Chapter 14

A Night To Remember

Happy birthday…

I wasn’t aware that today is my birthday. I forgot that this day is my birthday, but Rapmon remembered it. Does this mean that we might have another chance? That he didn’t mean what he had said to Suga oppa? I hope so



“Do you have anything else to do later? Today is my birthday!” I smiled widely to BTS. “Let’s celebrate it later!”

“Happy birthday, noona!” V hugged me.

“Yay! Let’s have dinner later!” Jimin said.

“But we have something to do later RIGHT?!” Jin widened his eyes at the boys. “happy birthday, but sorry. We can't celebrate it later.”

“Okay,” I pouted. “Elle is here anyway! We will just celebebrate later.”

“I’m tired. Let’s just bond in your apartment,” she said.

Why they don’t want to celebrate my birthday? This is so sad!


Since Elle wanted to get cozy and lazy in my apartment, we just bought chips, some Korean food, and more chips.

We were watching but I noticed that Elle was so focused with her phone.

“Eyyyy! I know you love Suga oppa, but please allot some of your attention to me for just a minute? Today is my birthday!”

Elle giggled, “What’s the problem?”

“Nothing, really hehe. Oh by the way, what’s the progress between you and oppa?”

Before saying any word, her chin started to wrinkle. Okay, I got it. Her actions are enough to answer my question. “I think I love him.”

“No doubt of that! Even before you met him, you already love him!” I said.

“This time is a legit love, not a fangirl love but love as in l-o-v-e.”

“Then what’s holding you from being in a relationship with him?”

“Nothing. Should we officially –“

“You and oppa like each other! Of course you should officially date! I don’t get why people makes everything complicated,” I said, almost ranting.

“Aw, don’t be bitter! How about you?”

“I think no one will like me anymore. Who likes someone who has a child? No one!” I said.

“Do you want me to hit you?! Don’t say that!” Elle put down her phone and gave her full attention to me.

“Do you remember when I told you that I considered single blessedness? Fate is doing its way to grant it for me. I should just give my 100% to Jinu. I wish after this documentation, I can freely go back to the Philippines.”

“How about Jin?” she asked. “He is your best buddy here in Korea. He is also Jinu’s father. You two look so good together too!”

“We are just friends. and besides our friendship will turn the other way around if he will know that he is Jinu’s father. He might also deny it. I don’t want that to happen.”

“I don’t think so. He loves Jinu!”

Elle continued talking as if she was bargaining Jin to me. until when I heard the door.

“Saengil chukha hamnida…” the boys, including Rapmon, were singing me a happy birthday song with some props – cake, balloons, and gifts. They were derping around and clapping while singing – the usual Bangtan Boys.


My small apartment was invaded by seven boys plus Elle. The space surely got tighter, but it doesn’t matter for them as long as they were having fun. Well, they always find ways to have fun!

The food in my apartment wasn’t enough to feed the boys, so they decided to buy more food. Suga and Elle were the ones who volunteered to buy the food.


Third Person POV

Suga took Elle to a place where it sells street food. They chose street food since Mina like that kind of food.

“Mina likes tteokbukki! You should try this, Elle,” Suga said, getting a piece of rice cake for Elle. But, Elle didn’t accept it.

“I don’t eat spicy food. My tolerance for spicy food is really low,” she said, pouting.

“Aw, it is okay. We can try other food!”

While going back to the apartment, they were eating hotteok.

“Back in college, Mina used to make hotteok and it was so good!” Elle said, munching the hotteok.

“Just like you,” Suga said in low tone, enough not to be heard by Elle.

“What?!” Elle got curious as she heard him but the words werent clear.

“Nothing,” Suga showed his gummy smile.

“yah! I heard you said something!”

“You’re like a hotteok,” Suga said,

“What. Why?”

“Because I love this hotteok and you,” Suga said in a swift because he was too shy to say it.

“I love you too,” Elle said that stopped Suga from walking. He paused, processing what Elle said. She was nervous because of what she had said but she wanted to confess to Suga.

Mina’s rant when they were talking alone became an eye opener for Elle. It gave so muc courage for her to confess to Suga, and probably tell him that she’s ready for a relationship with Suga.

“W-what did you say?” Suga asked. Even though he knew that Elle likes him, he still couldn’t believe that Elle confessed to her. It felt like he wasn’t aware of their mutual feelings for each other. He was willing to wait until forever, but a sudden confession confession from the girl he likes was just too much for him – too much happiness.

“I already told you, why should I repeat it?” Elle said. She too couldn’t believe that she said it. She was already shy to say it again to him. She continued walking.

