What Is That?

Can You Please See Me?

Chanyeol’s POV

“Hey, Rin, I was thinking maybe we could go out on Saturday? We—“, I haven’t finished my sentence when I saw GD hyung held her hand. There was something weird suddenly surging in me. Something bad and I hate it.

And what he did completely blew me away. He kissed the back of her hand and smirks at me. I don’t know what that smirk means, but I definitely hated it.

“Oh, sorry, I didn’t know you were….busy. I’ll just talk to you later.” I went out of the room leaving them and immediately called Yixing hyung.

“Hyung where are you? Can we meet? I need to talk to you about something.”



“So you’re saying that you’re jealous because Jiyong-ssi kissed her hand?”

“NO! I’m not jealous, hyung! I’m just saying that it’s not appropriate to do that here…”

“Oh come on, Park Chanyeol! People in America and England did that!” he protested.

“But that’s America and England, hyung! This is South Korea. Shouldn’t it be inappropriate to do that?”

“Oh dear Lord…. I’m going to call Nana here. She’s the only one that can deal with this unreasonable thing of yours,” he said as he dialed her number.

“Hello? Yeah, aegi. I need you to come over to my room, NOW. I have a dumb and unreasonable giant here with me, and I need your help. Please? I’m willing to wait for you. Just come here soon okay? Okay I love you, bye!” he said as he hung up the phone.

“Woah hyung, what’s with the ‘I love you’ – wait, you’re with her now?”

“Huh? Oh…Um…kind of? I mean, I confessed a couple of days ago, and she said she’ll consider it. But she’s fine with me saying ‘I love you’s so I think that’s good for me.”

“Okay…whatever makes you happy hyung. But hello? I’m having a problem here!” I said as I slumped down his couch and took his guitar to play while he went to the toilet.

Then we heard knocking on the door. “Hello? Yixing gege? Open the door~ is that unreasonable giant still there?”

“Just open it, it’s not locked! AND I’M NOT A GIANT FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!” I said, earning a laugh from her as she walked into the room.

“Well I’m sorry there, elf. Gege said you’re a giant, so yeah. So what’s this all about? And where’s my gege?” she said as she sat down on the sofa and got into a comfortable position.

“He’s in the toilet, and he’s not your gege. You’re not even together Nana.”

“Look, oppa, why are you so worked up with it? He’s my gege, you’re my oppa, what’s the difference?  Why are you so sensitive about these things? Something to do with a girl?” she said, earning a complete silent from me.

“It is about a girl! So that’s why gege ask me to come… hihihi, he doesn’t know how to deal with girls stuff huh?”

“He actually knows how to deal with it, otherwise he wouldn’t have confessed to you…”

“Well – hey how did you – ah… Yixing gege must’ve told you about it huh? Well, enough about me. So what’s your problem oppa?” she asked.

“Well…it’s about a friend of ours… Park Rin. Now I don’t know if I really like her like what hyung has told me,” I said, while looking at Yixing hyung sat beside her and casually held her hand. I continued, “But there’s something weird. I saw her today with GD hyung, and he was kissing the back of her hand and he smirked at me! Like literally at me! What’s that suppose to mean?” I said, finally exploded.

“GD oppa really did that? Waah….hmmm what’s that suppose to mean…? Is he trying to annoy you? Even if he is, what for? There’s no reason for him to annoy you, right?” she asked while looking at Yixing hyung.

“True…it’s not like you like her or anything. Not at the moment at least. We don’t really know where this leads to. Have you ever said anything about this before to him, Chanyeol-ah?” Yixing hyung asked.

I thought about it, but nothing lingered in my mind. “No I don’t think so. I only told you both about this. Oh, and Sehun. Could it be…Sehun? Sehun won’t do that right?”

“Maybe Sehun won’t. Or, there’s someone eavesdropping you both when you talked to him. Anyway, I don’t think you should be annoyed with this. Just take it slow, and don’t mind about it. It’s not like you have a thing for her right?” she said as she looked at me. I couldn’t possibly say ‘no’ to her, cause I felt something when GD hyung did that smirk to me, but I couldn’t say ‘yes’ either cause I didn’t know what I feel to her. As a result, she could only hear my sigh and she just gave me her warm smile. Huh, no wonder Yixing hyung fell for her. She’s the perfect lady for him.

“Aaah, so that’s how it is, huh Chanyeol-ah? Hihihi you’re so cute really. Isn’t he, gege?” she asked while looking at Yixing hyung in a loving manner.

“Huh? Wait, you’re not complaining or anything, aegi?” I asked dumbfounded.

“Of course not! Why would I be? It’s not like I’m her parents or anything. Besides, I know something about her that you’re not~ oh, and not to worry. They have nothing going on between them. If I recall, it was for GD oppa’s play in the campus’ musical. He likes someone else, that’s for sure,” she explained calmly.

“Should I thank God for this or shouldn’t I?” I asked jokingly, resulted a small laugh from her, and she suddenly stood up and hugged me warmly.

“W-what’s wrong? Are you okay?” I asked.

“I should be the one asking you that question oppa. Are you? Haha, you don’t really have to live up to your ‘Happy Virus’ name you know that? People can be sad too, no matter how bright their world might be. It’s okay to fall, when you know how to get up. It’s okay not to be okay, like what Jessie J had said in her song.” she said while caressing my shoulder and my back slowly.

Her words hit me, like a train on a track. Earning a slight nod from Yixing hyung, I immediately hugged her and sobbed slightly, cause I’ve been holding things inside me. I didn’t know why, but this was probably the first time someone had cracked me open effortlessly. She felt like my mom, with her comfort and loving and caring. She didn’t even judge me about things. At this condition, I silently thanked God I have her as a friend.

“That’s it, cry it out oppa. It’ll make you feel better!” she chuckled and kept rubbing my back. I didn’t know how long I stayed in that position, but it really did make me feel better.

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