Winter winds are coming

Winter's Lullaby

You’re fired

That was not what Wei-Lin expected when she heard the store manager was looking for her. She thought she would be receiving a raise or maybe an extra in her Christmas bonus. But no she was fired. After all the work she did selling the company everywhere. Traveling everywhere convincing store owners they wanted their merchandise in their shops. Only to be told she was overzealous in her approach. Many of the stores had decided to cancel their orders for their products. She was becoming a risk to the brand instead of a help. Since she got back from the store manager office she has been in a daze.  She read over the same file at least 7 times now but nothing was sticking to her brain.

Wei-Lin  she heard her name called snapped out of daze a bit. I heard the store manager called you to his office

She only nodded in response

So tell me what happened. Did they give you a big Christmas bonus or even better a big raise in salary.

They fired me

Fired! What? How? I can’t believe it Wei-Lin…. Cao-Lu was really surprised. Her friend was last person she ever think would be fired.

Mr. Zhang said I tried too hard and was becoming more of an expense than an asset to the company.

Huh! He has nerve talking about expense; when he has Mr. and Ms. use company time for conducting side business, getting freebies, and having vacation as our seniors.  After all you done for this store and the loyalty you have shown. I mean you could have taken that offer last year and been gone. I should just go find Mr. Zhang and….

Wei-Lin interrupted Cao-Lu tirade. “You don’t need to be upset about this”

“Don’t be upset!?” Cao-Lu knew what his job meant for friend and her future. Wei-Lin…

“There no reason for you to be upset about something you couldn’t change. It’s been decided and I don’t need you getting fired because of me.” Wei-Lin filed away the papers on her work station. Cleaning everything she needed to before she have to empty the desk.

Cao Lu settles down a bit knowing Wei-Lin is right. If she lost her job trying to defend Wei-Lin her friend would end up feeling guilty. “I still don’t think it’s right. Wei-Lin I wish there was something I could do.”

Wei-Lin smiled; “Knowing you would do something to help me is good enough for me.”No need for you to worry about me.

I guess lunch will have to be my treat today.

I have a lunch meeting already.

Well then later we are going for dinner and drinks. Okay

Okay. Wei-Lin smiled; “I’ll see you after lunch”

Cao-Lu mumbled to herself as she watched Wei-Lin walk away; Mr. Zhang better have good reason for firing you.

The elevators dinged and the woman stepped out. All of the employees bowed and greeted as she walked by. Her steps were brisk and firm. No room for wasting time. The senior staff members handed her papers with daily reports without a single word and left.

Her secretary greeted her and took the papers.

Make sure they are in order of importance for me. Please get me green tea

“Yes Ma’am” the young lady bowed


Yes Ma’am

“Your dress is very cute”

The girls smiled hearing her boss compliment her; “Thank you Ma’am”

The woman stepped into her office got a shock. “Yifan aren’t you early?”

“No, Aunt Yijun but you are late.”

She frowned as she set down her bag “Hmmm you waited a long time to say that to me didn’t you”

Yifan smiled Yes, I did. He got up so his Aunt could take seat behind the desk. He headed towards the door.

“Where are you going now? To your friend’s studio perhaps”

“No, I’m just going to get us some lunch. I know you didn’t eat yet did you?”

She shook her head no looking like a little kid caught doing something bad.

“I’ll be right back. I promise only lunch Auntie” he said knowing his Aunt suspicions. “If I’m not back in fifteen minutes you can send Mr. Zhang after me.”

She nodded accepting his terms. “Don’t bother my secretary on your way out. She has hard enough time without you giving her a cold face.”

“Yes, Auntie” Yifan bowed; “Jen I like your dress” she heard him say before the door clicked shut.

“That brat he chooses to be flirty instead” She shook her head. “I wonder if he really happy here” Yijun sighed then shook the thought away getting to work.


The beginning. I wanted to show how Yifan is warm to his Aunt and give hint as to what makes him seem and feel cold.

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