Meeting Him

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“Hana, wake up!”

Who the heck was that? My arm was being tugged at, but sleep kept pulling me back in. Whoever was trying to wake me up started to get angry.

“If you don’t wake up in the next minute im never speaking to you again!”

Right, that’s it.

“What the heck do you want? Why are you waking me up at…7AM?” Yeah, the clock read 7am, is this crazy?

“Todays the day! They’re here right now, my boys are on UK SOIL! YOU PROMISED!” Oh, that. My friend Amy is obsessed with K-pop, and to be honest, I really don’t think it’s all that great. I mean, come on, groups of guys wearing eyeliner and tacky clothes, doing some mediocre dancing, whilst lip-syncing? No thanks!

“Urghhhhh…ghh…blurhg…” The sounds from my mouth made no sense, and Amy rolled her eyes at me when I stumbled out of bed. Hmmm, rude.

I walked in to my closet and chose a white t-shirt and dark skinny jeans and quickly shut the doors so I could get changed. When I was lacing up some red converse, I could hear Amy shuffling round in my room, so I kicked the door open.

“What are you doing?” I looked at her in amazement as she pulled a black jumper out her bag. She walked over and held it out to me.

“Wear this! I got it you so you fit in.” I looked at the sweater which had ‘JUNK KOOK 97’ on the back in white print. I scoffed, really? She expects me to wear this? Ugh.

“Fine, which ones Junk Kook?” Amy groaned and pulled out her phone and held a picture to my face. Wow. He had nice eyes. Or maybe that was just the eyeliner.

“…mmph, fine” I shrugged the jumper on and flattened it down. Amy passed me my bag which she already packed with my phone, makeup and snacks.

“Jesus Christ, why do we have to go so early?”

“Because, the first people will probably get more time with them!” Ugh! This girl. We left my room and went downstairs, my mother had already left and one of the maids had left me breakfast, which I didn’t touch.


At 7:30 we were walking down the streets of London, in the freaking dark! We approached the Korean cultural centre and saw around 40 people sat down on the pavement, pshh, saddos. We sat down near the wall, and Amy pulled my bag off me.

“What are you doing?” I looked at her surprised, what was she doing?

“Well, you’re gonna be my translator right? So you need to look pretty, I mean, I not calling you ugly but, you have really bad dark circles right now.” She held out a concealer stick towards me and propped a mirror up. Ughh seriously?

2 hours passed and the doors still hadn’t opened, I spent about 20 minutes doing my makeup, but didn’t overdo it as Amy said I need to look ‘natural and approachable’ blah blah blah.

People started screaming. I looked up in shock and lept up, thinking someone might be hurt. Oh. I rolled my eyes. A black van drove past the front of the building and went round the corner, most people was screaming OPPA! Which is hilarious, because half of them was saying it wrong.

The door closest to us sprung open, and a middle aged Korean man came out with sheets of wristbands. When he got down to us, he stopped for a moment and squinted at me.

“Could it be…?” He trailed off, he was actually speaking in Korean, and so Amy gave me a funny look. He shook his head quickly and put wristbands on us. I pretended not to understand what he said but, it gave me a weird feeling.  

“Oh my god Hana, WE ARE NUMBER 50 AND 51, THE 50TH AND 51ST PERSON IN THIS QUEUE RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW WHO ARE GOING TO MEET BTS!” She screamed loudly, and a girl behind us squealed too. Jesus Christ, fan girls.

The door in front opened, and a lady with a clipboard and some type of microphone slash walkie talkie ushered 10 people inside. Amy screamed into my ear.

“If you don’t stop screaming I won’t speak to him for you.” She pouted and frowned.

“Whatever! My Namjoon can speak English anyway!” I rolled my eyes, why did she need to drag me here then? I loved her and everything but im so tired.


30 minutes later we were ushered inside by the walkie talkie lady. Haha, walkie talkie. We were lined in a corridor, on the walls were posters of BTS. I tried to remember which one was Jung Kook again, but according to Amy I got it wrong, dammit.

We were 2 people away from the door when Amy yanked 4 different singles out of her bag. She passed me two of them.

“Right, pretended these are your favourite songs, because each person can’t have more than 2 albums so get these signed for me!” I looked down at the albums, ‘No more dream’ and ‘Boy in luv’ those names were so corny I nearly scoffed.


“NUMBER 50 AND 51 PLEASE” Amy squealed under her breath and grabbed my arm. I realised she was shaking and kind of felt sorry for her, but then started laughing because of how nervous she was.

As soon as we walked in we were greeted by a chant of Hi’, Hello’s and Hey’s. I looked over the 7 guys sitting in a row behind a panel. Okay, I’ll admit they were all cute but they were no big deal. The boys all started laughing, making me turn back to see a frozen Amy who was looking at them in pure shock. I went back and grabbed her arm, giggling.

“Don’t be shy!” I looked over and noticed the blonde haired guy just shouted, making Amy’s eyes widen even more, ahhh that must be Namjoon. When we got closer to them I realised there was name cards in front of them, thank God!

Amy walked over to Rap Monster, or Namjoon: whatever, and placed the two albums in front of him, I heard them talking about something to do with dancing, Namjoon laughed and Amy turned red. I wondered what the other guys were doing, most of them were talking, all but two. I looked at the cards and realised that Jin and Jimin were looking over at me and talking in low voices. Weirdoes.

