
Just Tell Me

A couple of weeks later, things were getting better. Sunmi still didn’t talk a lot, but she was treating Sungyeol a lot better than before. The boy, on the other hand, was trying to comprehend her, and he felt curious of her; wanting to know more about Sunmi.

One day, she went out at evening again. Sungyeol was really curious as where she was going, since she made a different excuse every time she went out at the same hour. So, he decided to follow her. He put on a hoodie, called Myungsoo and Sungjong to accompany him and he went out after her.

“Why are we doing this…?” Sungjong asked, not convinced while they were hiding behind a wall and watching Sunmi walk across the street. Sungyeol shushed him.

“She’s been sneaking out for a couple of days; I need to know where she goes.” He said in a low voice.

“But… why?”

Sungyeol made him shut up again, so Sungjong rolled his eyes and continued watching. After a few blocks, Sunmi stopped and went inside a little bar. The three boys paid attention the couple of minutes she stayed inside, and they opened their mouths, surprised when she got out again.

Sunmi was wearing a uniform of the bar, attending customers and delivering drinks and foods to tables. Myungsoo and Sungjong shared glances, while Sungyeol couldn’t take his eyes off her. He didn’t even think she was working; she didn’t need to, so the thought never came to his mind.

“She… works there?” Myungsoo asked, still surprised.

“Looks like it.” Sungjong answered.

Sungyeol stayed quiet. He wasn’t expecting to see her as a waitress when he started following her; but now he was curious as to why she was hiding the job from his mother, Hyunsung and him. He could hear his friends talking, but he didn’t pay attention. He started thinking in how to approach Sunmi about this; he was still a little afraid of her when it came to talking.


The next day at school, Sungyeol saw Sunmi walking on the hallway, and he got next to her.

“Hey, sis, emm… do you want to go somewhere later?” He said, trying to sound casual. She glanced at him, but immediately turned her head again. “I know of a great place, McCarthy’s. Myungsoo’s dad is the owner’s friend, they…” Sunmi looked at him, but she didn’t seem surprised.

“Go to a bar with you? Is this a date or what?” Sungyeol was impressed by her harsh answer, so he shut up. “Sorry, but I’ll pass.”

The boy stopped and watched her disappear walking through the people on the hallway. He growled at her, and wondered why she didn’t have any reaction. McCarthy’s was the place she was apparently working in, and he really wanted to see what she would say. But now he felt annoyed, because she not only didn’t react, but she answered like her old-self would do.


Sunmi couldn’t stay quiet. She was arranging her locker, but the fact that Sungyeol named that place, made her feel uncomfortable. “There’s no way he knows.” She thought, but she had to be more careful from then on. He couldn’t know.

“Hey there” Woohyun said, while smiling and resting a side on the locker next to Sunmi’s.

“Oh, hi!” She answered, trying to hide her nervousness. “What’s up?”

“Not much…” Woohyun seemed shy. “Em.. actually, I was wondering… are you free on Friday night?”

Sunmi was surprised; a quick flashback of Sungyeol came to her mind, but she erased it.

“Emm… yeah, yeah. I think so.”

Woohyun immediately started smiling again after hearing her answer.

“Great! Because my friend’s band is going to be playing at a local place and I was wondering if you wanted to go. With me, of course.”

He said it so casually she actually had to analyze it first. Woohyun was a good guy in Sunmi’s eyes; he was the closest to a friend she had at the moment, so she couldn’t see why wouldn’t she go out with him.

“Yeah, it sounds fun.” Sunmi smiled, and Woohyun smiled back at her; in that way she loved about him.

Woohyun walked a few steps back while still watching at her, until he turned around and disappeared. Sunmi kept on smiling while closing her locker; that just erased the preoccupations she had about Sungyeol and her work. She decided not to worry about that, since he couldn’t really know.

Now her heart was beating fast because of excitement and happiness, not because of nervousness.




I'm sorry for the lack of updates lately & because this chapter is short and sloppy, but I've been really busy with college lately and I couldn't take a time to write something good ;~;
I promise I'll be updating a lot faster once my college work goes back to normal n_n'
Sorry and thank you everyone!! <3

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Diamondz1018 #1
Please update soon! I can't wait to find out what happens next~ This is a really good story so far<3
ooooo sunmi... please stop being so harsh toward your stepbro x)
I like it. Plus, Namstar is hot. <br />
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LOL. I hope she stops snapping at Sungyeol soon haha. <br />
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Update soon! It's really good.
yay! she's finally opening up to him more.<br />
and omo, if they start falling in love, it'll be hard cuz they're half-siblings!<br />
update soon!~
This story is rlly good :DD <br />
Update soon~~ ^^