You're Beautiful


Here's the chapter guys. I hope you'll enjoy this as much as I had fun writing it~

TaeHyung or preferably V has a secret. It's something he could and would never reveal to anyone even if they were close, family or not, his secret will forever remain just that, his or so he thought. He didn't expect a certain boy who goes by the name Kim SeokJin, commonly called Jin, to come and invade his life.

"TaeHyungie, it's time to wake up!" TaeHyung was cut off from his musing by his mother who was knocking on his door. He didn't have the guts to tell his mother that by 5 a.m, he was already clean as he could ever be and that he always woke up around 3 or 4 in the morning. He couldn't bother his mom than he already has... He could live with this for all his life if it meant that the people around him would be safe and happy.

"I'm up, mom! Thanks for the heads up though." TaeHyung shouted out as he got up from his bed to get ready for school.

"Hyungie, Jin is waiting for you in the dining room." His mom informed him before walking back down to the kitchen. TaeHyung didn't know if he should grimace or smile at the thought of Jin. Sighing, he ruffled his slightly wet hair..

'He's here again? Why? Why does he keep on coming back? I just want him to leave!' He didn't really mean the last sentence but Jin was frustrating him to no end. He was all alone before the other came barging into his life. No one wanted to be friends with him... He was just too weird, too ugly.

"Aish, he makes my life so much more complicated!" He whined out, stomping his right foot for emphasis.

'But he's also the reason why I still keep on smiling. It's because of him that I don't feel so empty anymore.' Finally done clothing himself in his school uniform, TaeHyung went down only to be greeted by a smirking Jin.

"Hey." Jin nodded to the other, slinging his arms around the shorter boy's shoulder once the latter arrived on the last step.

"Jin-Hyung, what are you doing here?" TaeHyung whispered, cautious as to not be caught being rude to a guest by his mom.

'Who knows what she'll do to me if she sees me being rude to a guest...' Just the thought of what his mom could make him do made him nervous.

"I'm picking you up, isn't it obvious?" Jin chuckled as he lead the other towards the kitchen.

"Ah, Hyungie, come and eat before you leave! Jin, are you really sure that you're done eating?" TaeHyung's mom worriedly glanced at Jin who nodded and offered a smile.

"Yes, I've eaten breakfast. No need to worry." TaeHyung's mom gave him a hard look for a while before she deemed that the other was telling the truth and not lying to her.

"Mom, we're going to be late!" TaeHyung pouted at the slight glare his mom sent him.

"You can't learn with an empty stomach, dear." She told him, her smile looking darker and dangerous which effectively made TaeHyung nod and give a shaky smile in return. Happy with the result, TaeHyung's mom turned around as she focused on cleaning the dishes.

"Actually, you can." TaeHyung grumbled towards Jin making the older boy chuckle.

"What did you say, TaeHyung?" His mom called out, not even bothering to turn around yet the threat in her voice was still imminent. Jin and TaeHyung glanced at

each other, sharing a small smile of amusement before scrambling to their appointed seats.

The two were walking towards their school in silence. Both were immersed in their thoughts and even if they weren't, not one of them would dare destroy the peaceful silence they were in.

"Bunnies..." TaeHyung thought out loud which successfully made Jin look at him in amusement. Jin got used to TaeHyung's habit of thinking aloud after the first few mornings he started to be with the other. He wasn't weirded out or anything close to that because actually, he found TaeHyung's weird tendencies to be adorable. If only TaeHyung would understand why he was with him, that Jin would never leave him.

'I love him too much.' Jin sighed, drawing TaeHyung out of his thoughts on flying animals and aliens.

"Hyung-" Hesitating slightly, TaeHyung coughed a bit as if to relieve some tension.

"Is everything alright?" He looked at Jin suspiciously when the other answered him a little bit too fast.

"Yes, TaeHyung, I'm fine." Jin tried again as he gave TaeHyung his best smile which never failed to make girls swoon.

