Chapter 13: Luhan

Bitter But Sehun

Chapter 13: Luhan 


My head was resting on top of my desk. The great thing was class hasn't started, so I wouldn't get scold. I was on the verge on falling asleep in class. For some reason I couldn't forget what happen at the restaurant on Saturday.



Particularly, I couldn't forget that someone. When I thought about Saturday, for some reason his smiling face enters my mind. Why is my weakness handsome guys? Now, I felt bad about giving him my nastiest glare at the restaurant. He probably thinks I'm resemble a monster.






I felt the desk move a bit. My eyelids opened a little to see who was disturbing my nap. My seat mate sat down in his desk. He looked annoyed, but doesn't he always look like that? As I spent more time with Sehun I noticed he always has a pokerface.



Sometimes I wanted to punch his face before. However, Sehun has shown me another side of his pokerface. Although, he may look like a cold-hearted bastard, he is actually caring when he wants to be. Oppa, I made a new friend. Without noticing I smiled.



"I'm I that handsome to be stare at?" Sehun confidently said.



At that moment my smile faded. Oh Sehun, why are you so conceited? His pokerface no longer masked his real face. He smiled from his words. My body was to tired to respond back, so I chuckled.



"Good morning! Today you will be having a new additions to your class." Ms. Park said. My head rose from my desk the moment I heard Mrs. Park. Her loud voice startled me. I noticed the principle, Mr. Oh, was walking behind her. When the students saw him they straightened their backs and became quiet.



Based on my observations Sehun resembles Mr. Oh a lot. Wait, their surnames are the same, I thought. There is a high chance Sehun is Mr. Oh son. Sehun rolled his eyes at Mr. Oh. it the trend to roll your eyes at your dad? Maybe their relationship is not great right now.



"Mr. Oh will you tell them to come in?" Mrs. Park asked. Everyone faced turned anticipating for the arrival of the new student, while I wanted to sleep.



"Hello, my name is Kyungsoo. I hope we will get along." The boy said. The girls in the class began to squeal in excitement.



That boy was the same person who was with Tamara on Saturday. Tarmara didn't appeared surprise like I was. She was busy reading a book. Wow! Tamara is actually reading a book! I don't know what surprised me more Tamara reading or the presence of the new boy. She used to tell me she hated reading books since they are so long. Instead we will watch the movie version together.



"And the other student, Mr. Oh?"



Before Mr. Oh can respond footsteps were heard.



"Yo, yo, yo~" That voice I heard it before. I hoped he wasn't him, but I was wrong. The girls squealed in delight again.



"Wow! They are sooooo handsome!" A girl exclaimed.



"Senpai notice me!" Some girl shouted.



Giggles were heard around the classmate from the excitement of the new students. I quickly grabbed a book from my bookbag and covered my face with it. My hands began to sweat. My heart raced from the nervousness I was feeling. If he sees my he might make a scene.



I was bitting my lip as I tried to peek at the new boy. It was the worst move I did. His eyes scanned the room and stopped when he saw me. He smirked at me knowing I was the girl he encountered at the restaurant. I quickly went back to reading the book ignoring his stares.



"My name is Luhan. I'm the new transfer student from China. Please take care of me." Luhan said. When I quickly peeked at him he was staring at me and Sehun as he said the last part of his introduction.



Luhan. What a pretty name. 



Sehun didn't care about him. He looked annoyed like he didn't want to be here. At that moment I don't want to be here either. I wished I had magic so I could had disappeared.



I believed as long as he didn't acknowledged me it would be okay. So, I tried to pretend I didn't know him. Clearly, he remembered who I am from the way he stares at me.



"Can I sit in back of her?" Luhan said as he pointed at me.



"Of course! Jinhwan move to the back." Mr. Oh responded.



"Thanks, Mr. Oh. You're the best!" Luhan raised two thumbs up at Mr. Oh. I expected Mr. Oh to disapprove of his actions, but instead he smiled and gave a thumb up. He usually doesn't smile to students nor respond to them unless it was important.



Kyungsoo was placed next to Tamara in the second row in the middle. She still didn't bothered to look at him. Her focus was on her book.



As Luhan passed me he lightly brushed through my shoulders saying, "We meet again."



A/N- Luhan is here! He may no longer be in EXO but he is always present in my heart <3. The waiter boy is Luhan btw

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cocoflower #1
Chapter 19: Laddie , I like the name of the girl . Luhan what are u going to do now @@
cocoflower #2
Chapter 12: Lol so funny ha xD
Subscribed! Bcoz this looks great :)
sapph13 #4
Chapter 15: waiting for the next chapter! ^^