Chapter 12

Blind Date
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‘Ahhhh.’ She shrieked as she fell onto the ground with the stranger she bumped into. Haneul can feel some parts of her body started to hurt but she wasn’t even minding about the wounds she got for herself from falling. She bowed mindlessly showing how apologetic she is for accidentally bumping into the person before she continued to run back for her life but she was jerked back from the grasp on her wrist.

And she was met with the familiar eyes that she wasn’t expected to see here. His eyes showed irritation to what has happened and despite he was as surprised as she is to found out that the girl is Haneul, he didn’t let his expression faze at all.

‘Sehun.’ She muttered his name and when she glanced back to see that the men are getting near her now, she looked cowardly to Sehun. ‘Let my hand go.’ she pleaded.

‘Where are you rushing off to?’ he asked.

‘I’ll tell you later.’ She tried to run again but she can’t move from Sehun’s strength on her wrist. She groaned frustratingly in front of him making him flinched in shock at the girl’s sudden act and he saw a glimpse of tears from her eyes. ‘They are chasing after me, so let me go!’ she yelled.

Sehun glanced to the side and realized there are men who were about a few meters away from them. As he was occupied looking at the thugs who were chasing after Haneul, he lose focus on his grasp on her making him dragged along running with Haneul.

When he got a grip on the situation, he picked up his pace being the one leading Haneul away from the men. He has a lot of questions playing in his head that he wanted to ask her but he decided to keep that for later since he has accidentally put himself in trouble as well.

Since Sehun had live for few years around the area already, the area is familiar to him. He turned into the small road which is a neighborhood of a low cost housing area. It was quite dim since only one lamp along the road works while the other one kept blinking waiting for it to be fully broken. If Haneul was alone, she would be terrified being there without anybody else. It was around 11 at night and the neighborhood is so quiet like no one is awake at this time.

Haneul felt her leg muscles started to hurt and her limbs are not working properly anymore like before. She felt heavy and she has no strength left to be running around anymore. She shut her eyes trying to encouraged herself to hang in there and not give up.

Sehun knew Haneul has started to get tired when he felt their paces are getting slower. Rather than leading Haneul, he felt like dragging the girl along with him running and he can hear her panting loudly now like she’s out of breath.

As he noticed that the men’s distance are quite far than before, he ran into a lot of turns so they would be late a few seconds making them eventually got confused as to where they went later. He made a quick turn into small alley which they met with the dead end and he pulled Haneul along with him hiding by the huge garbage bin. He knew the hide out was easily found but the darkness is their advantage for now. He’s glad that the street lamp was broken.

Haneul breathe loudly and heavily asking for air since she has gotten so tired from running. ‘Won’t they catch us if we’re here?’ she asked while panting.

Sehun hushed her ignoring her question while looking over to see if they are there or not. He landed his down on the ground while leaning against the concrete wall. He can’t believe that his calmest night has turned into one terrifying adventure running away from some thugs that he didn’t know where they came from.

Both of them heard the men’s voices and faint sound of steps coming towards them. ‘They’ll know we’re here.’ Haneul panicked.

‘Shut up.’ Sehun warned.

Haneul’s breath still hasn’t gone constant making the sound of her inhaling and exhaling louder than usual. She held her breath in when she knew she was being loud and he can see her struggling for air later.

‘Where did they go?’

‘Who’s the boy that’s running with her?’

‘We’re going to be dead if we didn’t bring her tonight.’

Sehun heard clearly their conversations from where he is. His question before came to rise again when he heard one of them said about they need to bring Haneul to somewhere. Why do they need her anyway? For what matter? What has she done? He stared at the girl whose face is full of terror and he thought there’s no way a girl like her would do something that resulted as bad as this. But who knows? No, he won’t jump into conclusion anymore. He already did mistake her for two times already.

‘Let’s split. You go this way, you go this way and I’ll go ahead in case they were there somewhere.’ One of them which he thought as their leader instructed before proceeding with what he had ordered to do.

Sehun cussed in his mind knowing they will be surely get caught if they really search for them at the alley where they were at. They have no way to run if the men found them and he looked around the place as he was trying to find ways in his head.

‘Are they coming to us?’ Haneul whispered. ‘I’m s-‘ Sehun covered to keep her quiet and he made sure that none of them would make any noise at all. A sound they made and they’re done. There is still hope. They need to be in utterly silence for them not to get caught.

He can feel himself tensed as he heard the sound of the steps getting clearer than before. They were crouching beside the garbage bin and Sehun moved closer to Haneul to make them more hidden.

The distance between them are so close that Haneul can feel his breathe on her skin. Haneul has never seen Sehun this close before making her feel like it’s the first time she ever seen him. She felt her heart thumping so hard inside as her breathe getting heavier than before with the closeness they’re having now. It was really uncomfortable and she never had this close contact with any guy before. It was first and the feeling is new to her as well.

Sehun moved closer when he heard the steps are nearing them making her nearly let out a whimper but he immediately eyed her sternly shutting her up. Those heavy steps from the man were getting louder than before and his slow pace making them more nervous. It was as if hearing the timer ticking before the bomb explodes. That much of panic arise in them.

‘Yah! If you don’t find them there, get out from there. What are you doing for so long? Taking a walk?’ someone yelled making the step stopped. ‘You bastard, come here. Stop wasting time.’ the yells continued making the man turned back around heading out of the alley.

‘I’m so sorry. My mistake.’ The man answered cowardly and Sehun saw he got a whack on the head by the person who yelled just now while he was peeking.

‘Aish, stop being so stupid and use your brain, can you? No wonder we lose the girl.’ He groaned. ‘Both of you are no use! She’s just a weak girl.’ He let out his anger.

‘We would have caught her if the boy didn’t come into scene.’ The other replied.

‘Stop talking back, you idiot.’ He whacked his head as well.

Those three men retreated from the place as two of the men got yelled on and on about how stupid they are. Sehun landed himself back on the ground and exhaled a big breath as if he’s been holding onto his breath all this while

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Wow!500 subs!This is so unexpected.I actually have thought once to make a special chp if this reach 500 subs lol.Idk if any of you see this but should I really?


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KimHyeJoo #1
Chapter 41: This story bring me to actual tears like i’m sobbing when reading. Thank you for this wonderful story!! :))
Chapter 1: Poor her dad. I hope her dad is truly innocent
Chapter 41: Yeay finally, thank you for this wonderful stories
Fireflies123 #4
Chapter 41: Thank you so much for this magnificent read
Fireflies123 #5
Chapter 23: I-
-natsukim #6
Chapter 41: Just discovered thus story, and read it until the end.
Such a great story, totally like this!
yejin01 #7
Chapter 41: this is so cute. your story so great . i love it. need to say bye now to sehun n haneul. i want to cry.... ???
yejin01 #8
Chapter 22: okey, i dont know why i feel so mad at haneul. ha.ha.ha
zoshika #9
Chapter 41: What a cute story we have here huh?^.Smh i can relate on the Oc on so many levels except for the fact that no hot guys on my tails tho.Sehuns character here interests me.Hes doesnt hve that cliche type which everyone put on him which is arrogant.Hes just more to himself and hard to express his feeling.I love their bickering every single time that we can really see both of them such a hardheaded person honestly .Anyways Hani such a girl×friend goalss!!.Would love to have a friend like her in the future but found none till now.Youve done it Well.Thankss for this story❤
Chapter 25: Finnaly .. Sehun...