"No, you're not. You never call me TaeHyung." The younger replied, wagging his finger as a no-no sign.

"I'm fine, really." Jin insisted. He couldn't let TaeHyung know... For all he knows, their friendship might as well be considered over once the other finds out about the truth.

"Jin, I-" TaeHyung was cut off by the screeching of Jin's fangirls. Sighing, he bid Jin farewell as he knew he would just be pushed out of the way by those blood thirsty fangirls. TaeHyung smiled at the other before running off, leaving a depressed Jin who had his hand outstretched in front of him as if to stop the other from leaving.

'His smile wasn't even real.' Jin growled, anger written all over his face. He wasn't angry at TaeHyung though, no, he was angry at the fact he couldn't be normal, couldn't spend time with TaeHyung inside the school. Jin shook his head at the thought, TaeHyung was already being bullied and if he was seen with him then it would only worsen things.

'I just want to be with you and only you.'

"Hey, look what we have here guys, a boy who's a weirdo and a loner!" A tall, bulky man spat out but TaeHyung didn't even flinch. This was getting old and slowly, he was getting used to all of the abuse.

"Don't have anything to say? Of course you don't. I bet nothing you say even makes sense!" TaeHyung merely looked down the whole time, he's used to this... but it still hurt. Words cut through him like a sword would because although he's prepared to be beaten up, he's never prepared for the mental war.

"Hey, hey, aren't you like a middle class family? Give us some money too. People like you don't even need it." Another boy from the group voiced out to which everyone agreed to. TaeHyung stood still, trying to lose himself in his own world. A world he could call home where he and his mom were together along with his long dead father and that world may or may not contain Jin. A punch to his gut snapped him back to reality, the harsh and cold world they truly lived in.

'There will never be peace for someone like me.' 

"We asked you a question, now, answer it." Obviously it was their leader. He was a black haired boy and though he was smaller than the others, the punch he sent towards TaeHyung told him otherwise although he did look a bit like a monkey.

"A monkey?!" The leader hissed, embarrassed as his group started to laugh. One look from him and the others were quick to shut up.

"Funny, hahaha, very hilarious." He monotonously laughed out. TaeHyung's eyes widened as he realized he had said his thoughts out loud. 

"At least I'm not as ugly as you, you piece of sh*t!" TaeHyung was knocked off his feet by a strong kick to his side. He moaned out in pain as his hip bone was the first thing to land on the floor.

"Get his money then we'll leave." With a snap of the black haired boy's finger, 2 of his lackey's went into action and dug around TaeHyung's pockets.

"Hyung, there's nothing here!" A cruel smirk was sent towards TaeHyung and with a careless shrug, he ordered the two to just give TaeHyung a kick or two instead. They left after the deed was done and though TaeHyung was happy about that, he was currently unable to move due to pain.

'Jin-Hyung!' His heart cried out and though he tried to will his mouth shut, it still opened to utter the other's name.

'He won't come for you... You aren't worth his time.' That hurt. This is exactly why he didn't want to be friends with Jin or anybody for that matter. Everyone around him was a somebody, someone important while he, Kim TaeHyung was just a nobody...a freak, a weirdo. He can't taint anybody with his weirdness... He can't taint them with his darkened heart and mind. Even with those thoughts, TaeHyung didn't want Jin to leave him. He didn't want to be alone, to be secluded! He wanted someone who would care for him and maybe even love him more so than his mother if that was even possible.

'I wanted Jin to be that person.' TaeHyung sobbed as he dragged himself towards the wall where he could lean against it. TaeHyung wanted to be with Jin but he couldn't because people like him didn't deserve to be happy. An ugly and imperfect person like him couldn't even compare to the handsome and completely perfect boy named Jin. Their worlds just shouldn't clash and in all honesty, TaeHyung won't let them.

TaeHyung grimaced as he stood up from his chair. School had ended with little to no conflict after the run-in with his bullies and now, he was finally free to go home and relax that is if he could escape from the school without Jin seeing him.

