company to keep

Archangel {ON HOLD}

A day passed and the general seemed to have not had any luck in finding the princess or even the prince. They were still deep within the woods, eyes and ears open for any sign of life other than themselves.

The Woodland Realm was home to the Wood Elves and Sehun and his men knew that, but they were starting to think otherwise when they cannot feel any signs of life.

                “KIRA!” Sehun called out but there was no response, just the own echo of his voice. He grits his teeth and urges his horse forward.

                “WATCH OUT!” a soldier suddenly yelled but it was too late, Sehun felt something hit his arm and he fell off his horse.

                “GENERAL!” the soldiers yelled and released their swords from their sheaths.

Sehun stands up and pulls the arrow out of his flesh before looking around the area. Cloaked men surrounded them; each had swords of their own.

                “who are you?” Sehun asks but got nothing in response, instead the cloaked men dashed towards them and initiates an attack.

Sehun and his men fought with the cloaked figures, both parties losing some along the fight. Sehun sliced at a cloaked figure and it fell down, a shadow suddenly loomed behind him and when he turned, he himself was about to get sliced…. If not for the arrow that suddenly lodged itself to the head of the cloaked man.

The general looked around to see elves, cloaked in white and gold to hide their faces, they all carried bows and arrows and they shot the remaining enemies. Sehun placed his sword back on its sheath and he walked over to his men.

                “what business do you have in the woods?” someone spoke and Sehun turned to see three of the elves in white cloaks that stood out.

                “we’re searching for two of our kin. A princess and a prince.” One of Sehun’s soldiers replied

                “no one else has passed these borders except for you.” The smallest of the three said and removed the hood of the cloak to reveal a young elf with short red hair, big eyes and plump heart shaped lips.

                “are you certain? A princess in red armor but has the same emblem as mine and a prince, bearing an emblem of the moon.” Sehun asks

                “there is only one prince that lives in these woods.” The smallest says and turns to the other two.

The one in the middle removes his hood to reveal another young elf with short blonde colored hair and doe like eyes. The other on the far left removes his hood as well to reveal yet another elf with short orange hair and a round face.

                “I am Prince Luhan of the Woodland Realm.” The blonde elf says

“we haven’t had any encounters with any man or woman other than you and your men.” He adds

                “I am General Sehun of the White Cloud Kingdom. Forgive us for intruding in your realm, but like I have said, we are searching for a prince and a princess.” Sehun bows to the young prince.

                “the Woodland Realm has become quiet since the balance got tipped. We elves took refuge in our inner palace. We only go out to scout and kill those lurking dark cloaked men.” Luhan replies

                “it has only been two days since the balance got tipped but the spread of darkness is fast. Just like what’s happening to your skin.” The shortest one says and points to Sehun.

                “what?” Sehun then looks down, only to see his injured arm turning black and showing veins and weird markings.

                “Dark Magic.” Luhan says and that was the last Sehun heard before he lost consciousness.

                “GENERAL!” his men catch his fall and Luhan turns on his heel

                “come. We must take him to my father.” The elf prince says and led the men deeper into the Woodland Realm.


The Woodland Realm had magic cast upon it to hide the Kingdom of the Wood Elves. Luhan and his men gathered at the entrance as the prince mutters a spell to open the gate. The realm was full of trees and vines crawling on the corners of the fortresses, both small and tall. The Wood Elves bow in respect as the prince walks in.

                “this way.” Luhan says and leads the soldiers to a white room with a small bed. They lay down the unconscious general and wait for further instruction.

                “Xiumin has gone to call the King. Don’t worry, you will not lose your leader.” Luhan says.

A few moments later and the Elf King entered the room. His long white hair almost reached the floor, his crown was made of silver tree branches and his eyes were the color of gold. The soldiers of the White Cloud Kingdom bowed in respect, as did the King in response.

                “he’s pierced by an arrow from those Cloaked Men that destroyed half of our realm. They have poisoned their arrows with Dark Magic.” The prince starts and the King walks over to where Sehun lies. He places a hand on the forehead of the young general and mutters a spell in Elfish Tongue.

As soon as the King retracted his hand, the general’s eyes opened and he sat up from the bed.

                “are you feeling any better?” the King asked and Sehun was stunned to see the Elf King. Sehun has met with Elves before but their beauty and radiance still manages to surpirse him.

