❄ three ❄

❄ wιnd en lυcнт ❄

❄  To heaven 


“Hey Minseokieee,” Luhan sighs contentedly, plopping down face-first on Minseok’s bed before raising his head again, light hazel hair sticking up at odd angles all over his scalp. “What chu doin’?”

“Nothing much,” Minseok was saying as he swept a brush over the canvas, two more paint-splattered brushes in his other hand.

Luhan sits up, regarding Minseok’s painting with a cocked brow and slightly narrowed eyes. “Where’s that?”


“Then why’re you painting it?”

“Looks nice,” Minseok smiles, turning to his best friend. “Doesn’t it?”

Luhan hums appreciatively before flopping back down. “Mmm.”

Minseok turns back to his oil replica of the postcard Jongdae left him. “Wouldn’t you wanna go to someplace like this? All sun, flowers, stuff? No ice?”

“What’s wrong with ice?” Came Luhan’s muffled voice from the couch.

Minseok frowns, going over the bricks in the pathway in a darker shade of burnt umber. “Are you kidding me Luhan? It’s like, so cold, isn’t it? And how are you not sick of ice? Even I’m sick of ice. The weather here never changes—it’s always the same.”

“Nah, not really. Well, I guess you’re more ice-oriented than me?” Luhan yawns dumbly, flipping over onto his back and snuggling one of Minseok’s cushions. The boy looks up from his painting and makes a face, hoping Luhan won’t drool all over it. “Plus, sun isn’t good for us.”

Minseok raises a brow. “Why ever not?”

“Well, it ruins my perfectly pale complexion,” Luhan cracks open one eye, obviously not too pleased with Minseok delaying his nap time. “And it does more than ruin your skin for you, Minnie.”

Soon, with Minseok quietly blending the paint back into his painting, quiet snores fills the room, leaving Minseok to his own thoughts.

Is Jongdae dark?

Minseok pouts, cocking his head.

Certainly not…





Jongdae’s birthday’s coming up.

Minseok knew when he was handed a particularly large letter one day over breakfast.

He had fought his stupid idiotic smile down… that is, until he practically ran back to his room and closed the door behind him and ripped the letter open.

He had recognised that familiar loopy writing on the envelope.

To: Prince Minseok

Jongdae had written him countless letters before.

Minseok first had his misconceptions regarding those letters, but read all of them nonetheless. He had only begun replying to Jongdae’s weekly letters a while ago… and now he finds himself ridiculously looking forward to when he will be surprised with a letter at the dining table at breakfast (Jongdae knows Minseok would like it if he sends them irregularly).

Jongdae’s handwriting was lovely too.

Minseok had realised he’d been staring at the first word for five minutes without comprehending it.

Dear Minseokie,

Were you expecting a Wednesday letter? Hehehe~

Minseok had giggled into his palm.

How Jongdae guessed that, he has no clue.

Oh yeah, I’ve put in a few things with today’s letter… yeah the parcel’s kind of fat… did you get a surprise? ;)

How’s life in Arendelle? ‘Cause it’s like summer over here… oh yeah, it’ll be great if you could visit here in summer—it’d be a great change, right?

Minseok hummed appreciatively, secretly smiling at his consideration.

It’d be great if you could come… take a look at the invitation in the package…. ><

Anyway, I’ll just be here…. Waiting for your reply… so don’t take too long! :c

From, Jongdae.

Minseok, in his confusion and bewilderment, had scrambled around in the parcel to draw out an bright, colourful invitation, saying in large letters:


Now, Minseok’s worried.

He sits on his bed, staring at the letter and invitation for the millionth time since receiving it at breakfast.

He had giddily scribbled back a ‘definitely going’ response immediately after skimming through the postcards Jongdae had sent too—all of the lovely flowers and vibrant blue skies and birds and lush green trees in his hometown.

Then there was one, of a great big sun pieced together with the tiles in what appeared to be the town square… people were dancing around it, and Minseok could almost feel the festivities through the still image.

He wanted to visit so bad…

But two problems.

What to get Jongdae? He can’t just go bare handed.

And… his parents weren’t the most supportive, to say the least.

The last time his mother and Auntie Anna sent someone off to Jongdae’s homeland they were orphaned.

The conversation, summed up, had gone like….

“No, Minseok.”

“But mu—”


Minseok groans and tilts back, lying down on his back on his soft bed, staring up at his ceiling.


A heavy silence draped over the dining room.

Minseok really didn’t want to test Elsa’s patience… but this was something he really wanted.


No more about this ‘Jongdae birthday’ deal.” She snaps, stopping her eating to stare right through Minseok with her brilliant blue eyes.

Minseok frowns, placing down his cutlery. “But I want to go!” he shrills back.

“And I’m telling you that you can’t.” Queen Elsa replies smoothly, not a hint of the heat Minseok was feeling.

