Chapter 18

Blind Date
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‘Let’s just say, try to imagine okay?’ Chanyeol tried to gather Baekhyun’s attention. Baekhyun was all ears waiting for Chanyeol to continue. ‘If let’s say that your girlfriend got close to me without you know it, how would you feel?’ he asked hesitatingly wishing that Baekhyun got his points.

‘Should I feel threatened?’ Baekhyun asked back.

Chanyeol sighed heavily while leaning his head back not satisfied with Baekhyun’s answer. This guy frustrates him too much.

‘Honestly said, I think I’m more charming than you are. Girls like this face.’ Baekhyun stated while pointing at his face. ‘Don’t I receive more chocolates than you are on Valentine’s?’ he continued.

Chanyeol groaned while listening to his roommate bragging about himself. ‘That’s not what I want to talk about.’ He murmured to himself and left his seat next second sick of Baekhyun’s narcissism remark.

‘The only thing girls would fall head over heels for you are because of your amazing height. You weren’t all that actually. If I was as tall as you are-‘ the sound of the door banging stopped Baekhyun from continue. ‘Chanyeol?’ he called. ‘Yah, Chanyeol. I was just kidding.’ He shouted by himself in the room. ‘Is this about Haneul? Let’s talk about it.’ his voice was the only sound that was heard in the room.

He sighed. ‘This is not the first time he’s dating. Why does he keep asking questions about girls anyway?’ Baekhyun mumbled to himself. ‘Because she’s different.’ He imitated the deep bass voice Chanyeol has.

Baekhyun turned his attention to the polaroid picture sticking on the wall by Chanyeol’s study table and took a closer look at it. He smirked when he saw a picture of Chanyeol and Haneul holding a teddy bear while smiling brightly with her eyes were closed beside him. ‘He really is serious about her.’

On the other side, Haneul was staring at the teddy bear she got from Chanyeol while still feeling bad about what happened yesterday at the Han River. She was sitting on her comfy comforter trying to do some exercises on maths to prepare herself for the test tomorrow morning. The sight of the teddy bear suddenly caught her eyes and she can’t help but sighs thinking if Chanyeol ever felt offended by what she did.

‘Are you mad at me?’ she hugged the teddy and leaned her head on it. ‘I hope so not. ‘ she murmured. She has never kissed before. Well, if she tried to think in a most positive way, Chanyeol could be intending to do something else, like maybe she has something on her face and she’s the one who misunderstood it but that’s stupid. Anyone would know what he’s intending to do. And now, she rather be the one who felt humiliated for misunderstanding than he’s the one who’s feeling that.

It was first. Having someone came too close to her, especially Chanyeol who she always has this tingling feelings when she’s with him deep inside, makes her more nervous than ever. She was in between of to do or not to do it. But her anxiousness dominated herself making her running away from the situation. She knew he likes her. He told her before, didn’t he? But can she reciprocate his feelings back as much as how he is? Haneul didn’t want to disappoint him.

‘Focus!’ she urged herself to not let that distract her from focusing. She was out of time and she wasn’t even 50% near to say that she’s prepared to face the test. She took her pencil and started to look through the questions back. Haneul was prepared to start doing it after reading the question only to find that she has no idea what to do with it. ‘Ugh.’ She sunk her face on the paper on the mini Japanese table frustrated with herself. I’m doomed. If only there is someone who could help me. She pouted by the thought of it.

A thought that Sehun could help her suddenly flashed across her mind. But she knew, why would Sehun would do that for her. Should I give a shot? Haneul shook her head knowing she makes no sense. Should I just go to sleep and hope for these questions won’t come out? Of course it would come out, you .



While watching some interesting tv programs, a knock was heard from the door. He ignored it at first thinking maybe his next door neighbor came home drunk and mistakenly knock on his door. But the knocks continuously going on sounding like it won’t come to an end unless he opens it. Sehun rolled his eyes annoyed at such action because now, he has to move to the door to stop that old man who live next door and send him back to his rightful home. His legs which rested on the table before him moved to the ground and he grumpily walked towards the door to deal with the drunkard. But to his surprise, it wasn’t the old man he was expecting in front of his apartment.

Haneul’s hand came to halt when the door was shoved aside by Sehun. She opened up her fist and waved awkwardly at Sehun. ‘Hello.’ She snickered.

‘What do you want?’ he asked straightforwardly without any sense to cover up that he’s annoyed by her presence.

‘Hmm,’ Haneul’s eyes moved all over the place intimidated to say something to Sehun. ‘As you know, we’ll be having test tomorrow.’ She said casually.

‘I’m pretty much aware of that.’ He replied.

‘And it’s maths.’ She continued.

‘Yes, I know that.’ He said right after she said that not wanting to spend any longer here standing by the door.

‘And I’m so terrible at it.’ she went on.

‘Get to the point.’ He snapped.

‘Can you like help me with that? One hour. I only need one hour. Only if you’re free.’ She said the latter part while peeking at the interior to see if Sehun seems busy with anything.

Sehun’s figure right away covered her sight when he saw what she’s doing. ‘It’s past midnight already.’ he reasoned.

‘I know I should be prepared earlier but you see, I have part time job and my shift was over two hours ago and I didn’t procrastinate at all, I swear. I started right when I stepped into the house but the questions are so hard, I can’t seem to manage to find the answer no matter what I do.’ she blabbered. ‘I was thinking, why is it so hard to understand when it’s easy for you? So the idea of asking you just came up from there.’ she slowed down her pace of talking and stopped when she realized the look on Sehun’s face.

‘You can be shameless sometim

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Wow!500 subs!This is so unexpected.I actually have thought once to make a special chp if this reach 500 subs lol.Idk if any of you see this but should I really?


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KimHyeJoo #1
Chapter 41: This story bring me to actual tears like i’m sobbing when reading. Thank you for this wonderful story!! :))
Chapter 1: Poor her dad. I hope her dad is truly innocent
Chapter 41: Yeay finally, thank you for this wonderful stories
Fireflies123 #4
Chapter 41: Thank you so much for this magnificent read
Fireflies123 #5
Chapter 23: I-
-natsukim #6
Chapter 41: Just discovered thus story, and read it until the end.
Such a great story, totally like this!
yejin01 #7
Chapter 41: this is so cute. your story so great . i love it. need to say bye now to sehun n haneul. i want to cry.... ???
yejin01 #8
Chapter 22: okey, i dont know why i feel so mad at haneul. ha.ha.ha
zoshika #9
Chapter 41: What a cute story we have here huh?^.Smh i can relate on the Oc on so many levels except for the fact that no hot guys on my tails tho.Sehuns character here interests me.Hes doesnt hve that cliche type which everyone put on him which is arrogant.Hes just more to himself and hard to express his feeling.I love their bickering every single time that we can really see both of them such a hardheaded person honestly .Anyways Hani such a girl×friend goalss!!.Would love to have a friend like her in the future but found none till now.Youve done it Well.Thankss for this story❤
Chapter 25: Finnaly .. Sehun...