                “yes. thank you My Lord.” He bows after standing up

                “your men need rest, you are welcome to stay for as long as you like. My son and Kyungsoo will accompany you.” The King says and gestures to the prince along with the smallest elf.

Sehun nods and thanks the King for his hospitality, but he knows he cannot stay for too long. He still needs to find the princess and the prince.

                “you say you are from White Cloud.” Kyungsoo says and the General nods.

                “then you must know the reason why the balance is tipped, why the sudden appearances of those Dark Cloaked Men arose. Your kingdom is in charge of the Book of Life Magic.” Luhan adds and Sehun tells them about what had happened two days ago.

                “the book is ripped. We need to get the pages back in order to restore balance.” Xiumin points out.

                “that is what my men and I are set to do, but our King has added a more important order, and that is to search for the princess who went off on her own.” Sehun replies

                “we have not seen anyone besides you, pass by our realm. They must have taken the path through the mountains, near the Phoenix Kingdom.” Kyungsoo says

                “is there any way we can catch up to them?” Sehun asks but the latter shakes his head

                “your princess is a few days ahead of us. They will reach the Infinity River by nightfall tomorrow.” The elf answers and Sehun knew he had to leave immediately if he wanted to catch up to the two royals.

He knows Kira is a fast rider and if she wills it, they would be able to cross the Infinity River even before nightfall.

Just then, a series of guards came rushing in and they all had their swords drawn. The quick footsteps were followed by the sound of collapsing rocks and trees.

                “we’re under attack!” an elf soldier said and the men in the room stood up in alarm

                “impossible! How did they get inside with the barrier?” Luhan says as they all rush out to see giant snakes and spiders along with the dark cloaked men attacking the elves that can’t defend themselves.

                “we are the Anathema.” The dark men spoke in unison in a deep hallow voice, they lined up with the serpents and spiders before attacking the elf warriors head on.

Xiumin draws out his bow and arrow and shoots the eye of the serpent, making it hiss and trash around. He finds a boulder and uses it as leverage before jumping on the serpent head and piercing it with his blade.  

Kyungsoo runs from a giant spider, he climbs up a wall before jumping down on its body and shooting it with his arrow on the head. The spider screeches and drops on the ground. A slash of a sword came and Kyungsoo jumps back in time to avoid it, he draws out two small swords and faces the man in a black cloak. The Anathema attacks the smaller elf who blocks and dodges the swing of his sword, Kyungsoo jumps on the man’s shoulders before slicing through his neck with his blades.

Sehun avoids a snake head and brings down his sword to decapitate the creature, the Anathema riding it fell back but was able to stand up and draw out his sword. The man attacked Sehun and the general blocked it with his sword. He sliced here and there at the man, not noticing another Anathema with his arrow aimed at him. The Anathema released the arrow but to his dismay, it was shot down with another arrow, the Anathema turned to see the elf prince that had his bow up, the prince took another arrow and shot the Anathema on the head.

Luhan moves to the right in time to avoid an arrow, he draws out his own and quickly shoots down the black cloaked archer. He then hears shouts from inside his father’s castle so he runs to their aid. He sees his father surrounded by the Anathema; the King’s long silver sword struck down the men attacking him. Luhan takes out an arrow and shoots the others.

                “Luhan, protect the people. Some of them have gotten deep within the realm. Leave this to me.” the King ordered and the prince nodded before running back outside.

The battle continued and they all fought till the last serpent dropped dead. Sehun looked around; all of his men were dead right next to the other warrior elves, the force of the Anathema has become too strong. The general let out a pained sigh before raising his sword and a white light appeared, blue and white orbs from the men he lost started to rise from their bodies and disappear into the clouds.

It was a ritual, thought to him by Lay so that the souls of his men would always go back into the light when they die.

                “you have lost all of your men.” Sehun hears a voice and he turns around to see the Elf King.

                “this journey that you have, you cannot complete it on your own. My son and two of my best warriors will come with you.” The King added; Luhan, Xiumin and Kyungsoo stepped forward.

                “may the Light of this land guide you in your road to danger.” He ends and Sehun bows.

                “the White Cloud Kingdom will be forever in your debt.” Sehun says and rises up.

                “there is a passage we could take from the Woodland Realm, towards the Infinity River. It is another three days ride.” Luhan says before whistling and calling his horse.