Why?? What have you got against Jongdae and his kingdom? Is it so wrong to just go somewhere I’d like? To go and have fun outside of this castle for once? You don’t unde—”

“I perfectly understand.” Elsa shoots up. “All I’m doing is protecting you, Minseok. I’m still letting you go out in the sun as long as there aren’t any storms—it’s already a great improvement from my own childhood—”

“What you’re talking about is the fear of your curse.” Minseok retorts matter-of-factly, not minding the fact that he was arguing against his mother, who had first grade experience of exactly what he was speaking of. “Just for one, I have never understood just what is so wrong with storms—why is Luhan allowed in the rain and I’m not? I don’t mind staying dry, but can’t you just explain—”

“You’ll understand as time goes by.”

“Are you saying I’m not mature enough?” Minseok grits. “I’m not mature enough to go visit Jongdae am I? You’re afraid of what happened last ti—”

“Minseok that’s enough. You’re not going—I’m sorry, but—”

“Why won’t you let me enjoy my life like any ordinary boy my age?” Minseok snaps, starting to stand from his seat at the table. He could hear his father trying to coax him into sitting again, but it was a chance. A chance to get some answers. “I can do the same things Luhan can. Why aren’t I allowed? Or is it Jongdae? This is what I want to do, and why aren’t you allowing me?”

“Minseok we just want you to be careful—”

“And if I said I will, will you allow me to go?”

Elsa sighs. “Why are you just so desperate to go to this Jongdae person?”

He’s the only friend I’ve had aside from Luhan and Olaf.



Jongdae places his dainty white mug back on the coffee table and stands, beginning to knead the living room rug with his pacing.

“Jongdae, honey, can you please stop that?”

Jongdae only whispers a ‘sorry mum’ and continues.

“Do you want some tea dear?”

It was almost like his parents were overly cautious with him.

“No I’m good, thanks mum.”

“Jongdae?” Jongdae looks up from his pacing and acknowledges his father, who had entered the living room with a brow raised. “You seem restless.”

“I am—never held a party before.”

Eugene gives a slight nod, before moving to sit in another armchair, opposite Jongdae’s mother. “Oh yeah, talking about your birthday—”

“I don’t know why I wanted a party this year, okay?” Jongdae snaps, then abruptly sits straight down on the carpet, with his face in his hands.

His father only shared a look with his mother, then shrugged, and continues to read the book in his hands.

“Well okay—anything you want son. We’ll get all your celebrations ready for you and the invitations have already been sent, haven’t they?” his father calls out to a particular butler, who nods in approval.

Jongdae quickly lifts his face from contemplating life and shoots a deadly look at the old man. He’s been in the royal family for years, and Jongdae definitely expects him to keep his mouth shut about taking a copy of the invitation.

With a hasty dip of his head, the butler bustles out of the room, leaving Jongdae quite satisfied with himself.

Rapunzel gazes out the window before returning her eyes on Jongdae, another one of her minions (also known as Pascal’s little family), beginning to make its slow way from her shoulder to the top of her head.

“You’re awfully happy today, son,” she observes.

Eugene follows her eyes out the window, expressing his surprise with a little hum at the back of his throat.

It was very, very cloudy, grey clogging up the sky…. Yet it was bright. Even with the overcast, they didn’t need any lights.

And everyone in the town were out today, visiting each other, shopping, chatting, and expressing their delight at such wonderful weather. Of course they don’t know why they’ve had stormy skies and heavy rains on and off for the past 19 years.


Jongdae disposes himself onto the unoccupied four seater couch, collapsing on it and melting in the uncanny fashion of a Ragdoll.

“Son don’t you want to come outside with me today? Take a ride in the woods? Go do some hunting?”

“No thanks.”

It was pretty stupid of himself, Jongdae thinks.

To refuse to be going anywhere outside the castle until he receives a particular reply letter.






Merry Third Day of Christmas :)

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Chapter 14: Frozen + Tangled = this amazing story! Minseok is Siwoo cute! Plus Jongdae who's caring for Minseok! Can I get their wedding? No? I hope I can!
I will read this....but now I have to sleep. So, maybe I will read tomorrow!
Yaone_L #3
Chapter 14: I would love to read something about their trip to Elsa's Ice Castle or Rapunzel's tower.
Or you can just throw in a story where one of them is fell sick. Hehe~
Chapter 14: Thats actually adorable kraits outlays sup a to ditch chock kV lb kV yds fiogho xiuchen feeelllzzz
chomesukesharp #5
Chapter 14: asdfghjklkjhgfdsasdfghjkjhg wtf are you saying
the recent love me right video has had me on a xiuchen high and this is feeding it purrfectly asdfghjkl thank you omg
BlancaL #6
watashihen #7
Chapter 13: Can I beta plz