Chapter 35

Blind Date
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He turned around to her voice and Haneul can't help but felt a little disappointed when she found out she was wrong. She almost let out a laugh to herself. What did she expect? It can't be real if Sehun really stood there before her. And then she imagined, how wonderful would it be if it was really him. To be in his arms. Listening to his voice. Maybe she couldn't stop staring at his face if he's really here.

'Chanyeol, how do you know I'm here? What are you doing here?' her face probably didn't show disappointment as she wasn't really showing her excitement thinking it would be Sehun. She felt her phone vibrated in her pockets while waiting for his answer but ignore it, focusing on the guy before her.

'I want to talk.' he replied lowly. 'Didn't you have something to tell me too? Last time-'

'That's last time. Now, I don't have any particular thing to say anymore. I'm sorry but I don't want to talk.' Haneul made herself clear and walked pass him towards the stairs. She climbed the stairs quickly, skipping a step each time to get up. Chanyeol kept calling for her, wishing for her to give him a chance to talk but she wasn't reluctant to darted off towards the door. 

When she decided to break things off with Sehun, she has determined that she didn't want to associate with anybody connected to Exo. Having Sehun out of reach would help her get over him better. Seeing him treating her like a complete stranger would make her hate him. Haneul used to think Sehun was mean and hateful. She tried so hard to have those feelings back and get over him. She thought it would work. But it still doesn't. She was still waiting for the time to come. 

Plus, didn't Chanyeol said to keep herself away from him? She actually questioned the intention why he is here suddenly. How did he knew she lives here? Haneul mentally groaned when she remembered how Chanyeol has so many connections. He and his sources. Just as she turned around when she stepped into the room, she closed the door on his face, trying to give a sign to him how much she wanted him to go back. 

'Haneul, open up. Let's talk.' he raised his voice while knocking on the door non-stop.

She wasn't trying to be mean to him. It wasn't even an avenge to him. Haneul didn't hate him but she just wanted to stop hurting herself. This is for her own good. She wanted to be alone. Haneul leaned herself against the door, wishing that the knocking will turn into silent in few seconds.  It really did stop making her thinking that Chanyeol must have gave up and leave. But he didn't when she heard his voice later then.

Chanyeol sighed. 'Fine, I'll stay here until you open the door.' he said, probably sitting on the ground now by the door. She could hear him clearly. 'I'm sorry, Haneul. I'm sorry. I don't know if you are listening to me. You probably would have gone shower or eating and I'm just talking to this door behind me. I've always been pathetic so I'm kind of used to it.' he laughed dryly. 'For being such a fool, a selfish jerk and for what happened between you and Sehun, I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting you to forgi-' the door opened making Chanyeol stumbled to the back as he was leaning against it. He managed to rest his hand behind his back, preventing himself from lying flat on the ground. His eyes were big as saucers when he stared at Haneul from down.

'You are really going to stay here until I open the door?' she asked.

'Yes, even if it takes me to sleep in this chilly weather. The wind tonight is no joke.' He acted like he was shivering from the cold. He knew Haneul. She wouldn't have heart to let him stay outside all night. That's what he likes about her. He always found that side of her cute. Too adorable that it didn't fail to make him smile to it.



Jerking his head back, he was surprised when there's a sight of a red can in front of his face. Chanyeol looked to the side and saw Haneul's reaching out to give him a can of cola. Just as he took it from her, she sat next to him on the bench outside her rooftop room. He thanked her awkwardly and had a sip from it. When he saw she was about to open hers, he grabbed the can and open it instead for her.

'Don't be angry at Soojin. I'm the one who force her to give out the details on where you live. She actually has no choice except to tell me.'

'I can see that.'

'Okay.' Silent took over them. Chanyeol had a lot of things inside his mind to talk to her and now he already had her sitting next to him, his mind totally became blank. What did he want to say? He took another sip, letting the cola flowing down his throat. It's been awhile since they talked to each other, things have gotten a little awkward, honestly. 'How are you?' he asked, the most typical question anyone would ask when they met. He groaned mentally at himself for sounding so stupid.

'Good. How about you?' she asked, playing along.

