❄ eight ❄

❄ wιnd en lυcнт ❄

❄  Today was a fairytale 


The soldiers came crashing in, Queen Elsa instantly rising up from her icy throne.

“Nowhere on the main land, Your Highness.”

“You’re absolutely certain you checked everywhere on the main land? Definitely?”

“Most certainly, Your Majesty.”

Elsa purses her lips together, just refraining from letting out a furious grumble. She merely flicks her hand, literally whisking them away, before starting up her tantrum in the privacy of her throne room, with only a handful of guards around the surrounding walls.

“JACK!” she yells, and somewhere behind her the wooden stump of his cane lands on the marble flooring of Elsa’s parents’ castle with a quiet thud. “DO SOMETHING!”

Jack Frost bows to the floor, the cape draped across his shoulders spread around him. “Your wish is my command, Your Highness,” he jokes, imitating the Head of the Guards with a lowered, gruff voice before yelping, a thick block of solid ice whacking him on the side of his head.

“This is not the time for your stupid jokes!” Elsa fumes, resuming her pacing infront of her throne. “Your only son is missing, and you sit around with the heart to joke with me??”

Jack takes a step back, raising his hands in mock-surrender. “Okay, okay, Minseok’s missing.”

“Rocket science, Jack,” Elsa hisses. “Please don’t tell me you just noticed, or I will impale you with my own ice.”

“Got cha. It was three nights ago, approximately, wasn’t it?”

Elsa sighs, nodding.

“With Luhan?” another nod. “And we presume he was the one who took the reindeer?” Jack’s unblinking, blue eyes watch Elsa as she continues pacing. “Look at you—I don’t see Anna running around the castle tearing her hair out.”

Elsa glares. “Well unlike Luhan, Minseok spends most of his time indoors bec—”

“So you have less trust in your son than Anna’s trust in her son because of outdoors experience?” Jack leans casually against his thick staff, watching the emotions flow freely through Elsa’s large, sapphire eyes, the eyes he’s still in love with. “Even you know you could have very easily changed that yourself.”

Jack peers at Elsa’s conflicted expression, cautiously continuing.

“I told you you couldn’t keep him away forever.”

“I… know.”

“Let him go, Snowflake,” Jack says softly, moving forwards to gently let Elsa rest her head on his shoulders. “I don’t see any harm in letting him have a taste of fun.”



The celebrations have picked right up as if the storm hadn’t cut in in the middle at all.

“Okay, three, two—WAIT FOR ME!”

Jongdae dives after Minseok, whooping. They skid down the rooves of the little brick cottages, and upon reaching the banners the villages just put up, without a pause, they jump off and grab onto the banners and glide down the trough. But instead of using their hands, they’ve taken their ties to hold onto—greater speed.

Minseok grabs a baguette from the shopping bag of a particular villager preparing for the celebrations as he slides smoothly past.

Jongdae laughs, audible joy bubbling right out of his throat and ringing through the noisy street. Minseok lands clumsily on the veranda corner of the house where the banners ended, Jongdae landing with much more grace and catching him with a sturdy arm around his waist. In return, however, Jongdae grabs a bite out of the baguette.

Minseok jumps on Jongdae’s back, who rolls them around, only to have them both drop from the veranda and land neatly in a carriage of oranges.

“Thanks!” Jongdae chirps and jumps off, kicking the break off the wheels and grabs the handles, wheeling the cart and Minseok down the street, leaving the carriage owner behind.

Minseok whoops, swinging his tie in the air in cow-boy fashion—Jongdae, running past a similar cart with pretty pot-planted flowers, outstretches a hand to nip one.

He helps Minseok down one alleyway behind the fountain at the centre of town, pocketing what’s left of the baguette and two oranges before heading through the cobbled streets. And when Minseok wasn’t looking, admiring the delicate little cottages instead, Jongdae slips the flower behind his ear, tucking his glittering silver hair while he’s at it.

“Come on, I’ll show you the fountain,” he says quickly, upon noticing Minseok’s pleasantly surprised expression, grabbing Minseok’s soft hand in his own and giving it a small tug.

Jongdae starts up running again, with Minseok trailing behind him as they speed down the alleyways in their pristine dress shirts and boots. Jongdae’s tongue sticks out of the corner of his smile at the judgemental glances the villagers threw in their direction, Minseok only laughing, the wind whipping through his glimmering silver hair.

“Happy birthday, Jongdae!” Yet another townsfolk calls out, Jongdae replying with a merry wave and a ringing laugh.

“Happy Birthday, son!” a man standing under a small wooden sign hanging infront of the baker’s doorway waves. “Want a gingernut?” he asks as Minseok passes.

Minseok, flashing him a grateful smile, which is returned by the middle-aged man though his grey eyes still shone as brilliantly as if he were no more than twenty. Minseok takes the cookie with another bright smile, and as he hops off after Jongdae, breaks it in two, offering Jongdae half.

And that was how they found themselves admiring the sparkle of water as the sun hit each droplet, standing close by each other, each the crumbs off their fingers. Minseok looks around at the HAPPY BIRTHDAY JONGDAE banners strung all around the town by the washing lines and from rooftop to rooftop, before his brilliantly blue eyes finally landed on Jongdae, watching him admire the handiwork of the townsfolk as he had done too.

