Chapter Two

War of Hormones
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A/N: Hey~ I managed to get this chapter done faster than planned, which is great news :) So, here's chapter two for you all to enjoy! And, thanks to everyone who has subscribed, commented and read this so far :)


Chapter Two


“Why do I feel like you’ve been avoiding Eunji more voluntarily?” Kim Namjoo spoke up as she took note of Naeun’s recent actions. Naeun would come to school extra early and go to the library to study a bit before Eunji goes, she knew exactly when Eunji gets to school and avoided her like the plague. Namjoo was never one to pry into other people’s life decisions but she was a supporter of the couple before and was just as devastated as anyone else that they broke up in such an unfortunate manner.


“Our timetables just don’t allow us to bump into each other,” Naeun said casually as she closed her math textbook to move onto her next subject, history. Namjoo doesn’t normally visit her but today the girl had an excuse as the student representative. Originally, Namjoo came to do room checks, a monthly ritual of the school’s. But, her ‘minions’ are taking care of the tedious work while Namjoo plopped herself onto the seat of whoever sat in front of Naeun.


“You shouldn’t ditch your work like this,” Naeun commented still writing notes and studying as diligently as ever. Even before school hours was dedicated to studying.


Namjoo swung on the little wooden seat a bit before standing up with a sigh. “You can’t avoid her forever,” she simply stated. “She still loves you whether you like it or not,” Namjoo saw that Naeun didn’t react so decided to leave the girl in peace and went back to do what she came to do. “Naeun, get me your class roll. You’re the class president, right?”


Finally, Naeun looked up from her notes and nodded. “Sure, wait a second.”


Namjoo looked around, “Is Chorong unnie away today?”


Naeun took out a folder from a shelf at the back of the classroom and walked over to Namjoo who was standing at the front, scanning the students. She handed the roll over and shrugged, “She might be late. I didn’t hear from her but Bomi unnie might know.”


Namjoo took the roll and nodded, “Okay.” She flipped through the pages and seemed pleased, “As expected of the top class. No troublemakers,” she closed the roll book and gave it back to Naeun. The roll was always the easiest part. All that was needed was to make sure people were punctual and did their homework. Then record the percentage of the students’ accumulative punishments and tardiness. It was the most mundane, but the easiest nevertheless. “Well, my job here is done” she said, “Your class is always the easiest.”


“It’s only the beginning of the term.”


“It is, but this is carried on from the previous terms. It’s a monthly check so terms really have nothing to do with it” Namjoo explained. “And, even if it isn’t, I bet there’s always people who get in trouble within the first week” as she said that certain people popped into her head, people that she had trouble dealing with.


Naeun chuckled, “I can imagine Eunji and Lizzy arguing on the first day.”


“Ah… those two,” Namjoo sighed at the thought. “Their arguments are so intense yet so trivial.”




“You know, Eunji got into a physical fight once with Lizzy because she made a snarky comment about you in the heat of the moment. Then, Eunji just snapped. It was quite a sight,” Namjoo remembered that glorious moment as it replayed in her head. “They had to do community service together, which turned into more trouble because they just couldn’t cooperate.” Namjoo saw Naeun’s smile as she also travelled back to her memories for a second. It was the same smile as when Eunji first confessed. If only Naeun smiled like that more. Namjoo wouldn’t be as worried if Taemin was able to do the same, but it just doesn’t feel the same. Naeun’s smile is different with Taemin, compared to when she was with Eunji. It’s still genuine but it’s just different. It was the smile of someone who was having fun and happy. But, it wasn’t the smile of someone who was in love.


Namjoo sighed at the thought and was about to say something to Naeun until a ‘minion’ of hers interrupted by whispering news into her ear. She nodded after hearing the news and flashed a smile at Naeun, “Well, I need to get going.”


Naeun picked up on Namjoo’s displeased tone, “What is it? A troublemaker?”


“Yeah…” the younger girl inhaled deeply, “Some people just never stop.”






Chorong watched the younger girl before her. A question has being baffling her mind since last night. It only recently dawned her that there could be something 'fishy' going on. Unable to keep her curiosity in, she interrupted Bomi who was joking around with Eunji. "Bbom-ah, where do you live?"


Bomi stopped and turned to Chorong, eyebrows furrowed. "I live in the same district as you, unnie. We even catch the same bus," she could feel Eunji give her a light elbow nudge into her side as she replied. Bomi elbowed back, signaling Eunji to stop annoying her, "Why are you asking?"


Chorong gave a shrug; "Just felt like asking" she was certain now. Bomi lied. She smiled and stood up. There was no point asking anymore, she just needed to confront her later tonight. "Well, I'll head to library now."


The two younger ones nodded and waved. The moment she left the scene Eunji turned to Bomi abruptly, "I thought you stopped" she hissed.




"Pretending that you live in her area" Eunji said a-matter-of-factly. "You live in the opposite direction, she'll catch up onto it. She's not stupid."


Bomi thought for a while, balancing the pros and cons of her actions. "But, I want to take Chorong home. It's dangerous at night, it's always better to be with someone." she reasoned after much thought.


Eunji rolled her eyes, "She knows Hapkido."