'Good too. I'm really good now.' he answered while chuckling dryly to ease the tense atmosphere between them. It almost felt like the first day they knew each other. That was the bravest act he ever did. Running after her, afraid that he wouldn't have the chance to know her, he was glad he did that. He shook his head when he was reminded of that. Even now, he can have her back. Not as his girl. But as a good friend. He knew he made the right decision to come to see her today. It would be a lost if they ended up not talking and become strangers. It would hurt him to see her in other person's arms when he wishes she was his but it would hurt him more to see her hurt because of his selfish behavior. 'Aren't you curious about how Sehun is doing?'

'No.' Haneul answered bluntly.

'Come on, I can see disappointment all over your face when you see me just now. I might act like I didn't heard it but I totally heard clearly that you called for Sehun. We are so different in figure. Even our hairstyle is different.' Chanyeol complained, while brushing his hair back. 'He's not doing good. And I'm so sure you know why.'

'He has you. You can help him.'

'Now I'm helping him.'

'Why are you doing this now?'

'I've always wanted to do things right. I've always told you that. But that time, all this time, I was selfish. I thought it's right because to me it's right, but I never think about others. What I'm doing now is not something that I want to do but this is the exactly right thing for me to do. For you. For Sehun. For this to finally come to an end. I might have realized it a little bit too late but it's better than I keep being pathetic by doing nothing and see everything fall apart because of me right?'

'So you're here to convince me?' 

'Yeah, if you want to say it that way.'

'I like it better now. Goodnight Chanyeol.' Haneul stood from the bench but Chanyeol was fast enough to grab her hand to stop her from leaving him. She was lying. She didn't want to keep her hopes up. She didn't want to fall into disappointment. She was scared. 

Chanyeol gave up and said that they should forget about his intention and instead, he wanted to make it up to her for the past. He agreed on not going to mention anything about Sehun anymore and just talk about himself then. He asked Haneul for a favor, saying he wanted someone to listen to his worries and how he missed having her around him listening to his stories. That's the only way he knew how to keep Haneul stay and talk to him. Besides, aside from Sehun, he did want to reconcile back with Haneul. He's not here just for that.

'I was so frustrated that day that I did the stupidest thing I've ever did in my whole life. I was so childish. I lost myself and the next day when I regret, it already happened. Just to make me feel less hurt and to show you that I wasn't depending on you, I actually went to Mina for comfort so that I could think it's not only you that I needed. There are a lot more girls who are willingly to be with me but it didn't work. I just put myself more into trouble. I put her hopes up even that time I knew so well how it feels to be only one feeling that way. I let it out on others and ended up hurting them too.'

'Maybe you do still have feelings for her.'

'No, I thought a lot when I decided to break things off with her. And I still do think the same now. It's too bad that we couldn't be friends.' he moved his eyes from looking down to Haneul. 'but we can, right?' he asked.

She kept silent for awhile as if giving a thought to it. 'Always.' she whispered, looking back to him.

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Wow!500 subs!This is so unexpected.I actually have thought once to make a special chp if this reach 500 subs lol.Idk if any of you see this but should I really?


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KimHyeJoo #1
Chapter 41: This story bring me to actual tears like i’m sobbing when reading. Thank you for this wonderful story!! :))
Chapter 1: Poor her dad. I hope her dad is truly innocent
Chapter 41: Yeay finally, thank you for this wonderful stories
Fireflies123 #4
Chapter 41: Thank you so much for this magnificent read
Fireflies123 #5
Chapter 23: I-
-natsukim #6
Chapter 41: Just discovered thus story, and read it until the end.
Such a great story, totally like this!
yejin01 #7
Chapter 41: this is so cute. your story so great . i love it. need to say bye now to sehun n haneul. i want to cry.... ???
yejin01 #8
Chapter 22: okey, i dont know why i feel so mad at haneul. ha.ha.ha
zoshika #9
Chapter 41: What a cute story we have here huh?^.Smh i can relate on the Oc on so many levels except for the fact that no hot guys on my tails tho.Sehuns character here interests me.Hes doesnt hve that cliche type which everyone put on him which is arrogant.Hes just more to himself and hard to express his feeling.I love their bickering every single time that we can really see both of them such a hardheaded person honestly .Anyways Hani such a girl×friend goalss!!.Would love to have a friend like her in the future but found none till now.Youve done it Well.Thankss for this story❤
Chapter 25: Finnaly .. Sehun...