It's A Cold World

Winter's Lullaby

Wei-Lin smiled at the woman across for her enjoying the tea time. However she knew her Aunt didn’t call her yesterday just to have a casual chat.  How quiet her usually bubble Aunt was being was a definite sign she had something serious to tell her. All of these facts made her very nervous and concerned.

“Aunt Wang are you doing well? You didn’t call because something is wrong did you? She looked at  her Aunt concern obvious on her face.

The elder woman smiled at Wei-Lin concern. “I only called because I wanted to see you. You haven’t been by lately. The woman half lied.

I’m sorry but I was really busy. Its December you know Christmas rush and all. Not that she had to worry about being busy anymore since she was fired

Aunt Wang nodded her head and took a sip of her tea. Trying to figure out how to tell Wei-Lin what she had to.

They sat in silence for next minute till Wei-Lin couldn’t stand it anymore. Just as she opened to speak the sound of a baby crying interrupted.

Aunt Wang got up and went into the bedroom

In that moment Wei-Lin realized the reason Aunt Wang called her. This lunch wasn’t going to end as well Wei-Lin wanted.

Aunt Wang came out carrying the baby and cooing at her. “Aww your hungry aren’t you. I’m sorry we ate and completely forgot about you. She handed the baby over to Wei-Lin while she went to get baby some food.

Holding the baby Wei-Lin become more uncomfortable with why Aunt Wang had called her.

Her came out and handed her a bottle. Her you feed her.

Wei-Lin didn’t even need to put the bottle to the girl mouth she grabbed the bottle and brought it up to her own mouth.

Aunt Wang laughed “She must have been really hungry”

Wei-Lin just stared at the baby then to her Aunt. “Auntie why am I here?”

The smile disappeared from the elder woman face. She sighed; “It’s about time you started taking care of the baby.   I’m too old to take care of any baby. You are her mother at least that’s what the papers say. I know it will be hard for you but her place is with you.”

“Auntie Wang I’m in no position to have the baby. You know very well I could never give her the proper attention she needs. Besides that I lost my job this morning.  How could I take care of a baby without any money?”

“If she stays here with me any longer child services will come and place her in an orphanage or adoption service.”

Wei-Lin looked at the baby in her arms. “I think that would be better for her than staying with me. I’m really sorry I wish I could d o more but I just don’t believe I should raise her. Handed the child back over to her Aunt then gathered her things and left.”

Yijun and Yifan had returned from attending three meetings in a row.

Yijun sat down in her chair closed her eyes for a moment feeling a headache creeping on form the pain she had in her neck. She opened her eyes and observed Yifan for a moment. He was sitting on couch arranged for meeting in their office. He wasn’t moving or doing anything. He just sat there staring ahead of him as if he was frozen.   She got up and went to sit beside him on the couch. She didn’t try to ease into what she wanted to ask Yifan. She said directly as her and Yifan always talked to each other.

Don’t you miss Canada or Korea? Don’t you miss your friends in that band you were in?

 “Sometimes but I’m happy to be here. I’m very glad you called and asked for my help.

Are you sure you are happy

“Being here to help you is more important to me than any band or anything else. I’m very happy you give me opportunity to help run your business.” Yifan was being genuine with every word he said. He was very thankful to his Aunt for all she did for him past few years.

 “This is a family business Yifan. You are my only family so there no one else for me to call.”

Yifan couldn’t help but smirk at how his Aunt could be sentimental but realistic at the same time.

“I only bother you with these questions because I owe your dear mother to make sure her son is happy.”

Yifan expression hardened at the mention of his mother. He could feel it his mood turning colder by the moment.

Aunt Yijun knew Yifan had things that were bothering him. She wanted to ask Yifan more but then she observed his change in mood. She decided it was better to leave him alone for now. “If you say you are happy then I’ll accept it.  I’ll be going home now. “I’m sure you can handle everything here”

“Yes Aunt Yijun” Yifan helped her with her coat

Yijun patted Yifan on the back “Don’t stay up too late”

Yifan bowed as she left

An hour later Jen the secretary came in. “Mr. Wu do you need anything?”

“No, you can go home” Kris said without even looking up at her

“Are you sure I don’t mind staying a bit longer.”

“You are already receiving a generous Christmas bonus so need to do overtime.”

