[GOT7] New Year, New Love

[CLOSED] ❄ Winter Romance One-Shot Request Shop ❄
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Requester: aflower65
OC Name: Kim Seoyeon
One-Shot Partner: GOT7, BamBam
Genre: romance, fluff, comedy

“Girls, Girls, Girls” GOT7

“You realize New Year’s Day passed nine days ago?” Seoyeon asked in amusement as she got onto the bus. “What’s the point of throwing a New Year’s party over a week later?”

“Are you seriously complaining about a chance to party?” her best friend, Yumi, retorted. “You should know that half the reason why I’m doing this is so you’ll just let yourself go for a night! You never leave the house anymore, always doing homework or tutoring your little brother or helping old people at the retirement home…you never do anything for yourself!”

“I don’t…”

“Yeah, I know you ‘don’t mind’ but it makes me mad. What girl in this world doesn’t like having time for herself, though?” Seoyeon didn’t have anything to say in return so she just shrugged.

“Okay, I’ll be there in ten. Who else is coming?”

“Uh, nobody else but the entire school! I rented out the biggest room at the hotel, so it’s going to be a blast. Oh, and I also invited some friends from Jinyoung High School too, so I’ll have to introduce you guys when you both get here.” After the phone call ended, Seoyeon stared out the window and couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous; as Yumi had just said, she wasn’t the type to go out every weekend to party. Unlike her other school counterparts who liked to hang out at a local teen club that was hosted at an abandoned construction site in a building that was only partially-built, Seoyeon spent her Friday nights helping her parents, who were active members of their church, out in planning another fundraiser to spread God’s word.

Either that or she was at the local soup kitchen or retirement home.

So you can see that she wasn’t exactly adapted to a social atmosphere. It was Yumi who knew and was liked by everybody; there wasn’t a teenager in this entire province who didn’t know Bang Yumi, and it wasn’t because her older brother was a scarily talented and notoriously difficult to beat underground rapper. She was the quintessential social butterfly.

I can only hope for the best, Seoyeon thought as she watched the buildings and people on the sidewalks of the frigid late winter evening whizz by through the window.

“Hey, you made it!” Yumi cheered when Seoyeon entered the large party hall. “Come on, everybody was waiting for you!”

“She wouldn’t let us touch any food until you came,” Rian rolled her eyes but grinned nonetheless. “Happy one-week-later New Year, Yeonie.”

“Thanks,” Seoyeon giggled when Yumi hauled her away by the arm.

“Come here! I have to introduce you to my best friends—other than you, my love—from Jinyoung High!” Seoyeon followed after her blindly, completely unaware of who to expect. What if they’re mean? What if they don’t like me? What if they’re prettier than…?

“Yeonie-Yeonie, meet GOT7 from Jinyoung High School!”

Oh. Seoyeon’s eyes grew wide when she saw what she was up against.

They’re boys. Seoyeon gulped. I can hardly fare well in front of girls, and Yumi thinks it’ll be a good idea to pit me against a group of boys?! Sometimes, she just didn’t understand her best friend’s intentions.

“Yeonie, this is Bummie,” Yumi introduced the boy standing at the center of them all who had scary spikes through his ears. Seoyeon eyed them uneasily but relaxed visibly when he flashed her a sweet smile.


“This queerdo whom I’m actually sorry to introduce you to,” Yumi began, gesturing towards one of the boys who completely overlooked the insult and just smiled greasily, “is Jackson.”


Yumi clearly didn’t feel like introducing everybody else because she looped an arm through Jaebum and Jackson and began pulling them away. “I have to introduce you guys to some of my other friends. I promise they’re more your type than Seoyeon.” Seoyeon’s face burned red and Yumi yelled over her shoulder, “I mean it in the most positive way possible! These tools are more int

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Chapter 5: awwww~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GrayNat #2
Hey~ I'm a new reader and I enjoyed your one-shots a lot! You're an awesome writer who is able to pull off different genres, which is really amazing!!! I especially enjoyed the angsty ones, but I also loved the others a lot :) I'm off reading your other stories ~
Chapter 19: OHMYGODDDDD! I just got to read the story that i requested today!
I loved it! I loved every moment of it!
Thank you for writing a legit fiveshots author-nim! :D
Kay_Kayy #4
Chapter 19: This is my favourite!! Well done authornim!!!!!!
Thank you so much author nim! You did amazing on the one shot! It came out way better when you wrote it!
Keykay93 #6
Chapter 20: Hnggggggg do you make the sequel of this oh poor Yugyeom :(
Chapter 20: Omgggggggg omg this because Mark is also my bias QwQ thank you author-nim! thoiactuallymeantmarkhavingtoturnitarkundflryugyeomtoendupdatingjaehwa but this awesome too! <3
Keykay93 #8
Chapter 19: Even when he's sassy he's goddamn yyyyyy lol is it just me. But thanksss authornim the story's great!!!
geuyeorum #9