Suga followed her but he couldn’t control but to back hug her, “I heard it clearly. Does that mean that I can call you ‘Jagiya’ now?”

Elle faced him, blushing and smiling. “Yes.”

Suga smiled as if he won the lottery. He hugged her tighter, not letting her go. “I love you, jagiya.”


 Rapmon POV

I went out of the apartment to have some fresh since the apartment was crowded, and crowded places are suffocating.

I saw Mina outside, probably with the same reason as mine. I didn’t hesitate to go to her. I really missed her. I wanted to talk to her. I wanted to hold her hands. I wanted to apologize to her. I wanted to take back what I said to Suga. I wanted to make her feel that I love her.

“I didn’t know that Jin hyung was preparing a surprise for you. if I only knew it, I would have given a gift to you now,” I told her. She looked surprised seeing me. we hadn’t talked properly since the day she heard me talking with Suga hyung.


“He bought the cake and seaweed soup. But if I were him, I’d rather cook the seaweed soup by myself,“ I said. But I shouldn’t have said those. I sounded like as if I wanted to talk to her more, as if I want to win her back. It was really wrong.

I lit a cigarette beside her. She really hates it whenever I attempted to smoke. But through this, I might turn her off.

“You are really pushing me away from you,” she said. She removed the cigarette from my fingers. “Do you really think everything was just a game? That’s why you just left me hanging and hoping?”


One word that was hard to say. A simple word that I never thought will be this painful. Saying that word was really against my will. I wanted to take it back and tell her that I was miserably choosing a decision that I didn’t want to.

I couldn’t hear and feel anything from Mina. She was holding her emotions. She wasn’t even looking at me.

I didn’t want to see her in that situation, so I walked away .

“Don’t leave me,” Mina begged. Her voice was obviously desperate. “give me another chance to prove –“

“Don’t you understand that I don’t like you? It was just a plain game, Mina! Don’t fall for it! You know that I have a sweet tongue! I can get every girl I want, Mina, ” my words were really painful but she was still holding back her emotions. This was worse than seeing a girl crying because of heartbreak.

“Face me mina! Is this the person you want to be with? Ha?!”  I said. Mina wasn’t looking at me, still no emotions from her. She was just staring at the ground. “be mad at me! Punch me! Slap me! Do whatever you want! I am a jerk, Mina! I am a playboy! You don’t deserve me!”

I took her hands, leading her to hurt me. I wanted her to hurt me. I wanted to feel pain from being a jerk. She doesn’t deserve this kind of treatment, but why did I do it to her?

She was trying to pull her hands away from mine. “I really wanted to! I want you to feel how painful it is to hear everything from you! But, I can’t… because I still love you”

“Love is not enough for two people to be together. Sometimes you need to consider the people around you,” I said.

She finally let her tears fall. I couldn’t stand seeing her cry because of her. I felt like a total idiot for letting her cry. But, I need to be firm. As what I told her, love wasn’t enough. Jinu would be the most affected if I would choose my happiness.

“Please…” she said. I know she was referring to the chance she asked awhile ago. “One more chance.”

“Nana, don’t do this. it is also hard for me –“

I was talking when Jin suddenly pull Mina’s hand away from me. he took her away from.

My Nana was gone in a snap. I am so sorry, Nana. But I want you to know that what I have told and showed to you before I gave up are all coming from my heart.

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A short sequel (3 chapters) or another last chapter


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Chapter 21: Because Kim Namjoon is freaking hot.
kimdyyo #2
well it's quite hard for me to find great fanfic about seokjin and I really thankful that I found your story~
I can't stop read it until the end
and I think I might die with the butterflies in my stomach
I really hope that you could write more seokjin stories in the future
Chapter 21: OH. MY. GOD.

Miks, how dare you to send Seokjin into my mind like this ;-; HE TOTALLY RUINED MY BIAS LIST!

amazing! he is trully my ideal type! ideal husband! :D
Miks, i'm still speechless.. sorry /.\
i can't type much more............
AmyWtsn #4
Chapter 21: Daebak! Sequal!
bangtan671 #5
Chapter 21: Yes sequel pls..amazing story.
C3cilia #6
Chapter 21: How can you end it here?! Its really good!! Another one please!! I want to know what happens next!!
psikwita #7
Chapter 21: omooooooooooooooooooo how cuteeeeeeeeeeeeee can you make anotherrrrrrrr *_* chuseyooooooooo i just can't stand this fanfic to end but realyyyyyy you did a greatttt workkkkkkkkk
Foreverkpop2000 #8
Chapter 20: Ohhhhh authornim please please please do a sequel
psikwita #9
Chapter 20: sequel chuseyooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i realy don't want this fanfic to end chuseyoooooooooooooo