'I have to hurry! One wrong move and all will be lost.' He might have been exaggerating it too much but hey, he wasn't called a freak for nothing. TaeHyung was feeling nervous the whole time but it wasn't a hard task to avoid Jin and his fangirls. There were times where he would duck into classrooms and closets just to get out of Jin's line of sight but the walk towards the school gate was mostly uneventful. TaeHyung happily danced as he finally got away from the school without any incident which earned him raised eyebrows from the people passing by. Paying no heed to them, he began his trek towards his house which was a few blocks away.

'How can I set Jin-Hyung free? Will he even care?' TaeHyung was frowning the whole walk as he thought about Jin. He was so immersed in his thoughts that when his phone vibrated in his pocket, it made him jump a bit out of fright. He chuckled as he reached for his cellphone and immediately opened the unread message.

To: TaeHyung
From: Jin-Hyung
Tae, where the hell are you?! Weren't we supposed to meet a block away from school?

TaeHyung didn't know if he should reply or not. How was he going to tell Jin about his plan? Was it even a plan? Will he approve or would he disapprove? Is he mad right now? 

'He'd be ecstatic once he knows he's free from a freak like you.' He would be, wouldn't he? 

'I'm such an idiot... I'll text him later. Hopefully, I won't be too heart broken.' That was the last serious thought he had and instead, he opted to continue his world of flying bunnies fighting cute little aliens.

TaeHyung hissed as he pressed a finger on his bruised hip. He couldn't say he was fine now but he was going to be... In a few weeks, his bruises will heal and probably in a few years so will his heart once he sends his text. Applying some ointment on each of the nasty, purple looking bruises, TaeHyung smiled at the thought of Jin. Jin being with the people he deserve, Jin being happy with the person he likes and finally, Jin being with the person he loves. Not one of the pictures in his mind contained him and that suited him just fine. Finally done with bandaging his wounds after he applied the ointment, he laid in bed, jogging pants covering some of the bandages and the rest was laid out for the rest of the world to see. TaeHyung didn't care that his wet orange hair was soaking the pillow he was on. After all, he was too concentrated on the text he was about to send. The text that was going to end it all.

'Your world wasn't meant to be perfect.' A voice in him hissed making TaeHyung smile.

"I know." And with that, he pressed send. TaeHyung didn't know the whole reason why his eyes started to shed tears. He was hurt, yes and probably his heart might have broke as well but that was normal since he was in fact, in love with Jin. TaeHyung closed his eyes as if it would stop his tears from flowing... It didn't, it wouldn't and it never will.

TaeHyung didn't know what time it was, how many minutes or hours had passed. All he did was lay in bed, his eyes were shut tightly as a lone tear here and there would often escape them. He was startled from his sleep-like state by the harsh knocking on his door. What was happening? Was his mom okay? Was the house on fire? Did his wish come true and that flying bunnies were real and that aliens do live on earth? These questions circled his mind, not one thought contained Jin. He knew the other would be just fine without him although, he couldn't say the same to himself.

"Wait a second, mom! I'll be there in a bit!" With that, he wiped the remaining tears on his face. He limped towards the door after he put a shirt on, mindful of his bruises and aching hip. It seemed like forever as he walked towards the door. Much to his surprise he heard a click before his door was slammed open. TaeHyung flinched, looking anywhere but the person in front of him. He didn't know what he did to his mom for her to be so mad but whatever it was, he had to do something about it.

"Mom, Hi- I-umm, actually I don't know what I did but I'm sorry, okay?" TaeHyung gulped as he finally settled on staring at his feet, shifting from one foot to another. He was nervous as hell, who wouldn't be when your only parent was mad at you?

Jin stared at the fidgeting boy in front of him. He wanted to shout at him but he held himself back, scared of frightening the other and losing him even more. The brunet was confused as to what exactly brought up the text but once he read it, he immediately rushed to the younger boy's house. Tears from hurt or anger, he didn't even know anymore, threatening to fall. Jin grabbed TaeHyung's wrist as he pulled him, pinning the other to the wall to prevent the other from escaping.

