
If I Were You

They say that you can't really miss something that you never had but I beg to differ.
Perhaps if I had you just for a day I might have been able to let you go finally.
Being stuck in this, it chokes me of my breath at the darkest of night just before dawn.
At that moment I thought how it would be probably perfect if I could relieve a moment with you.

The day my heart skipped a beat when we were in the studio discussing about those sick beats, I saw you differently.
The clothes that you complimented me on when I greeted you, I went to shop for a dozen in that style.
As I stare into my reflection in the full length mirror that was dressed to the nines, those compliments on how stunning I looked became a distant buzzing.
I looked miserable for goodness sake, the smile that graced my face felt foreign even to me.
Is there really such a thing called falling for the wrong person? So if someone reciprocate your feelings they were the right person then?  And vice versa?
I bit my tougue to hold in the bitter laughter, this sounds funny.
Oh how I wish you could be me and I could be you just for a day, perhaps the hearts would be able to share the same feelings for each other.
I wish you would love me........screw that, veritably I would be contented if you could love me for a fraction of your love for her.
Have you ever wondered how I felt, the dread reaching an official as I study the article that confirmed your relationship with her?
Though it was no secret from the start, this thing in black and white just stamps the comfirmation I thought would be my ticket to move on.
I guess fate has other plans because you know what? I'm once again stuck in that blank space, that bubble of emotions that still and all but eveloped me when the subject of music weren't involved whenever we talked.
I pray to the high heaven and back at this very instance, praying with all my entire being.
I want to elope from this tactless night sky and just for that fragment of second before I let go of consciousness, I wonder about the impossible that could happen,
If I were you.





A/N: Skiving from homework once again but decided to something perhaps more productive? Tell me how did you find this short story, I would love some constructive critcism if you guys want to offer. Wish all of you a greater 2015 XD


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ficsystem #1
Chapter 1: This is beautiful yet so painful. Great job
blackjacklex #2
Chapter 1: This was so good! Totally fits the song :)