                “let’s just hope we meet your missing kin along the way.” He adds before urging his horse to move towards the palace gate.


              “we are almost at the river. There is a village of men nearby, maybe we can stay there for the night.” Chanyeol says. The Captain, along with the three royals had been on the open road for hours, just going straight to where the Infinity River lies.

It hasn’t been a day since Kira and Chen started to travel with the Captain and the Prince of the Phoenix Kingdom. They have bought along about twenty armed men with them.

                “Captain! There’s something going on in the village!” a scout Chanyeol has sent to go ahead came rushing back with his horse.

                “LET’S GO!” Chanyeol said and they all raced to where the village is at.

Once they arrived, they see the village being burned down by those dark cloaked men. They were slaying children, women and men. Kira took out her bow and arrow and shot at the enemy before it could kill another child. Chanyeol and his men spread out to defend the village, killing the enemies along the way.

                “BANSHEE!” a soldier yelled and everyone covered their ears before it could even screech. The Banshee flew above and dozens of its kind came. It raised some of the soldiers to the highest point and dropped them on the ground.

                “SHOOT ITS WINGS!” Kira ordered and the men drew out their bows and arrows. She shot another arrow and was about to reach for a new one when a banshee grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her high up

                “KIRA!” Chen yelled and kicked his horse to go after her.

Kira took out a blade and pierced the monster’s foot, making it screech in pain and drop her at the top of the village’s tower. She clung onto the wall and looked down at the fight. Men were scattered everywhere, helping the people escape as they battled with the cloaked men. Kira shot the other enemies from the top.

Just then, at the corner of her eyes she saw something larger than the banshees, flying towards the village and when she turned around and her eyes went wide, she has read about those creatures, but she thought they were just myths.

Its head looked like a serpents, and its tail had deadly spikes. The wings it spread could cover up to ten small houses and its eyes were a shade of blood red; a Basilisk; a monstrous hybrid of a serpent and a dragon.

                “GET DOWN!!“ She yelled as the Basilisk drew out its claws and picked some men from the battlefield before putting them in its mouth. Baekhyun threw a spear at its chest and it was pierced but it didn’t fly down. The Basilisk saw the young prince and came flying towards him, Baekhyun ran and drew out his sword, as soon as the monster was within his reach he grabbed its claws and flew with it.

                “THE PRINCE!!” the soldiers yelled in alarm.

Baekhyun held on the Basilisk claws before swinging from left to right and riding on its back.

                “BAEKHYUN!!” Kira yelled, she had cut the rope of the bell from the tower and she swung it towards Baekhyun who caught it and pulled her up.

                “There’s only one way to kill a Basilisk, and that is to cut off its head.” Kira said

Chanyeol and the others shot it with arrows but to no avail. The Basilisk trashed around, knowing that something has caught it and it lifted its head up to roar; Baekhyun took the opportunity and sliced the neck of the monster, the Basilisk’s wings retracted to its body as it fell down.

                “KIRA! BAEKHYUN!” Chen and Chanyeol yelled.

                “hold on to the rope.” Kira said to Baekhyun and the latter nodded.

Kira swung the rope towards Chen and Chanyeol who caught it in an instant. They pulled hard, dragging the two towards them before the Basilisk could reach the ground.

Kira fell on top of Chen as he caught her in his arms, Baekhyun on the other hand was caught by Chanyeol. The Banshees flew away when the Basilisk died and all of the cloaked men were dead thanks to the other soldiers.

                “are you alright?” Chen asked

                “yeah. That creature can only be killed by cutting its head off. I have read about them.” Kira answered.

                “please do not do something as reckless as that your majesty.” Chanyeol said to Baekhyun

                “nothing will happen if we do not take risks, Captain.” The young prince replied.

The people of the village came out from where they hid and they all kneeled down upon their saviors.

                “you have saved us. We are eternally grateful.” They said

                “what did those dark cloaked men want with this village?” Baekhyun asked

                “they called themselves the Anathema. They said they were to gather men and women and bring them to their master.” A villager replied.

                “just like what they said to us when we were captured, that we’ll be the perfect gift for their master. What exactly does that mean?” Baekhyun asked again but mostly to the three.

                “I don’t know. But whatever it is, we cannot let the Anathema get to this place again.” Kira said and looked around. The village was nothing but broken streets and burned houses.

