Chapter Four

Love Is...



    I have always enjoyed rainy days. The kind of days where there is absolutely no need to leave my bed unless I must. The kind of day that allows me to watch movies or read or sleep.


That kind of day is today.


Yet, here I am. Out and about on a cold, wet day inside of the little warmth and light left in Seoul.


The irresponsible girl was not present when I arrived, to my relief; I finally got my table. But it would be lying if I said that she did not cross my mind once. I wondered if she had gotten my note. I wonder if she is still as irresponsible as she was last week?


My questions are answered when she arrives. She has an umbrella in her hand, but it seems to have done her no good from the way the ends of her hair is spiraling up. I focus back on my phone. Suho sent me an article about our latest release. “Ratings are up! Fighting!” He writes in the text. I cannot help smile. I look out the window over the city. Even with the rain clouds and chilly atmosphere Seoul is truly beautiful. I didn’t think I would like a big city--too big, too loud, and too crowded. Yet, here I am. In this little coffee shop, Seoul doesn’t seem as imposing.


I hear an umbrella clatter to the ground. I look up to see the irresponsible girl staring at me. Not only is she irresponsible, but rude as well. I speak.


“Hello, dream whisperer.”


The irresponsible girl’s cheeks heat up enough to warm all of South Korea. She replies with a meek hello before going to take a seat in the chair I switched out last time. It takes me only a moment to realize that the wobbly leg is partially out of place in it’s post, but it is too late. She’s already on the floor.


She’s klutz as well. Interesting.


I jump up from my seat and help her up from the floor. “Please.” I gesture to my extra chair once she’s upright. She thanks me without looking in my eyes and takes the chair. The shop owner’s wife rushes over and fusses with the irresponsible girl’s face.


The woman then turns to look at me. Her eyes sparkle.


“How gentlemanly of you to give her your chair.” It is only a spare, I say to myself. It’s not like I have taken the shirt off of my back to give to her. She then shuffles off to give us the free pastries she promised for no reason. I take my place back at my table.


“Falling asleep in a public place, and  breaking a chair. All within a week of one another? You’re a walking hazard aren’t you?” I tease. The irresponsible girl laughs quietly before saying that she has always been a person of drama. I must agree. I feel like I am watching a drama from the way she interacts with the world.


The shop owner’s wife hurries over and gives us scones. She surveys the space between the irresponsible girl and I, and I can’t help but notice a look of disappointment in her eyes. The woman recovers quickly, and with a sprite “Enjoy!” she’s back to her work. An interesting woman, she is.


My eyes drift over to the irresponsible girl who is looking at me expectantly. She lifts her scone into the air. An offering perhaps? Maybe she doesn’t like scones. If not, I will surely take it.


“To dramatics.” She toasts. I shake my head, but raise my toast as well.


“To dramatics.” I say as I take a bite.



It is dark out by the time I decide to  leave the coffee shop. The irresponsible girl is still there, but she is awake to my surprise. A leather bound journal is splay in front of her. She is scribbling furiously, nodding her head to whatever music is drifting through her headphones.


I curiously peek over her shoulder to catch a glimpse of what she feels the need to scribble so furiously, but it is all in English. I can only pick out certain words in the English language, and to my disappointment, I decide that the mystery will have to remain. I bother her no further, and toss my trash. I say goodbye to the shop owner and his wife and thank them for the free scone, but add that they may want to take a look at the wobbly chair.


“I don’t think any of us want another mishap like there was earlier with the klutzy girl.” I smile before heading out into rainy Seoul.

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Thank you to those who have read "love Is..." so far! I hope to update as soon as I can get some school work out of the way! Thanks again. :) xx


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Chapter 8: I adore this fic so much. I really like this 'Love is....' theme. My favorite one especially is the "love is waking up at 5:30 am to go jogging with your roommate" one. The conversations Kyungsoo and Iris have are so sarcastic and filled with come-backs. This is like the start to something beautiful~
new subscriber here ~ keep updating and fighting authornim ^^
dubitnurea #3
Chapter 4: Wow!!! I just read this today and it is so cool!!! Looking Forward on your next update !!!! btw Merry Christmas !!!!