Jongdae turns, catching sight of Minseok’s eyes on him, and smiles, grabbing his hand again. Minseok wound his fingers around Jongdae’s, liking how Jongdae held his hand like it was his life goal to warm Minseok’s skin, liking how Jongdae absent-mindedly played with Minseok’s fingers as they were hoarded by crowds of cheering people to join an even larger crowd of music and singing and dancing.

Jongdae glances at him, their eyes meeting, and he laughs, singing along with the rest of his people, dragging Minseok into the heart of the dancing by the hand.

Minseok’s laughing too, feeling Jongdae spin him around, and not even minding when his hand leaves Jongdae’s, rotating to another villager—you don’t get this stuff in Arendelle.

And as Minseok leaves his dance partner yet again, he finds himself looking around, watching all the people laugh and sing, dancing along to the sounds of simple drums and guitars played around the sides of the crowd. He could hear his heart thudding in his chest and catches Jongdae’s eye when he turns, who then makes his way over to him.

Minseok smiles wide, Jongdae leading him off to the side to sit beside a guitarist and takes out the remainder of the baguette, sharing it between them.

Minseok smiles happily, melting in the glow of the orange sunset and the sound of music. Jongdae watches him, a similar smile soon curving his own lips. He takes Minseok’s hand, grabbing his attention, before standing up and walking them over to the tall brick wall of the bell tower standing in the corner of the town centre.

Minseok was admiring the purple banners with a golden sun emblem hanging around the square before Jongdae spoke.

“That’s the royal symbol there. It’s painted on the bricks too, on the walls, on the floor. And this is my mother.”

Minseok whips his head around to widen his eyes, taking in a grand image stretching up on the entire length of the wall. At first glance Minseok believed it to be a painting, before gasping at the tessellated patterns of the tiles—There stood a gentle-looking brunette woman, with a tall man at her side. In their arms lies a beautiful baby girl with brilliantly golden hair and gleaming green eyes.

“Remember how I told you she was lost, as a baby? On her eighteenth birthday, she finally broke out with dad, and came across this wall.”

Minseok shifts his gaze, and his breath catches in his throat.

Slowly, he moves past Jongdae, to look up at the second majestic mosaic piece alongside the first, towering up the wall.

This time, both parents were brunette; the father stood tall and broad-shouldered and handsome, and the lady was short-haired, with a petite frame and brilliant green eyes…

Minseok’s eyes drift down to the child held in her arms. A baby boy… unruly black hair… bright green eyes…

Minseok turns to look at Jongdae, who in turn lowers his head, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Yeah that’s me. And my parents.”

“Your parents…?”


Rapunzel had short, chin length hair, and almost alarmingly large brilliantly green eyes. Eugene was tall, and had the same dark brown hair Rapunzel had, handsomely sculpted face rimmed with a thin, almost invisible layer of facial hair.

Although Eugene was dressed up and Rapunzel had short hair, it didn’t keep Minseok from recognising them from a photo he had taken a glimpse of on his mother’s desk. He glances towards her yet again.

“Oh he looks about the same age as our son… Eighteen, right? Eugene, speaking of him, where is he?”


“Yup. My father had cut off my mother’s magical hair, and so it lost it’s power along with the colour, and returned to it’s natural shade of brown. Minseok?”

“Your parents are… Rapunzel a-and Eugene?”

Jongdae looked a little taken aback. “Yeah… yeah they are. How do you know them?”

“Oh,” Minseok blinks a little, trying to wrap his head around the facts. “Oh I don’t.”


“Minseok-ah, don’t affiliate yourself too much with that family—not Rapunzel, not Eugene, and certainly not their boy.”


Why not?

Elsa certainly knew Jongdae’s mother and father. Used to be close, even—judging by the manner in which Rapunzel approached them at the party.

What had gone wrong?

He casts his memories back to that very night, what Jongdae had told him himself…


“—apparently they’d used to come to these parties, but just a bit before I was born, they stopped coming."


“Hey Minseok, I wanna show you something.”

Minseok breaks out of his thoughts and smiles again at Jongdae.

He takes Minseok’s hand again, knotting their fingers and flashing him a charming grin.

“I hope you don’t mind some water?”




An early update because I'm bored

So here we see Minseok opening up some more discoveries, this time about Jongdae's parents. He now knows Jongdae's the prince of Corona, which means his parents, Rapunzel and Eugene, are the royal family. However, it doesn't quite seem like Minseok knows everything about Jongdae, does it? Which isn't quite fair, because I'm fairly certain Jongdae knows much more about Minseok.



See you tomorrow!

The First day of the Year! Happy 2015!

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Chapter 14: Frozen + Tangled = this amazing story! Minseok is Siwoo cute! Plus Jongdae who's caring for Minseok! Can I get their wedding? No? I hope I can!
I will read this....but now I have to sleep. So, maybe I will read tomorrow!
Yaone_L #3
Chapter 14: I would love to read something about their trip to Elsa's Ice Castle or Rapunzel's tower.
Or you can just throw in a story where one of them is fell sick. Hehe~
Chapter 14: Thats actually adorable kraits outlays sup a to ditch chock kV lb kV yds fiogho xiuchen feeelllzzz
chomesukesharp #5
Chapter 14: asdfghjklkjhgfdsasdfghjkjhg wtf are you saying
the recent love me right video has had me on a xiuchen high and this is feeding it purrfectly asdfghjkl thank you omg
BlancaL #6
watashihen #7
Chapter 13: Can I beta plz