
Merry Christmas
"Yah!" Hoseok called out from the living room. "Where did my mistletoe go?" He was planning on using it with Taehyung, but how could he do that if it was missing?


The other members, sans Jimin and Yoongi, were in the kitchen, helping each other to clean up the place. Namjoon called back, "It's not here! Ask Jimin! Maybe he played with it!"


Hoseok walked over to said boy's room and opened the door. Sure enough, when he looked up, the mistletoe was taped to the ceiling, but the sight of the two sleeping boys tangled up in each other's arms drained all his bad mood away. Instead, he smiled and shook his head, closing the door to give the two some privacy.


He sat on the couch as the others retreated to their rooms. He wasn't sleepy at all. The only thing he could think about was how incomplete his Christmas would be if he didn't get the chance to kiss Taehyung. The image of the younger boy burned in the back of his head as he felt sleep embrace him.


The sudden shift of the couch woke Hoseok. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the clock on the wall; 2:30am. He yawned, stretching his arms and accidentally hitting something next to him.


That something turned out to be a sleeping Taehyung. He realized that Taehyung was the reason the couch shifted. He was lying next to Hoseok, curled up in a comfortable position. Hoseok smiled down at the younger boy. He ran his fingers through Taehyung's hair and whispered, "Taehyung-ah, wake up."


Taehyung opened his eyes slowly, taking in Hoseok's face in front of him. "Hyung?"


"You shouldn't be sleeping here," Hoseok said softly. "Go back to your room."


"But, hyung," Taehyung replied, still a bit drowsy, "you were sleeping here too."


Hoseok chuckled, embarrassed. "Yeah, I guess so. But you should still go back to your room. It's cold here."


Taehyung nodded, standing up, but he didn't leave. He looked at Hoseok and said shyly, "Hyung, will you sleep next to me?"


It dawned on Hoseok that the younger boy was probably lonely. He was so used to being with the members that he wasn't used to being alone anymore.


"Sure," Hoseok said.


They both went in Taehyung's room. Hoseok wrapped his arms around the other boy, loving the feeling of warmth he was getting just from hugging him. He was already feeling his eyes drop when he felt Taehyung shift in his arms to level his face with Hoseok's.


"Hyung?" Taehyung whispered.


"Yeah?" Hoseok replied sleepily.


He was surprised when he felt Taehyung's lips on his, and it took a while for his mind to register what was happening. By the time Taehyung pulled away, his chest was already aching because of his heart going wild.


"Merry Christmas." Taehyung smiled, then snuggled as close as he could to the elder boy.


Hoseok couldn't fight back the smile on his face as he tightened his arms around Taehyung. He kissed the younger on top of his head and finally felt that his Christmas was complete.
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Linhsama #2
andreveronica #3
Chapter 2: Awww vhope and yoonmin are so cute
Ip112233 #4
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwwwe :( so cute!
Chapter 2: OMG VHOPE SO CUTE~~~
eyesmilegyu #6
Chapter 2: Eheyy that was so cute! Hehehe ♡
Chapter 2: This is so cute~ Really really cute~ Just what I need to satisfy my yoonmin feels for the day~ Thanks for writing this author!