➳ 002

A Wife's Love

"Good morning, ma'am, " my husband's secretary greeted me as I entered his workplace.  I gave her a smile as I gave her a paperbag with lunch I cooked. I specially came here to hand out my husband's lunch. For sure he is exhausted and hungry with all the work he has to do, and as a wife, I have to take care of him. So, I had the idea to cook him lunch as well as his employees as a reward from me as they are working their butts off. 

"Thank you so much," she squealed in delight, and I chuckled when I saw her fail at her attempt to remain her poise. I nodded at her before I left her to eat lunch as I made my way to my husband's office. Like his secretary, I had to control myself from squealing in excitement, only this time I'm excited to see my husband. Or devour him as my lunch. I happily skipped my way to his office, silently hoping no one would see me like this; foolish for her husband. Although I agree I'm a crazy fool for him.

Finally, I arrived by his office and I saw his door left unattended as it was open. I didn't bother to knock, and I made my way inside when I stopped on my tracks only to see him laughing happily with a gorgeous lady sitting across his desk. My husband saw me at the door and halted laughing. She followed his gaze and stopped laughing when she finally acknowledged my presence. He cleared a throat, and the lady pulled the strap of her dress back to where it used to be. That's when I noticed my husband's messy hair and red lipstrick smeared across his swollen lips. I sincerely hope it wasn't what I thought happened to the both of them. 

I glanced at the lady and I wish I could unseen it. Her hair was a messed, too, her lipstick is stained across her lips, and she had to put her shoulder strap in place. My heart thumped crazily, afraid of what could've happened when I was gone. She raised an eyebrow at me, questioning who the hell I was and what was I doing in his office. I wanted to pluck those eyebrows off her and kick her out of this place but before I could do any of that, my husband in.

"Eris, you're dismiss," he said sternly at her and she obeyed, scurring off his office, and I smiled smugly. I watched her dash off the office like a bolt, and my attention shifted to the love of my life when I heard him sigh. True to her name, she is the goddess of war, and she's asking for it, and I'm glad to give her war.

"What do you want?" he asked calmly but a hint of annoyance was present in his voice. My shoulder slumped sadly as I raised the paperbag, showing him that I am here to give him his lunch. He stood from his chair and went towards me, then grabbed the lunch from my hands. A pleased and relieved smile is evident in my face when he took it, only to be replaced by dejected frown when he abruptly threw it on the nearest garbage can.

"You're dismissed, too," he said, pointing at the door and shooing me to leave. I scoffed and held back the tears. I shook my head in disapproval at his behavior.

"No, I won't leave. For pete's sake, I'm not your pet. I'm not your pet to be able to order me around without even considering what I am feeling. I'm your wife! Your wife that you vowed you'd cherish and love forever, but where is the love?" I angrily asked.

He heaved an exhausted and bored sigh. "I'm not arguing with you today," he said.

"Okay," I fumed at him, "please explain me why your lips are swollen and red, your hair toussled, your tie loose, and shirt wrinkled," I bit my bottom lip, afraid of his answer, yet curious at the same time. Please.

He shot his infamous smirk before answering, "baby, it's what you think it is."

I thought I heard my heart dropped to the ground and heard it crash into trillions of pieces. I wasn't able to response immediately, but once I got hold of myself, I bid a cold goodbye at him and walked right out of the door.

"See you later, honey!" I heard him laugh to himself as I left him. True, I did bid him a goodbye, but I know to myself I'm not able to leave him. If I did, it'll be a torture in hell. I'm in hell without him. I love him so much.

"Are you alright, ma'am?" His secretary asked when she saw me fumed out of the elevator and I nodded quickly at her, hoping she won't be able to catch a glimpse of my upset and crying face. I stormed out of the workplace and I heaved a troubled sigh. Maybe it'll do me good if I walk around, trying to breathe in fresh air, and gathering myself but instead of trying to get him out of my mind, I ended up crying even more. 

