Big Hit

Back Home

I sat in the back seat, being driven by the man who, still hadn’t told me his name. I don’t understand how my father and this man is related to the people from the fan signing? Could it be It’s just a coincidence. It has to be. Maybe the man’s brother works for big hit, and he’s using it because he’s having a bad hair day? Hmm.

“Excuse me, but where are we going.” He flinched when I spoke, like he forgot I was there.

“Oh…oh, about 5 minutes? We’re just in a bit of traffic.” I nodded and looked out the window, I could see Seoul surrounding me, a place which was practically unfamiliar to me. When I lived in Korea, we lived in Busan. But, just before we left, my father would always be going to Seoul for weeks or even longer than that.

Minutes later the van stopped outside a really really tall building, seriously, it was massive. He parked the van up and then got out, leaving me inside. Hello? The back of the van then opened up, and he shouted through.

“Go inside, tell them your name and someone should you” What? Excuse me Mr but what are you gonna do with my bags. I sat there for about a minute, contemplating on asking him where he was going to take my bags, but then I decided not to. He gestured me to go inside again, so I did.

The entrance was all shiny. Shiny marble floors and surfaces, even the faces behind the reception desk was shiny. I saw the man get back into the van and drive away, with my bags, ugh!

“Good evening Miss, how can I help you?” Her voice startled me, it sounded sickly sweet and so obviously fake, I gave her a small smile.

“I’m Ahn Hana, the man outs-“I turned around slightly to point at the van that just left, but her widened eyes stopped me.

“What is it?” What the heck is with this woman? Stop glaring at me like that!

“H-...ha…han…Hana?” Well I did just say that. I forced myself to not roll my eyes and nodded. She stiffened up a little, returned a nod, and then stood up.

“Please follow me” All her professionalism had returned, and she walked up to an elevator. I followed her willingly, heck, I had no were else to go.

The elevator pinged and we stepped in. She pressed the number 18, which seemed to be the last floor as there was no 19. The elevator music wasn’t the usual song, but some growly voice talking about dreams, what the hell was this?

The elevator dinged and the lady gestured for me to go first, so I did. The walls were lined with posters of… Kpop stars. The faces were all really unfamiliar, and some of posters there were quite old. I walked down the corridor and stopped when I got near a door. I was about to knock, but one of the posters caught my eye.

“DARK&WILD, WARNING! LOVE HURTS, IT CAUSES ANGER, JEALOUSY, OBSESSION, WHY DON’T U LOVE ME BACK?” I smirked, it sounded like something a 10 year old would say. Before I turned to knock, something dawned on me. The logo, a… red Kevlar with wings? But the words… BTS.

Okay, jokes over brain! This is a dream right? Seriously, why the heck is everything linking back to them? Maybe…maybe my dad’s just a big fan or something, haha, what a loser.

I sighed before I raised my hand to knock the door. I just want to go to sleep! Taking a guess I think it has to be around 7PM, but then again, my current state was homeless and without luggage.

The door was opened by a 30 year old looking woman, who seemed a little shocked. I then realised that I hadn’t actually knocked the door, and she was just leaving, and I had my fist raised by her face, oops. I apologised to her quickly, which she shrugged off and left politely.

“Who’s there? I was just about to le-” My father stopped in his tracks when he saw me, his daughter who he hadn’t seen for 13 years. His face turned into an affectionate gaze, and he hurriedly rushed over to me, wrapping his arms around me.

“My daughter” His voice was thick with emotion, he sounded like he was about to cry. I just stood there awkwardly as he choked me in a bone breaking hug. I struggled abit, and then he shot back, realising that I detested him abit.

“I-im sorry, for everything, I only found out about your mother this morning, and I haven’t really been able to make the suitable preparations for you…” His face slightly turned stern, making me think he was exactly the same man as he was before.  

“It’s okay, I just want to sleep.” He nodded at me slightly, and walked towards his desk. I looked around the office, it was big, with shiny floors and a large oak desk. There was a glass name placer on the des: C.E.O OH KANG MIN – BIG HIT ENT.

My eyes widened as I read my father’s name, next to that. I never knew what my father’s job was, I just knew he work suits to work and was rarely home. Whenever I asked my mother, shed change the subject, claiming that his work was one of the reasons their marriage failed.


“Dad” He shot up and looked at me, the phone dropped out his hand, he was about to call someone but I interrupted him.

“Do you know who…BTS is?” He looked at me confused, as if I’d just asked him if pigs could fly, he then chuckled.

“Of course I do, im their manager, you didn’t know? Are you a fan?” Fan?!?

“You, you’re what? You, you manage K-pop idols?” He laughed again, I bet he thought that I was some crazed fan girl like Amy, heck no.

“You are a fan aren’t you? I’ll tell you wha-”

“I am not a fan, my friend likes them, that’s all.” I gave him a stern look and crossed my arms. He nodded lightly and then looked back to the telephone, and pressed a few numbers. He gestured for me to take a seat in front of his desk so he did.

“So, are they there...? Do you think I should tell them? No, okay…Its clean right? They didn’t invade it did they…right…okay, yea… she will drive her over…no…okay.” He nodded and then put the phone down, the heck? Who were ‘them’? He sighed and looked over to me.

“Um, I guessed that you wouldn’t want to live with me right? Well not yet anyway.” His words made me feel better but he looked, really anxious.

“So, the only safe place I have is, a small dorm around 5 minutes away, my assistant dropped your bags off, is that okay? I mean, if you don’t like it you can stay in a hotel or wh-”

“Its fine” I nodded slightly and gulped, and he returned my nod.

“Okay, well, I’ll see you tomorrow, Hana. My wi- uh, other assistant is waiting downstairs, she’ll take you.” He nodded meekly and looked down at his work. Okay then, let’s go Hana.

