Chapter I

"Do you think she's still alive?"

"Definitely, I can feel her breathing."

"No one comes here dead. How dumb are you?"

"Damn, she's a girl. Why did they put her in our class? What the could that principal be thinking?"

"Don't be ist, you bastard. Anyone can be dangerous, it'
s not restricted to gender. Who knows what she could do?"

Yoonhee quickly opened her eyes after hearing the chorus of male-owned voices, only to have her eyes blinded by a bright light. She squinted so hard one could have thought it was her first time encountering
something of the sort.

"Hey, she's awake." Baekhyun noted.

Yoonhee tried to open her eyes again and after fully adjusting to the glare she realized; she was being carried on someone's back.

"We're here." The man who was carrying her said and stopped in front of an elegant yet vintage looking, two-way gigantic wooden door. It had a sign embossed above it -Class D.

As the door opened, more males greeted her inside. Bizarre, she thought, still on Lu Han's back even though she had regained consciousness. For
some reason she had a feeling that it'd be a bad idea to freak out in this strange situation, and she desperately clinged to the calm voice of reason and logic inside her.

"It's a she?" A voice asked brashly.

"Obviously." Baekhyun replied.

Lu Han sat her down on one of the desks. Still quiet and motionless as ever, she studied everyone for a while. Not surprisingly, she found that 
she didn't know anyone in the strange place. She doesn't even have a clue where this 'strange place' could possibly be located.

"How ya feeling newbie?" Lu Han asked, recieving back only a look full of confu
sion from Yoonhee.

"Where am I?" She whi
spered, partially to herself. The question was too inaudible for anyone to hear clearly, but they all noticed her mumble and looked at each other cluelessly, except for one boy in the back of the classroom who in fact seemed relatively disinterested in the events playing out in front of him.

Daehyun turned his head to the person beside him. "What did she say?"

Youngjae rolled his eyes, irked from having hi
s peaceful reading disturbed. "She said 'Where am I'," he replied.

Baekhyun cleared his throat. "Well Mi
ss, I can inform you that in fact you're in The Academy." He answered confidently, however, as Kris suddenly blurted out, no s could be given about his statement.

"Well, what's your power then?" He asked and looked at her intently, scrutinizing her as deeply as he could. With hi
s question Baekhyun was half trying to fill the heavily laden silence and half trying to ascertain just who and what this girl was.

As for Yoonhee, a surge of confusion rushed through her upon hearing his queryWhat on earth does he mean?

One of the group
spoke again; "What does he mean? Where am I, really?"

Yoonhee whipped her gaze towards Yongguk, startled. He had ju
st said what was actually on her mind, out loud.

"No way." She muttered. As soon as the whipla
sh in her neck settled, she shut her eyes, trying to remember anything that happened before she ended up in this place. However, unfortunately everything seemed to be a blur, with the exception of her memories from the orphanage, spending time with someone she loved dearly. She could also remember her 16th birthday. It wasn't particularly clear, but she could nevertheless remember and so she clung to the memory, trying to etch out as many events and details as she possibly could to solidify it in her mind.

An annoying voice broke her concentration; "Frankly
speaking, your tenacity isn't going to work, no matter how hard you push yourself to remember. It's futile." Yongguk stated.

"You don't know me." Yoonhee retorted, already growing angry.

"And right now, you don't actually know yourself either."

"Woooah, chill out everyone. Make love, not war." Baekhyun interjected, trying to minimize the emerging tension.

Hoseok woke up from someone beside him prodding his side relentlessly. "What the man?" He groaned, annoyed by the continuous poking.

"Hot scene, there's a fierce chick." Taehyung whispered, quietly giggling to himself.

The word chick livened up Hoseok's half-awake, half-annoyed state, and he quickly turned his head to the object of Taehyung's gaze. "Cool." He mumbled as he stared in awe.

"Okay, I'm not gonna lie. I'm quite freaked out with all of you here. I don't know what powers you're talking about and how that psychotic creep can read my mind, all I want to do right now, is get the out of here." Yoonhee stated and stood up from her seat in an attempt to walk out of the
surreal situation.

At thi
s, the people she turned her back to became even more curious about her identity and what power she possessed, especially a mysterious boy at the back who waquietly watching the argument taking place. He was scanning through her memories. The memories weren't clear for him either, but he did find something which made Himchan more than certain about what power she had.

Before Yoonhee could approach the door to leave the cla
ssroom, someone abruptly barged in, slamming the door behind him once he'd entered the classroom with an impressive display of force.

"Oh , there he is."
Author's Note:
I'd be glad if I'd have an editor because I really wanted to improve my English so bad. And a bit of warning because of some profanities.  Anyways, Merry Christmas everyone~! o u o




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Chapter 1: Heyo Id be up for helping you with editing :) I don't write my own stories, just help other writers edit :) Im resident editor of the frarytale network on tumblr and Ive been a beta writer for a couple of fics on :D Id be more than happy to sign up for the editor role of this kick- story ^-^