I garnered worried looks from people, but I didn't mind. I probably looked pathetic in their eyes but it didn't matter as they won't ever know who the hell I was nor ever see me again. I continued walking mindlessly, not caring nor knowing where my feet took me. I just wanted to be away from everything. I wanted to forget. As I wasn't myself and wasn't really paying any attention to where I am, I knocked a person because of my carelessness.

I let out a grunt and apologized at him. I tried my very best to hide my pathetic andunkempt self, but he noticed it and anyone to notice my awful self is the least thing I wanted at the moment. I didn't need anyone's sympathy. I wanted my husband's love. I wanted the husband I knew and loved. Where is he? He's long gone. Gone for a foolish mistake.

"Oh my, how could such a breathtaking lady cry?" He asked, his voice full of worry and concern. I whispered a small thank you to him for trying to comfort me through sweet talk. For once, I felt appreciated. It has been a long time since I heard a compliment from my husband saying I was the most beautiful girl in the whole universe. 

"I'm fine," I lied, and he merely chuckled, not believing in the lie I said. I won't be fooled either. With the tears and dejected state I am in, I wouldn't believe it. It is evident I am not fine.

"Come, let's get you comforted and warmed up in this cold. It looks like you don't even know where you are, beautiful," he said with such compassion it touched me. How he act is how my husband used to be; loving, sweet, and full of compassion.

I nodded, following him, couldn't get enough with his sweet self as it truly reminds me of my husband and I miss it. We entered a small cafe that is situated just around the corner. He ordered a warm cup of cocoa drink for me. I thanked him, again, truly touched at his kindness. He watched me sip on my drink with those same warm eyes as my husband's only his were darker in shade. His eyes reflected worry and concern, and I am grateful at his kindness.

"What would make such beautiful lady wail?" He asked, curiousity taking over him. His eyebrows were furrowed and a hand supporting his chin, as if he is an investigator solving a mystery. I chuckled quietly to myself.

"I'm flattered you see a godess in me, and I'm overwhelmed with your compassion towards me," I laughed and he did, too.

"Goddess don't suit you, " he said and I felt queasy, embarrassing myself. Of course, I definitely don't look anything near to a godess. In fact, he's probably kidding with me when he said I am beautiful.

"You're definitely more than that," he continued, and I felt myself redden. Oh, wow! This man probably gets all the girls, he could sweep off any lady's feet. He's, oh so, romantic! I cleared a throat and merely smiled at him. Though he is an expert at swooning ladies, I definitely wasn't part of the fraction of ladies he could get. Sure, I'm caught off guard by his enchanting comments, but I have a husband. I'm married, and I'm planning to stay as his faithful wife. After all, it took quite a journey to get to be his wife, and with him, I'm in bliss.

"Back to your question, it's a private matter," I sighed with the thought of the hardships with my husband.

"I see," he nodded and I am glad he didn't pry any further with the details of what's happening.

"As disappointing as it sounds, I have to get going. I'm going to be late for a meeting," he said and I heard the disappointment and sadness in his voice and I could clearly see it on his face as he has this puppy face plastered. I laughed quietly, again.

"Well, it was nice meeting you," I said, giving him a hand to shake, and he cheerfully reciprocated it.

"Beautiful, I desire to see you. I shall see you again," he commanded, and I chuckled at him. He grabbed a piece of paper from a newspaper and took out a black pen from his suit and quickly wrote his number. He hastily handed it to me, and when I reached for it from his hand, he grabbed my hand and planted a soft kiss on it. I merely smiled, and took the piece of paper and thanked him for everything. Then, he zoomed off. I slipped the paper in my pocket as I gulped down the drink and tried to locate the parking lot near my husband's workplace. It took a while to get back but I managed. I headed to my car and went home.

On the way home, a smile is written all over my face. It has been a while since I've broke out into laughter or grin from ear to ear.

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