"Jin-Hyung!" TaeHyung whimpered out. Why was he here? Shouldn't he be out celebrating? He's finally free, free from him and his evil clutches and-

"TaeHyung, shut up." Jin hissed, anger evident in his voice. Shutting up, TaeHyung looked at the man in front of him with wide, frightened eyes. He had never seen his Hyung this mad.

'You're going to get it. He's gonna beat your sorry like all the others do.' The voice snickered which earned a small whimper from TaeHyung.

"What the hell was that text all about?!" Jin, as if it would help, whipped out his phone and flashed it at TaeHyung.

To: SeokJin
From: Tae-Baby
Hey, Jin-Hyung... I don't know how to say this but I think it would be for the best if we find other people as friends. I can't let your reputation go to waste. I can't and won't let other people see you with me. I want you to be happy and I just can't see you happy if you're friends with an ugly freak like me. I enjoyed your company, Hyung. I hope you won't make things harder for us both... Don't go near me anymore... You might get infected by my darkness.

TaeHyung didn't get a chance to explain himself because once Jin pocketed his phone, he slammed his arms on both sides of the wall near TaeHyung's head which meant he was truly trapped.

"Happy? Tae, are you ing kidding me? Do you really think I'll be happier without you?! I can't live without you, TaeHyung! I don't think you're weird, okay? I find your actions cute but what you said earlier, I don't know... I want to yell at you but no! I can't risk our friendship, I can't live with myself knowing that I scared you, that I scarred you for life!" Jin breathed in and then out. He was ranting, he knew that but that was the only way he could cope. He's not letting TaeHyung go that easy. TaeHyung was his and will forever be his.

"Hyung, I just want you to be happy and you won't get that with me being near you. I'm not good for you. I- I can't taint you." TaeHyung flinched as Jin's hands wiped away the tears that were falling down his cheeks. After doing that, Jin placed a finger under TaeHyung's chin and tilted it up slightly. For a moment, both pf them were mesmerized by the other's eyes. No one dared to move, their eyes staring at the other's as if it was the only thing interesting in the whole world.

"I love you." Jin whispered, finally breaking eye contact, he let his head fall on the younger boy's tense shoulder.

'Love? Jin-Hyung loves me?' Frowning, TaeHyung tried to move away but was stopped by Jin holding his waist.

"AH!" TaeHyung gasped in pain as the bruise on his hip was gripped. Jin, shocked, immediately pulled his hand back.

"Tae? What's wrong?" Jin cooed, worry clearly shown on his face.

"No-nothing, I'm fine. Please, Jin-Hyung, leave!" TaeHyung sobbed, his mind a mess as the voice was throwing insult after insult at him.

"No, I won't leave you. I can't lose you!" Jin held TaeHyung in his arms, the other's hair as he cried.

'He'll hate you once he knows about me. Don't listen to him!' 

"Hyung, don't- don't make it hard for me! Please..." TaeHyung begged, the voice in him shouting in agreement.

"Shh, baby, it's alright. Calm down, okay?" Jin hummed a soft melody in his ear and slowly, it was lulling the younger to sleep. He always did like the sound of his Hyung's voice.

"Tae, baby, don't ask me to leave, please? I love you so much." That was the last thing he heard from Jin as sleep took hold of him.

Jin held TaeHyung in his arms the whole time the younger boy was asleep. After TaeHyung lost consciousness, Jin carried him towards the bed and positioned himself next to the other and hasn't moved since.

"Wha-" TaeHyung groaned as he realized he was laying on something warm and breathing. He yawned, stretching on the bed like a cat until he noticed a hand was on his waist and that he was half- which meant his bruises were exposed. He blushed as he felt himself slowly becoming more aware of his surroundings. A chuckle to his right side brought his attention towards the older male next to him.