"That doesn't mean she'll be safe," Bomi argued. "It's always better to be with someone else,” she repeated. "Plus, I know Taekwondo, two martial artists are better than one."


Bomi knew why Eunji cared so much, because they both knew Chorong very well. And, if Chorong finds out she'll be mad, mad that Bomi would go through all that trouble for her 'unnie'. Then, she'll feel guilty for not realizing and allowing Bomi to go through all that trouble without stopping her earlier. Chorong will then feel the need to apologize to Bomi's parents for keeping her out late at night when school already ends late enough, and possibly being the cause of Bomi’s dropping grades – even though she still managed to make it into the top class.


"Don't worry; even if she finds out, it'll be nothing serious" Bomi assured.


"Yeah, but it will be a problem if you still insist on taking her home everyday" Eunji said, already guessing that Bomi would want to continue even if Chorong found out. "She won't let you anymore the moment you admit that you live no where near her."


Bomi smiled, "That's fine. I don't need her permission anyway."


Eunji just shook her head at the stubborn friend before her. It always caused trivial fights between the two because Chorong was just as stubborn. But, even though they're like this, they find a way to compromise every time. It's normally just Bomi treating Chorong to chicken feet, which works every time, thankfully. However, Eunji is still waiting for the day where Chorong rejects the offer of chicken feet. "Okay, whatever then," she was willing to trust that Bomi will be prepared and able to treat Chorong to a chicken feet feast.






Oh Hayoung scoffed at the sight as she dropped her cigarette on the ground and simply stepped on it before putting on her usual sarcastic act. “Unnie, what a pleasure” she greeted.


Namjoo looked at the flattened cigarette, walked up to it and picked it up. “What is this?”


“A cigarette” Hayoung stated.


The older girl put it in the rubbish bin nearby and put her hand out as one of her ‘minions’ placed a handkerchief on it. She wiped her hands and gave it back, “How long are you planning to be like this?” she asked. It was frustrating knowing such a nice girl has become so rebellious. Namjoo’s pa

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Chapter 14: uwaa rereading this great piece~^^ I'd say a masterpiece! Hahahaha I love this story, it is so well-written in structure and character and balance; How the focus on each character and couple just make sense and there's never a dull moment. It's so good! I love all their characters and individual stories and how they interact and intertwine.

First, the bloom of my chomi/chobom is bliss~ absolutely heart-fluttering even in the pain and confusion. Bomi holding back in the beginning, and up to her confession? Oh myy her confession moment, the pouring emotions in her words, the tension and everything in that shopping scene is the best thing ever - and the notion that Chorong felt worse because she swayed! Ahh how I love this and their storyline!!<3 Sungjae's insight, the comparisons when Chorong's trying to figure it out, and how refreshing it is with how Chorong acts transparent to how she feels in the moment even if she doesn't entirely understand where her love lies. She could say she loves them both, and I love that she cares about it being love rather than the person. I'm warm.

Eunji, Naeun and Taemin is such an elaborate complex line that worked so well. It brought the drama, the pain of exes known to the school -- From the beginning, that note to their rankings being the no.1 sweetheart etc was endearing and adds a fame factor, adds how the school even sees Bomi and Naeun differently as players, god I love these comparisons and these characters voices! I just keep going hahaha. -- So back to that, 2eun's love has gone through a lot but the result makes it all fall back into place. So good~

And of course Hajoo! Really the one that starts the mystery couple, but it all makes sense when the things are revealed. I love the way Naeun became detective with it, and I believe it's the first where she really interacts with Hayoung, Namjoo and Bomi, making it clear that she's still friends with them, talks to them, and not completely outside the friend group. I just really liked seeing how the six of them managed to be connected despite two feuds existing between, and how we can gradually see they're all from the same lunch table once different things patch up. And I've talked too much!! hehehe thank you very much for writing this <3
Chapter 14: I like the plot in this story, especially the way you built tension up and ended it on a great note.. looking forward to other works by you!
PandaPink95 #3
Chapter 14: :3
all_iz #4
Chapter 14: It's so nice how the story progress so well. It stayed interesting and made you want to keep reading despite being relatively lighter compared to other fanfics. I like that no death was needed, no explicit mature content. It was so nice and refreshing and wholesome! Nice job author-nim.
Chapter 14: so sad it ended man
mymh_bee #6
Chapter 14: These couples are seriously sweet. Chomi, 2eun, Hajoo are so in love with each other tho
Finally after so much upside down, a happy ending
Gosh Chomi are really the cutest couple
Love this one tho, good job author (:
Taeistae #7
Chapter 10: I like the fact that they all had happy endings in the end but I feel that eunji deserved more....shldnt Naeun have suffered since she hurt Eunji so much :/
Avocado #8
Chapter 14: It ended so happily I'm glad :D this was a really nice story, thanks for writing it! The downs were really worth it when the ups eventually came around~ I'm glad that Hayoung's father finally aceelted her relationship with Namjoo too. LOL at Eunji being a precious, cheesy little thing.
Avocado #9
Chapter 12: The fluff is here thank goodness. So nice of Sungjae to voluntarily break up with Chorong so she and Bomi could be together :') the couples and their interactions are super cute!
Avocado #10