“Hey!” Amy seemed less terrified now as she called me over as rap monster had finished signing her CD’s. She took a quick selfie with him and moved on to the person next to him, ‘J-Hope’ heh, what a dumb name. When I was stood in front of the blonde one, I made the decision to speak Korean.

“Hello” Rap monster looked surprised but then squinted.

“So can you actually speak Korean, or do you just know one word?” He looked at me like he started a challenge, I suppose he thought I didn’t understand a word of what he just said right? Oh, game on!

Amy turned round giggling, as she knew that Hana understood every word, and the rest of the members looked at me expectantly.

“Yea you’re right, I only know one word, and I learnt it from a Korean drama.” I raised my eyebrow, and he looked dumbfounded, yea I bet you weren’t expecting that! He smirked and nodded whilst signing my CD’s, well, Amy’s CD’s.

After speaking to a guy called V, yea I said V, about his hat (it had a frog on okay) I moved over to Jin. I looked over to see that Amy was waiting at the end of the line, and then realised that I still had to get 3 more signatures. I beckoned her over, but the realised her attention was on Namjoon who was pulling silly faces at her.

‘Jin’ was in the middle of signing the first CD when he said something to her quietly.

“Jung Kook thinks you’re cute” He giggled a bit, like a child. Hmm, which one wa- Oh. I have his name on my back, oh, nice eyes guy! I looked to the end where he was sitting, and he looked turned when he saw me looking at him.

“Yah Hyung!” He shouted like a spoilt 6 year old. Jin and Jimin both laughed and clapped their hands. V looked over at them and frowned, then looked out in front of him, focusing on a piece of dust floating in the air. I rolled my eyes and moved across to Jimin.

“I have a question.” I looked at him, and gestured for him to continue.

“You don’t really have a clue who we are, right?” My eyes winded a little, I then burst out laughing.

“Well, I know who you are but…” He waved me off, telling me it was okay, then slid the CD’s towards Jung Kook. He looked up to me with wide eyes, he kind of looked intimidated, oops.

“It…It’s nice to see someone who we can all speak to” Jimin burst out laughing, and Jin hit him in the arm, nodding in agreement at what Jung Kook said.

“Really? Hmm I guess it is, you probably have a lot of people who try but fail right?” He nodded slowly looking down. Suddenly something changed, and he jolted up. Ok, strange person.  Then I realised the walkie talkie lady was calling us out.

Rap monster waved directly at Amy, who blushed like crazy, and they all said a chorus of goodbyes. Jung Kook smiled up at me.

“Selca?” Hmm, I realised I didn’t take any pictures with the others, so I thought why not. After taking a few funny faces, and then one with all the members in the background we started to walk out the room.

“Goodbye Hana!” Jung Kook waved at me, and I smiled in return.

When the fresh air hit us, I took a long breath. Amy was almost in tears, and started blurting out things


I wasn’t really listening as something hit me, how did Jung Kook know my name? I don’t remember anyone saying it, and I didn’t have some dumb name card on me. The heck?

Amy was full on bawling now and nearly tripped up, even though we weren’t even moving.

“Chill out!” I gave her a small hug, I think she was now at the moment of realisation that she would not see them for maybe years. She might have even been jealous that I got to talk to them more, which I kind of felt bad for, but I couldn’t really help it.


After leaving the Centre me and Amy went to eat food, and shopped around for the rest of the day. She was still sniffling by the time we said goodbye, which made me feel really sorry for her.  

“Mom im home!” I shouted, not expectant of a reply but it was worth a try. A maid quickly ran up to me.

“Miss, Madame Ahn is not home yet” Yea, course she isn’t. I refused food from the maids as a slowly walked up to my room. When I got inside I peeled off my clothes and lay in bed.

It was only 9PM. I pulled my laptop out and loaded up twitter. I frowned as I saw the 7 messages from Amy.

IM SO JEALOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I rolled my eyes. By ‘their’ I guess she meant BTS. I searched their name and found their twitter. I saw a few thank you tweets, okay, nothing odd, what was this crazy girl on about. Then I found what she was on about.

I met someone who made me feel like I was back home today, thank you – JK


Thanks for reading, if you enjoyed it please subscribe, i will update very soon :)!
Also, please check out my other fic 'The Dream' 

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big sorry to anyone waiting for chapters, the next 2 months are really important for me as I have around 19 exams, please be patient!!!


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Chapter 7: Are you going to come back? Your writing's really good
Chapter 7: U r back! Paint hurm? U seems to know my house activity during CNY..hehe my family paints outside of our house today but me..urm I was sleeping hehe✌ dont blame me..I was too tired living in hostel hehe..Great update anyways! Keep Up! Waiting for your next amazing update!
mochii_16 #3
Chapter 5: Hi author! I'm a new reader of this story of yours. I just wanted to say that I totally love it! I didn't regret any second I spent reading this. I hope you update soon! Fighting! <3
Chapter 4: Hahahaha that under the couch was hilarious.keep going! Update soon!
Litoxcutie #5
I'm loving it! V made it funny, even though Hana's mom just passed. Oh, how does Jungkook know Hana??? I can't believe that her dad is married to his "assistant", if she really is an assistant. The fact that she looks like a younger version of her mother, could only mean her father might have wanted it to work out but her mother didn't like his job or something. That's just my guess.
Chapter 3:
itschachi #7
Chapter 2: Please update soon I'm loving this story so much so far