Ensuite le encounter

Don't talk to me, loser

"Hi! Why did you close the do-"

"Don't talk me," I wanted to dig a hole right now, bury myself alive, and live happily after. Why did I follow him out of my dorm? People are starting to stare at us. I mean why wouldn't they? The school's flower boy with the infamous anti-social potato; me. Well to my defense, I am not anti-social, I just enjoy a more peaceful and quiet environment without the disruption of human behavior. I stole a quick glance at the boy again, he had this what-just-happened-look plastered all over his pretty (maybe plastic) face.

He cleared his throat, blinked his eyes a few times, and then scratched his hair in confusion, "Then, I mean, how am I suppose to give you a tour if I can't talk to you?"

"Easy," I gazed at the speed limit sign in the distance, avoiding eye contacts, and silently reminded myself to remember to get new glasses. "You don't."

"Wait what?" He tilted his head to the side and pouted.

I squinted my eyes, trying to make sense of the blurry numbers I see, or don't see in this case. Maybe this kid has low comprehension skills. Another reason why I hate talking to people.

"I don't need a tour," I stated firmly. 

"Then why did you follow me? You could have just stayed in your dorm," the low-comprehesion skilled kid rised his eye brow as a smirk tugged at his lips.

As much as I hate to admit it, he has a point. WHY did I come out of my cozy man-cave and out into the cold reality? I stared at the brick tiled side walk beneath my feet to, again, avoid eye contacts with this stranger. The spur of the moment? Ugh. I have miscalculated my move and now I stuck in such an awkward situation. Ugh.

"Stop spacing out," he crossed his arms lightly against his chest, rudely interrupting my train of thoughts. "I don't have all day. Plus, I don't think my fans would appreciate me for sticking around people like you for a long time."

Ouch, pretty boy. That hurts. And egoist much? (Was the "cutie" image all an act? The demon is showing his true self.)

"I wasn't spacing out. Plus, I don't think my CONSCIENCE would appreciate me for sticking around people like you for a long time," I retorted back, feeling a bit proud of my semi-clever comeback.

He grinned (I hate when people grin.) 

"Well, it looks like it's settled," he reached for my wrist. "Let's go!"

"What?" I spluttered, confused as ever.

The idiot grinned (I hate people grinning more now.) "Cute."

I swear, if it there weren't any people around, I would have Tae Kwon Do black belted this guy. 

He held my wrist with a strong grip, slowly dragging me behind him as he headed to God-knows-where. (Why didn't I just run? I don't know. Maybe I liked the feeling of his skin touching mine.)

Just as I was about to plunge back into my own thoughts again, he craned his head back, grinning (why does he grin so much?)

"By the way, my name is Oh Sehun. But you should call me Sehun-oppa."

"As if," I muttered under my breath. Maybe he also has short-term memory loss because he literally told me his name a moment ago. Or maybe is jsut obbessed with telling people his name...

He suddenly turned around, staring at me in the eyes (I hate eye contacts), and leaned his head forward until the space between us was almost dangerous. "What did you say?"

Okay, that was the last straw. I kicked him in the shin, hard. 

But let's be honest here, I should have done that a long time ago. I casually stepped in front of him as he clutched his leg in agony.

"Is the tour over?"

"You know, for an anti-social girl, you sure are violent. And talkative. Or is that just around handsome people like me." 

"More like annoying, stupid, and someone-who-doesn't-get-personal-space people like you."

He laughed, his mouth blooms into a beautiful ugly smile. And I kicked him in the shin for the second time.

haha... this was edited or revised at all and I need to study for my mid-term

i really don't understand what I just wrote but I am too lazy to change it sooo... I feel like this girl has bi-polar issue too, anyone?


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