I got down to the lobby and saw the women from earlier sitting by reception. She smiled sweetly at me, and waved me over.

“Hana right? Wow, you look just like your fath- I mean, CEO OH, let’s go, I’ll take you to your new home.” I nodded slightly as she speedily headed towards the exit. Her appearance reminded me of my mother, but obviously a younger version. I bit back tears thinking about her, trying not to break down in front of a complete stranger.

When we got outside, I realised that we didn’t get in one of the ‘company’ vans, but into a small navy coloured mini cooper, weird, it’s like she’s dropping me off before she went home.

When he said it was round the corner, he literally meant it. Around one minute after the car started, we stopped again.

“Well, here we are” She smiled at me, weirdly. Strange woman.

“Thank you for taking me but, do you know…what floor my apartment is?” The building wasn’t as tall as where my father’s office was, but it had at least 10 floors or something.

“Floor eight I think, right under-…wait, never mind, you’ll see.” Okay, let me reiterate, strange woman. I thanked her shyly and walked towards the building. Strangely enough, the gate was buzzed open when I approached, meaning the doorman must have been… waiting for me.

When I entered, the door man called me over.

“Miss Ahn Hana?” I gave him a small nod.

“Here I have your key card, your bags are already in your room. I Hope the…people on the floor above you aren’t too…much trouble.” He looked at me shyly, and gave me a weak smile. Okay, what the heck. The way he said that was like I had burly prisoners above me.

I got inside the elevator and pressed number 8, by the looks of it, floor 9 was the top floor. When the door pinged, there was a short corridor, with 2 doors. One labelled ‘STORAGE’ and the other, which had a gold metal letter 8 on. Ah, my apartment/dorm/house. I slid the key into the lock, it beeped and flashed green.

When I pushed the door open, I was slightly disappointed, but then pleasantly surprised. The flat wasn’t very fancy, which I had expected from my father. Nevertheless, after looking around, I liked it. I liked the simplicity, the fact that the walls were plain white, and the furniture, and the floors were wood. I hope I could decorate.

My cases were scattered around the dining table. The whole apartment was open plan, very spacious and…homely. There was a small set of stairs against the wall, which led to a small double bed on a ledge type thing. Cute.

I walked towards the kitchen area and stopped when I saw a note on the work surface.

“Hana, I hope this is okay, it would be nice if you could introduce yourselves to the neighbours upstairs! –Dad.” Hm, okay, the rowdy scary people right?

I walked out the apartment again, taking my key with me, and called for the elevator. The door pinged open, and I pressed the 9 key.

Seconds after it pinged again, and I walked into a longer corridor. Wait, there were many doors here, actually, 10 doors. The heck?

The closest one was named ‘STORAGE’ just like mine. Next to the storage were 2 doors, unlabelled, and 3 doors opposite them. Okay, where the heck is room 9? I walked down the corridor, hoping there was no one in the 5 doors I passed, I turned at a corner and saw the far door, labelled ‘ROOF’

Ah. Okay, there’s the roof, but where the freaking hell is room 9?

There were 3 more doors on this corridor, 2 unlabelled, again. However, the last one I turned to was labelled 9. Finally. I lifted my hand to knock, slightly nervous.

“It’s okay, you can do it Hana, the door man was probably joking, it wi-” I let out a small yelp as the door opened, and a tallish, light brown fluffy haired guy looked at me with wide eyes.

I glared at him. Wait, hand on a second. Frog ha- Why was this guy still staring at me?

“Do, do you live here?” I looked at him, kind of hoping he didn’t. It was frog hat guy! The guy who seemed to find the floating piece of dust interesting, the one with the stupid name V, from BTS! He stopped staring at me, and raised a brow.

“Yes, I do, but you…don’t?”

“Um, well, I moved into the place downstairs you see, and I just thought tha-”

“YAY, new neighbour! What’s your name? How old are you? Do yo- WAIT!” He paused and glared at me with wide eyes again. The dude really needs to stop glaring at me like that. A strange smile crept on his face, still his eyes were wide, and he barged passed me, running through the door to the rooftop.

“HYUNGS! MAKNAE! WE, we have a new neighbour, the pretty girl, the-the one from LONDON!” I could hear his over exaggerated scream through the door that closed behind him. I heard many footsteps approaching the door, I heard someone say really? Then someone else said no way!

And then, I heard something else. “Is it Hana?!”

Oh god, help me. 


If you're envious of Hana clap your hands!

Happy new year everyone!!!!!


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big sorry to anyone waiting for chapters, the next 2 months are really important for me as I have around 19 exams, please be patient!!!


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Chapter 7: Are you going to come back? Your writing's really good
Chapter 7: U r back! Paint hurm? U seems to know my house activity during CNY..hehe my family paints outside of our house today but me..urm I was sleeping hehe✌ dont blame me..I was too tired living in hostel hehe..Great update anyways! Keep Up! Waiting for your next amazing update!
mochii_16 #3
Chapter 5: Hi author! I'm a new reader of this story of yours. I just wanted to say that I totally love it! I didn't regret any second I spent reading this. I hope you update soon! Fighting! <3
Chapter 4: Hahahaha that under the couch was hilarious.keep going! Update soon!
Litoxcutie #5
I'm loving it! V made it funny, even though Hana's mom just passed. Oh, how does Jungkook know Hana??? I can't believe that her dad is married to his "assistant", if she really is an assistant. The fact that she looks like a younger version of her mother, could only mean her father might have wanted it to work out but her mother didn't like his job or something. That's just my guess.
Chapter 3:
itschachi #7
Chapter 2: Please update soon I'm loving this story so much so far