Chapter Seven

War of Hormones
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A/N: Hellooooo~~~ I'm back from my trip and thank you all for your patience. I'm here with Chapter Seven, and I got it for you guys ASAP :) Thank you for commenting and subscribing like always, and I hope you guys enjoy this chapter like the rest! 



Chapter Seven



Namjoo sighed, “I’m serious. Ninety percent of the reports I write about are regarding you and your inappropriate life choices.” She found herself standing in front of the same girl for the millionth time during this past year and it was becoming quite un-amusing.


Hayoung pressed the cigarette on the edge of the rubbish bin before dropping it in, “This is not causing trouble, necessarily. I just happen to have dived in too deep and got myself an addiction,” the younger girl explained in the least confrontation tone she could muster.


“I told you to stop ages ago.”


Hayoung hummed and gave a shrug, “Well… not everyone listens to advice.”


“I don’t know much about addictions but maybe you should consult the school counselor about this” Namjoo suggested. It was the first time in a while that they were able to have a normal conversation and Namjoo was definitely not used to it. It felt weird not spitting and hissing at each other like they were born to hate one another.


“I’d rather not, it gets a bit too sentimental in there” Hayoung said, “The last time I went because I wanted to skip class. The counselor started to bawl her eyes out before anything too intense even happened in the story I planned.”


Namjoo laughed, “You should counsel her then.”


“I could’ve but I left instead.”


Namjoo walked up to Hayoung and closed their distance, “I know that what I’m about to say isn’t going to help our situation much but I just want to tell you that I’m sorry for giving up on us when you didn’t.”


It was a sudden turn of conversation but Hayoung went along with a smile, “There’s nothing you could’ve done.”


“That’s not true” Namjoo said. She was aware of her mistake and she didn’t want Hayoung to cover that up just to make her feel better, because it actually made her feel worse than she already does. “I could’ve gone against it, but I didn’t because I was scared.”


“It’s okay to be scared” Hayoung said, “Everyone gets scared sometimes. But, I just wish you had told me your fear instead of keeping it to yourself.”


“Yeah… I wish I had too.”


“You know, we can start over. We can do it all over again.”


“But –”


Hayoung cuts the older girl off, “Forget my father and our family background all together. It’s just the two of us here right now. No one else matters; it’s just you and me.”


“We can’t ignore our families, Hayoung-ah…”


“I know but if we keep at it they might realize how important we are to each other. They might realize what we’re feeling is what they felt when they first fell in love. They could accept us, but we won’t know unless we try” Hayoung said.


“It’s only a might though” Namjoo replied skeptically.


“Might is enough” Hayoung wasn’t going to think otherwise, “Might is enough. I’m willing to love you even with an unlikely because there’s still that bit of light I’m willing to put my faith in for us. Nothing’s a hundred percent and, for us, I will bet on that one percent and I will have confidence in that one percent.”




“I haven’t given up yet and I don’t plan to give up any time soon” Hayoung said with utter conviction. “Unnie, we can have a happily ever after, so I’ll ask you again. Do you love me? Because I love you and I don’t think I’ll ever stop.”


Namjoo nodded, “I do love you…”


“Then, let’s start over. Will you be my girlfriend?”


Maybe having a little faith wasn’t so bad after all. Namjoo had always admired Hayoung’s dedication and drive when it came to those dear to her. She was optimistic and believed. People would say that she’s naïve but Namjoo would say that she’s brave. A smile broke onto Namjoo’s face, “Yes… but you need to quit smoking.”


Hayoung nodded, “Of course.”






“Hey, sorry, did you wait long?” Chorong asked as she found Sungjae waiting by the school gate. It was their first ‘proper’ meeting face-to-face and she was so nervous she swore her heart would burst at any moment. Even though all he did was invite her for an after school snack, to her it felt like a mini date and it freaked her out a bit.


Sungjae smiled as he waved, “Hey, and not at all. I just arrived myself,” he said.


Chorong nodded as she found it hard to make eye contact, “That’s a relief.”


Sungjae couldn’t help but find the older girl the most adorable person ever. He reached out and held her hand subconsciously much to Chorong’s surprise but she enjoyed the warmth. Sungjae’s the second person to ever take initiative in holding her hand – the first being Bomi.


“So, what do you want to eat?”


Chicken feet were her first thought but she dropped it immediately, thinking that it’ll come off as not very lady-like. She didn’t want to scare the poor boy off too fast. “Anything is fine, I haven’t really thought about it” she replied after deciding with the safest route in answering.


Sungjae pressed his lips together and inhaled, “Okay. Let’s wander around and whatever you want to eat, point it out, and we’ll eat it.”


