My Perfect

"Dude, check out this fic I found." You sat next to Sehun on the couch and conected your phone to the TV screen. 

"What is it?"

"Well, so you know how we were talking about wolves and super powers?' Sehun nodded. "I found a fic."

"Cool, who are the characters?"

You grinned and pulled it up. "Take a look see."

                                            The Forbidden Taste

Authors: Gimmithebooti

Updated: Nov 15, 2014

Published: April 3, 2013

Status: Complete

Tags: werewolf powers sehun you exo

Characters: Sehun You Exo

"Really?" Sehun eyed you. "You know what, honestly if i have super powers I don't even care. Lets read."

You read up until chapter 36 with Sehun but couldn't take it anymore. The tears were streaming down your face and it was obvious that Sehun was holding them in as well.

"But Changmi, I love-" Sehun started

"NO! YOU MONSTER!" Changmi backed up in fear. At any moment she could be attacked, just like her brother. Sehun, her love, was a monster. A monster who killed her brother.

"Changmi! I'd never hurt you!" Sehun yelled after her as she sprinted off into the distance.  His love, his mate.... Gone just like that. With tears running down his face he walked into the woods. He knows he can't go after her. But he wants to. He wants to so bad. But he is scared. He is scared that she will go to Chanyeol. He knows that bastard loves her. "Changmi!" He screamed as he fell to his knees. The rain started pouring, downing his sobs.

"Oh my gosh." Tears were now streaming down Sehun's face as well. "Can't you see that he loves you! It was all a misunderstanding! Gosh dang it!. Changmi!" Sehun fell to his knees, re-enacting the the scene in the fic.

"Why can't you see that you love him!" You scream while flopping over to Sehun. You both catch each other in an embrace. "I'll never let you go Sehun. Never." You cry onto his shoulder.

The door opens and Luhan walks in, "Hey guys, I brought the chic-" He notices you and Sehun crying collectively and looks at the TV screen with the fic. "Oh you're reading this too?"

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