Free Samples

Twelve guys and a Coffee Shop





Luhan skipped into the coffee shop the next morning happier than he had ever been in his four months of working there. He had confidence written all over his face and was ready to-


"The are you tho happy about?" Sehun asked placing a box of coffee beans on the counter.


"I have an idea to attract more customers! " Luhan announced after climbing up onto one of the tables to grab everyone's attention, "I think we should have someone dress up as a coffee bean, stand outside, and hand people free samples!" 


"I think we should hand people free !" Kai suggested. 


"Kai, itth impothible to hand people thex." Sehun pointed out, spraying his Sehun spit on the unlucky ones in front of him.


"You don't know that!" Kai accused, "You can't even say the word properly!"


"Didn't you take thex ed?"


"Of course I did! I am ed!"


"Thath altho impothible" 


"Nothing is I'm possible if you..." Lay's eyes widened. He raised his hands allowing a rainbow to come out from them, "Believe!"


"Can it unicorn boy!" Baekhyun snapped. 


"Ok!" Lay sang before jumping into a giant can.


"Ooh this is perfect!" Luhan squealed, clapping his hands. 


"I'm confused." Minseok broke in. He walked over to the crowd of dimwitted employees and sat in a chair next to the table Luhan was standing on.


"Watch and learn babe. Watch and learn." Luhan took a knife and cut holes at the bottom and the sides of the Lay's can, "there. Now stick your arms and legs through the holes."


"Hahaha ." Kai giggled earning a groan from his poor boyfriend, Kyungsoo. 


Luhan took out a sharpie from Kai 's pants and wrote KOFFEE on the front of it. The Es were written backwards. 


"That's not how you spell coffee! And your Es are backward!" Minseok pointed out.


"Well you know what!" Luhan snapped, " up! I'm not going to talk to you!"


"Uh.." Minseok panicked. One of the things he couldn't stand was Luhan being angry at him. That, and furbys. Seriously those things are freaking creepy. "I love you?" He offered. 


Luhan smiled and giggled like a school girl in love.


"I don't get it." Chanyeol scratched his

 head, interrupting the lovey dovey display Minseok and Luhan were putting on.


"Lay is our mascot! He can stand outside and hand out free samples!" Luhan cheered, his focus back on his plan.


"That's so gay." Tao broke in.


"Like you aren't with your coach bags." Baekhyun scoffed. 


" Ex-ca-use me!" Tao snapped his fingers in a Z formation, "my bags are Gucci. Kris should know. I used his credit card to buy them. "


"You what?" Kris blubbered as Suho patted his back.


"HA! GAYYY!" Baekhyun snickered as Tao began to cry.


"Ith okay babe I love you." Sehun comforted as Tao sobbed harder.


"STOP RUINING THE MOMEENNTT!" Luhan whined before he ran into the kitchen to throw a fit. He just about had it with everyone changing the subject while he's talking


"Lay go do your job!" Sehun snapped. Suprisingly he didn't spit on anyone. 


"We need free samples. " Baekhyun pointed out.


"I'll cook something'" Kai cheered. He ran to the kitchen and reappeared two minutes later carrying a tray filled with cups, black liquid slushing inside"


"What. Is. That." Baekhyun looked at the concoction in disgust.


"Your mother." Suho blurted out between laughs.


"Nope." Baekhyun shook his head.


"I just wanted to be like the cool kids. " Suho sighed.


"It's okay babe. I'll be cool for the both of us." Kris patted Suho's shoulder. 


"Hey guyth! This drink actually tatheth good!" Sehun squealed. 


"Hey your right." Kyungsoo said after taking a sip, "what's in it?"


"Black coffee and Luhan tears." Kai explained. 


As Kyungsoo was busy getting rid of the liquid that just entered his system, Chanyeol ran the cups over to Lay.


"What I do?" Lay asked in his drunk, confused voice.


"Just um..uh..wait one second. " Chanyeol ran back in the coffee shop and brought Suho. 


"Stand here and hand out these to people who walk by." Suho explained. 


"You got it boss!" Lay cheered, tripping over a rock and dropping all of the cups.


"AHHHH!" Lay shrieked, running around in circles, "IT PEED ON ME! THE CUPS PEED ON ME!"


Luhan watched the scene from the roof. He had climbed through the vents in the kitchen and ended up there somehow. He took out a mini notebook from his pocket and scribbled: 


Plan one


Note to self: Lay is clumsy. 


Luhan sighed and stuffed the notebook in his pocket. Maybe tomorrow would be better, he thought.



Seven subscribers!!!! Yasssss! Thank youuuuu~



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lovethisnuts #1
Ahhhh all of my otp's even thought this is a crack fic i love this!!!!!!
Chapter 8: u updated T^T i'm so happy im tearing up
Chapter 7: Hahah lol key as a toddler is pretty cute and baek can be the perfect nanny for him
bora_xiuhan #4
Chapter 7: Lol key and baek are the same :))
lulu100 #5
Chapter 5: Lol the banner reminds me of the one we have in wp
parvitasari #6
Chapter 4: Crazy pairings.. and poor chen..
Chapter 5: oh my god krease hahaha, update soon~
Hellokitty21 #8
Chapter 2: Crack fics are so awesome lmao
Chapter 4: lmao hahaha
xiuhankaisooo #10
Poor Sehun lol