“That’s sounds like a good idea,” Chorong said as she processed the younger boy’s suggestion.


“Alright then, let’s get going then.”


Their schools were quite close to a commercial district so walking was their method of transportation as it would only take a few minutes before they reach the busy streets nearby with food stalls, shops and restaurants. Though, they wandered and chatted for longer than expected.


“Looks like we’ll be eating dinner together instead of an after school snack” Sungjae said, taking note of the darkening sky.


Chorong chuckled as she looked up to the sky, “Seems like it.”


“Let’s get something warm to eat” Sungjae suggested, “Like hot pot or something.”


“Hm, let’s get sundubu-jjigae” Chorong spoke the first ‘warm’ food she thought of that she enjoyed.


Sungjae nodded at the comment and squeezed Chorong’s hand gently, “Sounds good to me.”


The two chatted more throughout dinner and Chorong found herself more and more interested in Sungjae. He was cute and had a nice personality making her laugh numerous times throughout the meal – his sense of humor reminded Chorong so much of Bomi’s. Since the two were good friends, Chorong did expect similarities between the two – Sungjae and Bomi.


“That was a good meal” Sungjae said patting his stomach, “I’m so full.”


“Me too” Chorong said with a wide grin.


“Well, then, let me pay and take you home” Sungjae said, standing up to go up to the counter to pay.


“Oh no, we should split it” Chorong said, feeling bad for making him pay when

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Chapter 14: uwaa rereading this great piece~^^ I'd say a masterpiece! Hahahaha I love this story, it is so well-written in structure and character and balance; How the focus on each character and couple just make sense and there's never a dull moment. It's so good! I love all their characters and individual stories and how they interact and intertwine.

First, the bloom of my chomi/chobom is bliss~ absolutely heart-fluttering even in the pain and confusion. Bomi holding back in the beginning, and up to her confession? Oh myy her confession moment, the pouring emotions in her words, the tension and everything in that shopping scene is the best thing ever - and the notion that Chorong felt worse because she swayed! Ahh how I love this and their storyline!!<3 Sungjae's insight, the comparisons when Chorong's trying to figure it out, and how refreshing it is with how Chorong acts transparent to how she feels in the moment even if she doesn't entirely understand where her love lies. She could say she loves them both, and I love that she cares about it being love rather than the person. I'm warm.

Eunji, Naeun and Taemin is such an elaborate complex line that worked so well. It brought the drama, the pain of exes known to the school -- From the beginning, that note to their rankings being the no.1 sweetheart etc was endearing and adds a fame factor, adds how the school even sees Bomi and Naeun differently as players, god I love these comparisons and these characters voices! I just keep going hahaha. -- So back to that, 2eun's love has gone through a lot but the result makes it all fall back into place. So good~

And of course Hajoo! Really the one that starts the mystery couple, but it all makes sense when the things are revealed. I love the way Naeun became detective with it, and I believe it's the first where she really interacts with Hayoung, Namjoo and Bomi, making it clear that she's still friends with them, talks to them, and not completely outside the friend group. I just really liked seeing how the six of them managed to be connected despite two feuds existing between, and how we can gradually see they're all from the same lunch table once different things patch up. And I've talked too much!! hehehe thank you very much for writing this <3
Chapter 14: I like the plot in this story, especially the way you built tension up and ended it on a great note.. looking forward to other works by you!
PandaPink95 #3
Chapter 14: :3
all_iz #4
Chapter 14: It's so nice how the story progress so well. It stayed interesting and made you want to keep reading despite being relatively lighter compared to other fanfics. I like that no death was needed, no explicit mature content. It was so nice and refreshing and wholesome! Nice job author-nim.
Chapter 14: so sad it ended man
mymh_bee #6
Chapter 14: These couples are seriously sweet. Chomi, 2eun, Hajoo are so in love with each other tho
Finally after so much upside down, a happy ending
Gosh Chomi are really the cutest couple
Love this one tho, good job author (:
Taeistae #7
Chapter 10: I like the fact that they all had happy endings in the end but I feel that eunji deserved more....shldnt Naeun have suffered since she hurt Eunji so much :/
Avocado #8
Chapter 14: It ended so happily I'm glad :D this was a really nice story, thanks for writing it! The downs were really worth it when the ups eventually came around~ I'm glad that Hayoung's father finally aceelted her relationship with Namjoo too. LOL at Eunji being a precious, cheesy little thing.
Avocado #9
Chapter 12: The fluff is here thank goodness. So nice of Sungjae to voluntarily break up with Chorong so she and Bomi could be together :') the couples and their interactions are super cute!
Avocado #10