In the beginning...

Don't talk to me, loser

I was lazily sitting on my tattered arm chair with a lollipop stuck between my lips, watching an episode of Ancient Aliens. Through a dingy looking window, snow flurries were dancing softly against the late evening sunlight.

I leaned my head backward, glancing at the clock. I squinted due to my blurry vision, and quietly reminded myself to buy new contact lenses. The doorbell suddenly ran; I flinched. Another heavy sigh fell from my mouth and I rose from my idle position while grabbing my trusty-ole-hammer.

"Welcome to-"

I pushed the door shut and walked back to my computer. I placed the hammer back on to the table. At least it wasn't some drunk manic like last time.

"Hey!" the voice was muffled and obviously coming from the person outside. "Open the door!"

A new message popped up on the screen, interrupting the rolling documentary and completely ruining my mood. I tried to click cancel but nothing was responding.



Hi hi! I see that you have already moved in:)

How is the college life???? Lolz. Don't get . Btw I know if I just sent out an regular email u would never read it; so that's why I hacked ur computer;) Annnnnd, I asked my friend to ask this friend to ask this guy in ur school to give u a tour! Sounds fun riight????? Thank me laaaater loser.

"," I mumbled under my breath before standing up to open the door, again.

This time, I left it open.

"Hi! I am Oh Sehun!" the random male stranger smiled while flapping his hand up and down.

"Good to know."

And I closed the door, again.


update #1


exology! my poor, poor wallet... T^T

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