4) Forbidden

Opposite Attract


My eyes widened at the person in front of me. There he was looking so effortlessly stylish. His hair was swept back, his face still flawless as usual and he was now wearing a black suit with his top button undone and his tie hanging loosely around his neck I quickly diverted my eyes away from him after I realised I was staring at him for too long . I quickly cleared my throat.

" Kris sshi what are you doing here?" i said with a fake smile plastered on my face before mentally face -- plaming myself. Of course he would be here, all the Kpop groups that attended the MAMA awards are here. I quickly hung my head in embarassment and quietly cursed myself for my lame answer.

" Well i was with the rest of the members at the bar when i saw you walking away from your table in tears.I just want to make sure if you are alright." he replied. His deep voice giving me shivers all over.

" Oh i am fine, i was just um.. um.." I stuttered. I was trying to form a reason in my head before Kris interrupted me.

" is it because of your fight with Jiyong"  He said.

I looked up at him in surprise, Did he saw my argument with Jiyong oppa?  Was our argument that obvious?

"Oh .. um it was pretty loud from where i was standing at the bar but don't worry the rest of my members were pretty drunk so they didn't notice or hear anything" he quickly assured me.

I heaved a sigh of relief, but wait did Kris hear about Jiyong questioning  me liking him. this is bad i have to go before he asked me that question.

" Well its getting late , i better go back to my hotel it was nice seeing you oh and thank you for saving me earlier" I gave him a small smile and quickly walked away before he could say anything.


I turned around and saw Kris running towards me.

" Look I heard what happened between you and Jiyong. I know that he doesn't like me , well he hates me but the truth is i am not the kind of person he described me as. Sure i got a reputation of being a player but i am not always like that. Honestly i have been wanting to talk to you for years and i think you are a really interesting person and.. i would like to get to know you better." He said.

I was shocked.I was so tempted to say yes but i knew better .  

" You know it is not a good idea Kris sshi what if  both of our CEO finds out. We both would be in deep trouble. It is not allowed or rather it has been forbidden." i replied.

" I am sorry." I  bowed and apologised before walking away.

I am doing a right thing it is best if we do not associate with one another. I already said thank you to him so there is nothing more for me to find him and talk to him. I assured myself.

But deep down I was lying to myself.

I knew that i wanted to know him better as well. To know his hobbies, habits what he likes ,dislikes and what kind of person he really is.

It was no use now as I already rejected him. UGHH why is my life so complicated.



* HEY GUYS! I am so sorry that i have not been updating as i was busy with mock exams and my laptop was being a to me :( but anyways here is another chapter i am sorry if it is boring but i am trying to build up the plot. Hope you guys leave comments down below .

Love ya !!!



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