
Just Tell Me

When you’re a seventeen years old boy, it’s normal for you to like hanging out with friends, play sports, going to a school you hate and thinking about girls. But for Sungyeol, his life was going to be ruined, and all thanks to his dad.

“Yeol, there’s something I want to talk to you about.” Mr. Lee said a Saturday morning, having breakfast with his son.

“Sure; just make it short because I’m meeting L in a while.” The boy replied biting a toast.

“You know Jaemi, right? You like her.” His dad was a little shy and wasn’t sure how to begin. Sungyeol nodded, still not caring a lot. “Well… we… yesterday we talked; we’ve been seeing each other for a little more than a year. I’ve always wanted not to involucrate you a lot, since I didn’t want to trouble you, but…” He gulped, and his son took a drink of his orange juice. “I proposed to her and she’s moving here.”

Sungyeol almost choked with juice and had to give little punches in order for the food to pass through his throat. His dad looked worried and tried to help, but the boy made gestures that it was okay, while coughing to a side of the table. After a while, he looked at his father with an alarmed gaze.

“What? She’s moving here?” He exclaimed.

“Well… she and her daughter.”

“Her daughter too?” Sungyeol’s eyes were bigger than normal, and he still had his hand on his chest. The food wasn’t the problem anymore. “But…”

“We’re getting married in a couple of months, and we thought it was a good idea for us to begin to act like a family.” Mr. Lee gained confidence; he was his father after all. Sungyeol couldn’t make any sentence that made sense, so he just stared at him with his mouth open. “You didn’t want to meet Sunmi before, but now you’ll have to, since she’s going to be your sister.”

All that information in such a little time was like a bomb to Sungyeol. He tried to react, looking around and thinking about all the things that were going to change. He was used to living only with his dad, since his mother had passed away when he was just a baby. Having two more people living under the same roof was a big change, especially since he didn’t know them well. Song Jaemi was a kind woman; he met her a few times before and he actually liked her, but that was all. On the other side, since he never thought his father would come this far with her, he really wasn’t interested in meeting Jaemi’s daughter, Sunmi. He avoided the situation a couple of times, and after that his father gave up.

 Mr. Lee was starting to worry, since his son hadn’t had said anything in a couple of minutes; he just stared at the air. He tried to get his attention, but when he finally succeeded, it was only to get Sungyeol to look at him with his eyes bigger than ever.

“I’m sorry if this caught you by surprise…” Sungyeol gulped, trying not to reply. “And I’m sorry I didn’t tell you anything before, but…”

“B-but, what?” The boy said, starting from a low tone and going to a higher one. “Didn’t you think this would affect me too?” Sungyeol sounded kind of angry, and that wasn’t good. “I live here too, you know?” He stood up not finishing his breakfast and turning around to go out.

“Where are you going?” His dad asked, worried.

“I told you I’m meeting L; I’ll be back later.” The boy replied, grabbing his jacket and without looking back while closing the front door.


“What? Marry?” Myungsoo was as shocked as his friend. “When?”

“I’m not sure, he said a couple of months.” Sungyeol rubbed his eye while walking next to the boy. “I do want him to be happy, it’s just that… I feel like I’m in the middle. I live in that house too…”

“I know how you feel, but… it’s your dad. He’s always been there for you; you should do the same for him.” Sungyeol didn’t glance at Myungsoo, but he knew he was right. “Give it a try.”

The boy nodded in silence. Mr. Lee was a really good man, but the situation was so sudden… Not only they were moving in, but the wedding too, and that implied saying goodbye to the life they had. But he knew Myungsoo was right, so he decided to support him. It was going to be hard, and he still didn’t like the idea of two women living with them; but it was his dad, and he had to do it.


When Sungyeol came back at dinner time, he called for his dad but no one answered. Surprised, he looked through the house, but it seemed like his father was not home. Sungyeol went to the kitchen to eat something and he found a note on the table.

“Sungyeol-ah, I’m sorry. I can cancel the wedding and everything if you don’t feel comfortable. But, please, think about it first. They’re lovely people.

Love you,


Sungyeol felt really bad; his whole body felt weaker and he had to sit down. He wanted the best for his dad, but that was such a big change… he wasn’t sure if he was ready. He kept thinking about it for a few minutes, until he heard the front door opening.

Okay, I’m gonna do it.” He thought while standing up and running to the door.

“Dad! Dad! I’m sorry, I considered it and I think we can make this…” Sungyeol started to exclaim with a smile on his face, but it vanished when he suddenly stopped and saw his dad at the entrance.

“Oh, Yeol!” Mr. Lee greeted him. “Say hello to Jaemi and Sunmi.”

Jaemi stood there saluting him and smiling while a girl next to her, with long and wavy chocolate hair just looked at him without saying anything.

“Hi, Sungyeol! Long time no see.” Jaemi said, and the boy looked at her with a surprised expression.

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Diamondz1018 #1
Please update soon! I can't wait to find out what happens next~ This is a really good story so far<3
ooooo sunmi... please stop being so harsh toward your stepbro x)
I like it. Plus, Namstar is hot. <br />
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LOL. I hope she stops snapping at Sungyeol soon haha. <br />
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Update soon! It's really good.
yay! she's finally opening up to him more.<br />
and omo, if they start falling in love, it'll be hard cuz they're half-siblings!<br />
update soon!~
This story is rlly good :DD <br />
Update soon~~ ^^