                “where is your leader?” she asked the villagers but they all shook their heads.

                “they cannot stay here. There is nothing left to even salvage the village.” Chen said to Baekhyun and the young king nodded before calling over his remaining men.

                “Chanyeol and I will continue on this journey, take the people back to the campsite and tend to them.” He said and the soldiers nodded.

                “the Dark Master is on the move, he has planned this since the beginning. We must hurry.” Baekhyun says and they all nod before riding their horses through the night.


Kira’s company arrived at the Infinity River late at night. They decided to cross it right away but they made sure that they cross it slowly since the current is a little strong.

She was the first to get out of the water, followed by Chen and Baekhyun. Chanyeol was about to take a step when something suddenly pulled him back into the water.

                “CHANYEOL!” Baekhyun yelled and there was a loud roar, Chanyeol was then sent flying towards them, making them fall down.               

                “WHAT IS THAT?!” Chen asked as he drew out his sword. But they didn’t have time to figure out what it was since the monster caught Baekhyun by his leg and dangled him above his mouth.

The monster looked like the head of a giant ugly octopus, it had spikes on its face and its teeth were razor sharp. Its foul breath reached Baekhyun’s nose and he scowled at how rotten it smelled.

                “HELP!” he yelled

Kira immediately took an arrow to shoot the tentacles of the monster. It dropped Baekhyun on the river. Chen and Chanyeol drew out their swords to charge at the monster while Kira ran over to Baekhyun and help him stand.

The monster grabbed a horse by its tentacles and it neighed as it struggled. Chanyeol sliced on a tentacle but another two pushed him back. Chen dodged the tentacles but it swept him off his feet, making him fall.

The monster then opens its mouth and swallows the horse whole. Kira shoots the monster’s eyes and it roared before grabbing Kira by the waist and bringing her high up, making her drop her bow in the process.

                “KIRA!!” Baekhyun yelled and ran towards her while slicing tentacles away, but it would seem like, the more he slices, they more tentacles it grows back.

                “there’s no end to this!” Chen yelled after slicing another tentacle off, him and Chanyeol headed towards the monster in an attempt to kill it or at least have it put Kira down.

 Just then, Kira’s pendant glowed white and she felt power in her eyes without even muttering a spell. She looked at the monster and saw dozens of fishes inside it. And in the uvula she saw a shining black pearl.

                “there’s something stuck in its mouth!” Kira shouted at the others below her before grabbing a dagger from her pocket and piercing the tentacle holding her. Baekhyun caught her as she fell and gave her, her bow.

                “there’s some sort of Dark Magic binding it, I can feel it. A black pearl rests in the uvula of that monster.” Kira says and Baekhyun sees that her eyes were golden, a sign that she has used magic.

Chanyeol charged towards the monster upon hearing this but the monster saw him coming and grabbed his arms and legs, rendering him immobile. But his wrist was free so he grabbed the end of his sword and threw it straight at the monster’s face making it open its mouth and roar.

                “KIRA NOW!” Chen yelled and Kira shot an arrow towards the mouth of the monster, piercing the black pearl and destroying it.

The monster burst and out came the fishes as they swam away.

                “what was that?” Baekhyun asked as he helped Chanyeol up.

                “I have absolutely no idea.” Chen replied and they all turned to Kira. She had an idea what the Basilisk was, so maybe she had an idea about the creature that attacked them just now.

                “I don’t know either. It’s the first time I have seen something like it.” Kira however says. She has never seen the monster in books, unlike the Basilisk, the Dark Master must have been creating new monsters of his own.

                “let’s set up camp for the night.” Chen then says and they all agreed. While him and Chanyeol went to look for food and wood for fire, Baekhyun and Kira discussed about the black pearl she saw.

                “maybe that black pearl created that river monster. The Infinity River is a peaceful river where most kingdoms get their supply of water from. There has been no sighting of monsters living in it.” the prince says and she nods in agreement.

Chanyeol and Chen arrived with firewood and fish after a few moments and they sat on the grass as they cooked their meal and discussed the plans for the next day.