"You know, I had a lot of time to think while you were asleep." TaeHyung bit his lip, not really excited to know what the other had thought about. This was it, Jin was going to tell him how disgusted he feels about loving a freak like him.

"I re-read your text over and over again before I was truly able to understand what you meant or to even get at least something close to the meaning." Jin frowned as he looked at the other's eyes before moving down to his chest and then down his stomach and finally, his hip where the largest bruise could be seen.

"Ugly, TaeHyung? Who tells you you're ugly? Is the voice telling you that?" The question made the younger still in his arms.

"He's going to hate you. He's going to leave now that he knows I exist.' The laughter of the voice was going to drive TaeHyung insane one of these days, he concludes.

"Hey, listen to me, okay? I love you. I care for you. You're beautiful and you're not weird- not a freak. You're Kim TaeHyung and to me, you're my Tae-Baby, you got that? That voice, you know him, right?" Getting a nod from TaeHyung boosted his confidence in the matter. He was listening to HIM and not the voice.

"Don't ever listen to him. Everything he says is wrong. You're perfect just the way you are now and don't let it tell you otherwise, actually, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

"Hyung, I can't-" TaeHyung looked at the other, his eyes were moist signaling that he was about cry.

"You can, Tae and if you want, you can rely on me because no matter what you'll say, I will always be here for you." Jin moved closer towards TaeHyung, their mouths were a few inches apart yet they were so close that they could feel the other's breath.

"Trust me?" Jin whispered, his eyes simply staring at the other's teary ones. The voice in TaeHyung's head for once was silent, everything seemed so perfect. He nodded as his tears finally fell and he leaned in more to kiss Jin. TaeHyung, at that moment felt so perfect in the arms of Jin. He felt so complete with the other as if he found his other half.

"Tae-baby?" A hum was the only response Jin for from the elated orange haired boy next to him.

"Who gave you those bruises?" TaeHyung gulped as he saw the dark look on Jin's face. He shook his head as if to say that he wouldn't tell.

"They hurt you, Tae." Another shake of TaeHyung's head made him frown before a grin made way to his lips as he found a way to coax the other into telling him.

"I'll take you out tonight and even buy you anything you want if you tell me." The younger boy hesitated to answer as he considered the offer.

'Bingo!' Jin smirked as TaeHyung gave him a somewhat shy nod. 

"Can I tell you later?" TaeHyung gave him a bright smile which made butterflies start to flutter in his stomach.

'God, I love this boy so much and I'm never letting him go.' 

"You're still going to tell me?" A nod was given to him. Satisfied, he approved and started to caress the other's cheek.

"Don't ever leave me?" Jin gave the other a pleading look although he would never admit it.

"Never." TaeHyung promised, kissing Jin on the cheek. Smiling, Jin kissed the younger on the lips once more. If TaeHyung needed someone to help him with the voice or just his insecurities, he was there and if he ever needed to be reassured that TaeHyung would never leave him for someone else, the younger would always do things for him that would erase all of his doubt. TaeHyung was Jin's and hell would have to freeze over before he let go of the younger.

That's it for my first story here~ I have to admit that I got the inspiration to write this because I have insecurities too and that I wanted to at least give some confidence to those readers who're insecure as well. I hope I helped even if it's just a little bit. Once again, Merry Christmas to you all (even if I'm a bit late)

I'm sorry if I made some mistakes here and there or maybe the whole story is a mistake but oh well.

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neongyul #1
Chapter 1: Loved it, so touching ;;^;;
Let's be strong and fight our insecurities n_n
happy holidays!!
KcuLL22 #2
Chapter 1: Wah I love it and I hope you also heal your insecurity cos this world is pretty much negative and to have some insecurities isn't help at all. Merry Christmas happy holiday!
eyesmilegyu #3
Chapter 1: That was beautiful ;;
daddy-jjong #4
Chapter 1: cuuuuuuuuuute

thank you for writing this<3
i hope your other readers who might have doubt in themselves and insecurities would lighten up