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“Why have you all stopped talking?” Jung kook squinted at the rest of the class with a disgusted look on his face. Oh wow, he seemed like a completely different person here. His voice sounded cold and arrogant, yet I knew him to be shy and cheerful. Strange.

“Well, Oppa… how do you know her name? Why is sh-” The girl at the desk nearest to us stopped speaking when Jung kook looked directly at her. Her expression changed from shy to scared, what the heck? I could hear him whisper something under his breath.

“Just carry on with your conversations!” His voice was raised slightly, becoming kind of growly, making me flinch. Everyone else in the class turned away and started chattering, but not as loudly as before.

“Jung kook…” He held his hand up to my face, closed his eyes and breathed in deeply for a few seconds. He opened his eyes shortly and chuckled when he saw the scowl on my face.

“Why are you here?” He cocked his head to the side, but his aura had seemed to change. He seemed more cheerful…with a slight bit of shyness. I blinked back at him, how can someone’s mood change so quickly?

“My dad…he made me” He nodded slightly and looked out the window. Everyone else’s conversations seemed to return to the same audacity as when I came in, however, he kept starring out the window.

“Uh…um…” I looked at him expecting him to ignore me, yet he turned around with a … embarrassed expression on his face?

“Yes?” He looked at me slightly stunned, did I make him uncomfortable?

“Could you maybe show me round today? I have no clue what im doing and I don’t really want to be here, so it would be ni-”

“I…I have a schedule in 10 minutes, so I’ll be leaving… I, uh, Im really sorry ha-” He was interrupted by the boy sitting in front of us.

“I’ll do it! I’ll show you around, don’t worry Hana! Don’t worry dongsaeng, I will show her around, do not worry okay?” Jung kook narrowed his eyes at him.

“Don’t you even think about it.” There it is, that ice cold tone again. Jesus Christ, he’s starting to scare me. The boy in front of us laughed at him, and stood up. He walked towards out desk, oh god, who the hell is this guy? Jung kook seems to not like him, yet, he doesn’t seem to like anyone in this room. 

The girl who spoke out earlier yelped as her chair was dragged from underneath her towards my desk. My eyes winded as the guys leaned his elbows on my desk and looked up at me.

“You really are pretty…” He tilted his head whilst looking at me, which made me feel really uncomfortable, but then I realised something. The guy just spoke English? I looked over at Jung kook who still had a cold face on, yet I could tell that behind that he was really confused. I turned back to the guy.

“Trying to confuse me?” He jumped back abit with wide eyes, like he’d been caught out. Haha, got you. But, a grin crept up on his face quickly, he looked like a starving lion, oh god.

“I’m Jackson, pleased to meet you” He bowed his head slightly, looking at me directly in my eyes. I Heard Jung kook scoff as he stood up with his bag.

“Stay away from him Hana, I’ll see you later” He walked towards the door and slammed it loudly, making Mr Jang jolt awake from his nap.

“What are you kids doing? Wait…Ha Young, why are you on the floor?” He scratched his head.

“Teacher! That bastard Jackson pulled me off my chair!” Oh wow, I haven’t heard the Korean word for bastard in a looooooong time. ‘Jackson’ rolled his eyes and started mimicking the girl.

Teacher! That bastard…Stop over reacting you whiny little girl!” The girl on the floor burst out in hysterical tears.

“Jackson, get out!” He heaved a sigh.

“No.” He shook his head like a child. Gosh, this guy seems like a piece of work huh?

“NOW!” He groaned and walked slowly towards the class room door, with Mr Jang following right behind. As soon as the door shut, everyone’s eyes turned towards me. . The girl on the floor, or ‘Ha Young’ stood up and smoothed her blazer out. What the hell? She seemed completely fine…well, I suppose everyone in this school can act.

Her gaze also turned towards me, and she slowly strode towards me.

“What makes you so special huh?” She slammed her books down on my desk, oh sorry, are you talking to me? I blinked up at her, making her shake her head slightly.

“Excuse me? Are you listening to me? Why is everyone fawning over you, when you’re nothing compared to me?” Whoa…this girl needs a new attitude, and maybe a conversation with her ego.

