels from knees up to her nape.

“Why is the door opened? How many times should I tell to lock–“ Rapmon, who just got home from BIghit, paused from nagging when he unexpectedly saw Mina and Jin.

Croo. Croo. Croo…




“My swag is now gone just because of hyung and Mina! I even did an aegyo to Jin hyung just to stop him from leaving. Those two are just–“

“WHAT?!” Mina barged through the door, while Jin was holding a pot of porridge.

“Wah! Are you two okay now?” J-hope asked, helping Jin with the meal.

They were preparing the meal inside the room of Jimin. The rice porridge was meant only for JImin but since the boys’ appetite are as big as a dinosaur, Jin intended to cook more for everyone.

“don’t eat in the bedroom!” Rapmon reprimanded that brought complains from the boys.

“Hyung, Chimchim is sick. Allow us to eat with him here. It is so sad if we will let him eat alone,” Jungkook begged.

“Did you just say that you are eating in the bedroom for me? How sweet our maknae is!” Jimin rose from his bed as if the stomach pain was gone instantly.

Rapmon smiled and allowed everyone to eat inside the bedroom. He kept on glancing at Mina who was a bit uncomfortable eating in the same room with him. Rapmon tried to lighten the situation between by giving jokes and smiling warmly at her.

Jin felt that Mina was uncomfortable, so he offered to put some porridge on her bowl. “Mina, you should eat more. You are prettier if you have some fats. I love hugging a fluffier you, Mina,” he said while pouring some porridge on her bowl.

Mina seemed lost and flying because of Jin’s words and action. She almost dropped the bowl with the hot porridge on her lap. Fortunately, it didn't directly spilled on her as Jin caught the bowl. Though unfortunately, some porridge was spilled on Jin’s hands.

“A-are you okay?” Mina rubbed Jin’s hand which has the porridge. Jin squished her hand, “It is okay.”

But Mina quickly pulled her hand from Jin’s grip, as she got startled because of the weird feeling inside her body.

“Are you fangirling, Mina?” Suga asked, almost mocking her because of her carelessness and fidgetiness.

“NO! WHY?” Mina answered with a very high-pitched voice. What is this?! This is so embarrassing! “I am going to the bathroom!”

“Noona is acting weird,” V said.



“This is Suga’s fault! I am seeing things differently now. I mean... it is getting awkward– yah! Why are you smiling? This is not the right time to smile. I’m struggling!” Mina was ranting to Elle, who was just smiling at her friend.

The two were walking home after they visited the boys.

“Open your heart friend and be grateful for my Suga’s birth.”

“You are getting cheesier day by day, Elle. I don’t know what oppa is feeding you, but please stop it. You two are starting to disgust me.”

“Find your own Jagiya so you’ll understand,” Elle said. “I’ll go ahead.”

Elle went inside the apartment first, as Mina wanted to stay a bit longer outside. She checked her phone and saw one message.

Jin: Are you already home?

Mina’s eyes widened and her heart stopped for a second upon seeing the message of Jin.

“What is wrong with this message? Awoo! He is just asking me. it is just a one text! One text. One! Ugh!” Mina was talking to herself.

“why are you so bothered with one text?”

Mina got shocked when someone from behind talked.


“why? Is it bad to visit my girlfriend? I already miss Elle,” Suga said, heading to the apartment.


Hello again! I may post a one-shot of what happened to Mina the entire night she couldn't sleep. Will post it to the collection of one shot (and not including it in this chapter) because it is not really a significant part and doesnt really affect the flow of the story. Like what I've said above, I hate reading too many words mehe. 

BUT! I am still not sure if I'll be able to write it. I have so many ideas running in my mind right now. too many things that i am having hard time to write everything, as it got mixed up hahaha!

ANYWAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! CONGRATULATIONS BANGTAN SONYEONDAN! Three wins!!!!! And let's make it to 4th and moreeeee! Let's keep on streaming (link: Tudou), voting and watching the mv! Fighting! 


Our baby Taetae <3 Cutie pie right?



Jin's role is really a mystery for me. Nevertheless, he did great! The other boys did too! They are so hot as well <3333


(pictures: cr to the owner/s :D)



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A short sequel (3 chapters) or another last chapter


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Chapter 21: Because Kim Namjoon is freaking hot.
kimdyyo #2
well it's quite hard for me to find great fanfic about seokjin and I really thankful that I found your story~
I can't stop read it until the end
and I think I might die with the butterflies in my stomach
I really hope that you could write more seokjin stories in the future
Chapter 21: OH. MY. GOD.

Miks, how dare you to send Seokjin into my mind like this ;-; HE TOTALLY RUINED MY BIAS LIST!

amazing! he is trully my ideal type! ideal husband! :D
Miks, i'm still speechless.. sorry /.\
i can't type much more............
AmyWtsn #4
Chapter 21: Daebak! Sequal!
bangtan671 #5
Chapter 21: Yes sequel pls..amazing story.
C3cilia #6
Chapter 21: How can you end it here?! Its really good!! Another one please!! I want to know what happens next!!
psikwita #7
Chapter 21: omooooooooooooooooooo how cuteeeeeeeeeeeeee can you make anotherrrrrrrr *_* chuseyooooooooo i just can't stand this fanfic to end but realyyyyyy you did a greatttt workkkkkkkkk
Foreverkpop2000 #8
Chapter 20: Ohhhhh authornim please please please do a sequel
psikwita #9
Chapter 20: sequel chuseyooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i realy don't want this fanfic to end chuseyoooooooooooooo