No. 1

Welcome to Cell No. 1

"Yah! Don't stand there like a lost child," The teenage girl half shouted annoyed by the young girl that just arrived. Her hands shivered and shook merciless under nervousness. Her eyes were diverted to the polish wooden ground, fearing looking into the women eyes. She clutched onto folded navy blanket like her life depended on it. Cigarette smoke clouded most of space on the small cell. It heavily stung her nose with a sickly familiar memory. Movements of the wooden ground were made. Under her feet, she could feel it coming towards her. Suddenly, she felt a hand abruptly pulled her hair. She screamed out in aching pain, dropping her navy blanket, and raised both of her hands to place them above the other hand grabbing her red auburn hair. 

"Stop wasting my time." She pulled her hand back, and use the momentum to push her down. The auburn haired girl winced at the pain that spreaded to her weak knees. She looked up at the girl through her hair. Her eyes stared down at her in deciteful way. Her short, crinkly blond hair was pulled in a small ponytail. A cigarette oozed smoke from between her slender fingers.

"Yah! Ha Ni ah, do you want to go solitary confinement again?" An older voice spoke with authority. The girl lifted her head and saw a middle aged woman with play cards in her hand. Beside her was a younger woman with long, wavy brown hair that stopped at her waist. Her legs were crossed, absorbed in the current game. Far off in the corner, another young woman was sobbing quietly to herself with her back against the wall, tentatively squeezing the paper in her hand. 

"Pff. It wasn't my fault she was annoying me."  The teenage girl walked to a spot, and took a whiff of her cigarette. The auburn haired girl struggled to stand. Without picking up her navy blanket, she stood up having the aching spread around her scalp.

"My name is Lee Seul Bi. I was arrested for attempted murder. I'll remain here for two years. Please take care of me." Seul Bi bowed 90 degrees in respect. 

"You wouldn't last a week." A snide voice spoke.

"Rise, child." The middle age woman spoke softly. She lifted herself and, diverted her eyes. "I'm Cha In Hwa. Call me Ajumma." Seul Bi slightly raised her eyes. She actually glisped at the ajumma. She (ajumma) was pretty, even though she had bags darken around her brown eyes. Her was short, and kept up in a small pony tail. She also had a cigarrette between her two slender fingers.

"Thank you." She said quietly, scared of what to expect next. She sat on the ground, and winced slightly in pain. 

Silence hung heavily in the air. She fidgeted nervously. Fear engulfed her more then ever.

"Welcome to Cell No.1." A bone chilling laugh resonated throughout the cell block.

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priya_nishal #1
Chapter 1: Awesome update