“Ha young-ah, don’t waste your breath on her” Someone shouted. Rude. She snarled at me and looked into my eyes.

“Don’t even think about trying to seduce my Jung Kookie and steal him from me, and don’t speak to Jackson either! He may be an idiot, but you don’t deserve looks like that!” Who does this girl think she is? I stood up about to give her a piece of my mind when the door opened. Everyone seemed to become deadly silent, and the princess in front of me ran to her seat.

“Who are you, and why are you standing up in my class?” A lady with perfected hair and makeup gave me an icy glare.

“Oh…um, I am a new student, Ahn Hana, im sorry.” I bowed slightly and sat down, but her expression loosened up, and she nodded slightly.

Throughout the day, everyone seemed to give me strange looks. Nobody talked to me, nobody confronted me for things that I hadn’t done, and Jackson or whatever his name his didn’t seem to show his face since he left.

It was half past 4 when I realised I had no idea how I was getting home, were the people from this morning coming? I walked slowly down the drive as everyone else rushed to get home. I started to panic when I got near the gates, what am I supposed to do? I awkwardly sat down on a bench and looked around. Some people gave me a funny look, others didn’t even notice me.

It was almost 5pm when a flashy car pulled up on the other side of the road. I hadn’t realised it, but I was shivering now. A tall figure stepped out the car, his hair was neat and he had large sunglasses on, he strode towards the gates but stopped when he saw me. He slowly walked towards me, making me panic.

“Hana?” Oh god how does this rich creep know my name?! He pulled his sunglasses off and all my panic faded. I whistled out a sigh and brought my hand to be heart.

“Oh…Namjoon?” He nodded smally

“What are you still doing here? Didn’t you finish half an hour ago?”

“Um…well, I don’t know how to get home so I kind of waited here for…anything.” He frowned abit.

“Well, go get in my car, I’ll take you. Im here to get Jung kook so…” He trailed off and threw his keys at me. I just about caught them, nodded at him, and walked towards his car. Hang on, didn’t Jung kook leave?

“Namjoon!” I called out but he had already gone inside, damn. I sat down inside his car, which smelt strongly of leather. The interior was Red and black, which was kept very well and felt incredibly soft.

Minutes later, the door opened, startling me. Namjoon looked confused.

“Did Jung kook come back at dinner time?” I shook my head.

“Right, maybe he went home.” I nodded slowly as Namjoon reached into his pocket and started laughing.

“Yeah, he did go home, his text me like two minutes ago. That kid is so dead.”

I giggled slightly as he sped away from the curb, towards ‘our’ home.


Kinda short/boring chapter, sorryyyy!!
And sorry for taking ages to update, i only have about 5 months left of school now so i have looooads of work :(
Anyway, jackson? :O I really didnt know who to put there, i kinda left a gap for the name, but chose jackson in the end

and whats up with jungkooks everchanging attitude?


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big sorry to anyone waiting for chapters, the next 2 months are really important for me as I have around 19 exams, please be patient!!!


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Chapter 7: Are you going to come back? Your writing's really good
Chapter 7: U r back! Paint hurm? U seems to know my house activity during CNY..hehe my family paints outside of our house today but me..urm I was sleeping hehe✌ dont blame me..I was too tired living in hostel hehe..Great update anyways! Keep Up! Waiting for your next amazing update!
mochii_16 #3
Chapter 5: Hi author! I'm a new reader of this story of yours. I just wanted to say that I totally love it! I didn't regret any second I spent reading this. I hope you update soon! Fighting! <3
Chapter 4: Hahahaha that under the couch was hilarious.keep going! Update soon!
Litoxcutie #5
I'm loving it! V made it funny, even though Hana's mom just passed. Oh, how does Jungkook know Hana??? I can't believe that her dad is married to his "assistant", if she really is an assistant. The fact that she looks like a younger version of her mother, could only mean her father might have wanted it to work out but her mother didn't like his job or something. That's just my guess.
Chapter 3:
itschachi #7
Chapter 2: Please update soon I'm loving this story so much so far