“I…I.. just thought you might want company” she said barely audible voice

“I don’t want company I have to pay.”

 Jen felt disappointed. She thought after Yifan compliment earlier he had warmed up to her.   She bowed “Yes Sir, Goodnight sir”

Yifan didn’t bother acknowledging the young woman. He finished all the work that needed completing for that day and part of the next. He rubbed his temples as he pushed his chair back from the computer. He let out a deep breath.  He would have taken the stress of remembering lyrics over the stress of running a multimillion dollar company right now. He chose to give up those dreams for a desk full of paperwork, meetings and endless business events. Yifan realized it would do him no good going over whether choice was right or wrong. He simply had to live with the choice he made like a man. Whatever the outcome of his choices; he would handle it without letting regret eat at him. He nodded his head in resolution. He would think exactly like that from now on. With that in mind he got his phone, and notebook from the drawer. He opened a message with an instrumental track his producer friend had sent him. He started to work on lyrics for the song.

After awhile Yifan put away his lyrics and was leaning back in chair with his eyes closed listening to music. He was about to fall asleep when he was shaken. When he opened his eyes Zhang Yixing the store manager was standing over him. Yifan quickly pulled the ear buds out of his ears and sat straight in the chair.

“I’m sorry to disturb you but we have a situation which requires your attention.”

“What’s the problem?”

There is a lady here and she insists upon seeing the owner. I tried to ask her what she need but she refused to talk about her complaint to anyone but the owner

Yifan let out a deep breath then nodded. “Okay bring her in.”

“Mrs. Wang please come in,” Yixing ushered the elderly woman into the office. “ Ma’am this is Mr. Wu the store owner.”

“Madam what is the issue you have requested to see me about?” Yifan saw Yixing about to leave and gestured to his side telling Yixing to come stand by him.

“I am here to ask you to take responsibility for the distress and unhappiness you have caused.”

 Madam, I don’t understand what you mean. Who has this store caused distress or unhappiness?

A baby

A baby!? Yixing couldn’t help but exclaim. He then quickly composed himself looking to Yifan to see his reaction. Yifan face showed no emotion what so ever. His eyes held their usual cold strict professional look.

Yifan was calm because he knew there was no chance of the baby being his. He was never indiscreet or irresponsible on occasions when he did have a lover. Plus he had not been with anyone since coming to China. “Whose baby is it Madam?”

It is an employee of yours. The child has been living with me for quit sometime since the mother travels often. However if the baby residency remains with me Children Services will come and take the child.

Can’t the child live with its mother? Yixing asked

Mrs. Wang shook her head; “She has always felt she was incapable of taking care of her baby properly. Only recently were we discussing the baby returning to her home but then she was fired. Now she has abandoned all thought of keeping her baby.”

“Surely the father can assist.”Yixing said

Mrs. Wang continues as if he said nothing “I just know you wouldn’t want to feel the guilt of parting a mother and child especially so close to the holidays

Yifan listened to every word the woman said. It did seem an unfortunate situation but he wouldn’t make any decision without investigating further. “What’s the name of the mother?”

“ Kwon Wei-Lin. I really do hope you can give this baby a priceless gift this holiday…A mother’s love”

For some reason Yifan felt affected by the woman’s last three words “I understand I will investigate this matter thoroughly. I promise to do what I can”

“I will hold you to your promise. May you both be blessed for your kindness and understanding.

Yifan bowed to the woman. “Goodnight Madam”

Yixing escorted Mrs. Wang to the elevator

“Why was she fired?” Yifan asked Yixing as soon as he came back into the room

“I only fired her at the insistence of Mr. Hun her department manager.”

“Call him to the office”


Yifan colder side has appeared for the first time. I find it intersting writing a character who perceived as cold by hisself. Most of time its only perception of others. Yifan feels he is rather cold all the time. Yet other peopple like Mrs. Wang can see beyond icy demenaor that he has warmth and kindness in him.  The use of Kwon/Kwan is on pupose. I wanted the character to have a korean sounding last name to hint at her past. However, Kwon is common translated spelling used by Korea where Kwan is more common spelling in China.  The have the same pronunciation though. Thats why Yixing and Yifan say Kwan while Mrs. Wang who knows her says Kwon

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