                “we should head straight, towards the tower of Erebus, not one of us has been away from their own kingdoms, so we don’t really know which easiest path to take.” Baekhyun starts

                “in the map there is the underground mine that belonged to the dwarfs; the Treasure Trove. And then there is another path right next to it, the Cimmerian Forest.” Chen reads the map

                “the Cimmerian Forest has been dead for centuries because it was once a hideout for the dark mages before. Now that the balance is tipped, I’m guessing it’s back to life.” Chanyeol comments

                “so our best bet is the mine. Are there dwarves still living under that mine?” Kira asks but the three shrugged. Not one of them knows. It’s been four and a half days since the start of the catastrophes, but they all know that evil is moving fast, it could have done something to the dwarf men as well.

                “that mine is a maze, so it’s best if we stick together once we enter.” Chanyeol says

Inside the Treasure Trove you must follow a single path for you to be able to get out. Only dwarves know the turns and whereabouts in that mine, that’s why if you are not of their kin, you will get lost.

                “what monster do you suppose we’ll find in the mine?” Chen asks as he laid down on a tree trunk.

                “let’s just hope we don’t run into any.” Kira replies before slowly closing her eyes to sleep.


It is an estimated two day ride to get to the Treasure Trove. The four of them started to set out early in the morning in hopes of getting through the vast lands by nightfall. Let’s just hope they don’t run into Basilisks and Banshees along the way

Indeed, these dark creatures have been bred for the purpose of destruction, it’s like they were just really waiting for the moment to strike. And their guess is that moment was when the Book of Life Magic’s pages were ripped.

They rode through the open land and arrived at a small and smelly swamp.

                “be careful. The path is slippery even for our horses.” Chanyeol says. He and Baekhyun shared a horse since the prince’s horse was eaten by the river monster.

They silently made their way through, keeping a keen eye on the waters just in case something pops out. Chen was too busy looking at the water, he didn’t notice where his own horse was going, and it slipped one foot into the deep water, causing him to fall right in.

                “CHEN!!” KIra shouted and raced towards where Chen had fallen.

Chen opened his eyes underneath the water but he wished he hadn’t. The green polluted water burned his pupils and what shocked him even more was that he saw white spirits floating around. It clung to his body and to his feet, he tried to rid of them but to no avail.

He then felt a hand on his armor and he was eventually pulled up. He coughed his heart out and he took sharp intakes of breath.

                “are you alright?” Chanyeol asked

                “t-there were… spirits in the water…” Chen breathed out

                “swamps always have something in them. Be thankful these are just spirits.” The captain replies before helping him up.

Chen mounts his horse and shakes the water off his hair before they continued on their way.

 They arrived at another set of open land, the grass in the land was close to dead and the trees around didn’t have any fruit. It will not provide much cover for them, but they had no choice since it was getting dark, they had to set up camp.

This time, Chen and Kira went around the trees to get twigs and firewood. But since there was no animal running around in the open area they both walked farther into a small rainforest that was standing by itself in the middle of the open land. They did well to avoid it and to not set up camp in the forest since they figured it must have dark creatures lurking within.

Kira and Chen walked silently, the forest was eerily quiet and they both knew that at any moment, something could attack them.   

                “get down.” Kira suddenly pushed the young prince down once her eyes landed on a lost deer; she took out her bow and arrow, aiming for its neck when it was suddenly swallowed by a huge snake.

                “SHOOT!” Kira whispered a little too loudly; causing the snake to hear them, it turned its head to where they were hiding. Chen held on his sword and Kira aimed her arrow, it was one snake, they could take it down in a flash.

But then…

                “uhhhh… Kira…” Chen says and looked beyond the snakes. Both of their eyes went wide. There were more of them. Dozens. And they came from different sides of the forest.

                “RUN!” Kira yelled and they both darted back to where Baekhyun and Chanyeol were.

Kira turns back around every now and then to shoot an arrow at the snakes but they keep on coming so she and Chen continued to run towards the open land they set up camp in.

                “SNAKES!” Chen yelled at the two and they got up on their feet before drawing out their swords.

                “where the devil did you guys go to gather this much serpents!?” Baekhyun asked but a snake slashed them with its tail, making the group split into two.

Chanyeol charged at the snake with his sword in hand, he sliced at its body and pierced its head. Chen did the same, he cut off the serpent’s tongue before slicing its neck and killing it. They all took on their own snakes; Kira shoots them at the head while others slice them off with their swords.

                “BAEKHYUN!!” Chanyeol yells as Baekhyun wrestles with a serpent, riding its head before plunging it with his dagger. The serpent fell down and Baekhyun rolled to the side before grabbing his sword and attacking another.

Kira dodged an incoming snake and with one blow, she cut off its head with her sword. She dodges another but is circles around her in a quick motion, trapping her inside its body and suffocating her. She struggled to lift her arm and stab the serpent’s body with her sword.

                “Incoming!” Chanyeol shouts when more of the serpents came from the rainforest.

                “WATCH OUT!” Chen yelled before pushing Kira to the side, the snake head attacked Chen and pushed him back.  It opened its mouth, showing its fangs and dashed towards the prince, Chen used his sword to block its teeth. He then jumps back and slices the serpent’s head in half.

 Suddenly, all of the snakes came falling down as a shower of arrows came raining down upon them. Kira, Chanyeol , Baekhyun and Chen all gathered to one side to avoid getting hit. Then they looked at the dead trees surrounding the clearing, there were men hiding behind with bows and arrows of their own.

Once the serpents were dead, Kira and the others turned at the sound of a galloping horse.

                “what business do soldiers of the strongest kingdoms have in these lands?” a young man with a mask that only shows his eyes rode on a black horse and approached the four.

                “and the weakest kingdom as well.” He adds as he turns to Chen. The young prince frowns but he didn’t say anything against the stranger since he did save them from getting eaten.

                “show some respect, ranger. You are in the presence of a king, a prince and a princess.” Chanyeol retorts and the younger man gets down from his horse.

                “forgive me, your highnesses, but it is rare to see royals roam around on their own, especially ones from White Cloud, Phoenix and Moonlight.” He grins before taking off his mask.

                “we are on a quest to get to Erebus. To retrieve the pages of the Book of Life Magic for it was forcibly taken by banshees on the day of the Exchange Ceremony.” Kira answers

                “so that’s what happened. I was wondering why the serpents and spiders grew in numbers and started to boldly attack the lands.” The young ranger says

                “who are you?” Baekhyun asks

                “I am Kai. My men and I are rangers from the northern borders. We have been traveling for a few days now, escaping the dark creatures that now haunt these lands.” The latter answers before turning to Kira

                “you say you are going to Erebus?” he asks

                “yes. it is the most likely place where the banshees brought the pages of the book.” She answers

                “then you will pass by Treasure Trove am I right?” the ranger asks again

                “yes, it is the easiest path, rather than passing by the Cimmerian Forest.” Chanyeol answers

                “I have seen Erebus.” Kai then says

                “how? When?” Kira asks

                “before our land was destroyed, a wizard in our land showed me a palantir and it revealed the fortress. The dark cloud you see? That isn’t exactly a cloud.” Kai says

                “what do you mean?” Chen asks

                “it’s spirits. Spirits of man, elf and the like.” the latter replies and their eyes went wide.

                “the fortress is guarded by thousands of goblins, ogres and trolls. They were being dispatched to different places; my guess is the other kingdoms. Other flying creatures flew above it as well.” He ends

                “the Dark Master is going to wage war against the kingdoms, I just know it. He took Phoenix already. What kingdom will he take next?” Baekhyun says and bites the hallow of his cheek

                “they managed to overrun the Phoenix Kingdom?” Kai asks in bewilderment

                “yes. The forces of darkness moves too fast, and they have the Anathema who use Dark Magic.” Chanyeol answers

                “the Anathema? Do you mean those men in black cloaks that always speak in unison when attacking?” Kai asks the four nodded.

                “we must get to Erebus. And fast. Do you know any other way to get there?” Kira asks Kai

                “I know shortcuts we can take, but it would still take quite a while before we reach it. Maybe months. It is too far from where we are at. There will be mountains and other kingdoms along the way.” Kai answers

Kira looks up at the moon but curses since it’s not a full moon. She knows a spell that could transport them all to Erebus in a flash but that only happens in a full moon, and the next full moon won’t be available in a couple of months.

                “we take the road through Treasure Trove, it’s a 4 day walk to the other side. You need to leave your horses; they have no place in the mines.” Kai says

                “we will go with you to Erebus.” he then adds before mounting his horse and galloping back to his men.











Woodland Realm - Elf Prince Luhan with Elf Warrios Xiumin and Kyungsoo

Northern Lands -  Ranger Kai (lol power ranger haha)


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hey! i have just seen that this is a new fic. it looks good, so keep the great work! fighting!