☼ d e u x hirondelles ; A One-Shot Request Shop


Welcome to {  d e u x hirondelles}
i do not own the photo I used for the poster. copyright to Tyler Huston from flickr. C:
shop status: CLOSED
a c c e p t i n g
From Kyruui:
Please take note of the shop status above. D: We have accepted chicken_oppa's because the plot was interesting (that's good), but please. If it says none at the moment, we really are NOT accepting at the moment. I have split the requests between us two, leaving us to two one-shots each (not including my own example). Once Banana-centric is free (I'm pretty sure she'll be quicker than I will be orz) and she if wants to take requests, we'll put the status to open again. Thanks guys.~ ♥
█ ▌█ ▌█ ▌█ ▌i n t r o d u c t i o n/.

Ay yo.
Hello there. :) Kyruui here.
I've decided to put up a little one-shot request shop.~ Mainly because my uploaded fics require rather long chapters (especially Crimson Butterfly...oh dear)...which I'm a bit lazy to write (but will definitely not abandon). orz But I have this tempting urge to write a whole lot! And well, what better way to do it than writing one-shots? 8D
And there lies my little problem again--I'm out of good ideas to write about.
So...I turn to the good fellows of AFF who would kindly help me in my quest to write one-shots. C:
Hopefully. xD

And again, here I am, with a one-shot request shop named deux hirondelles!
(Just so you know, I am not remotely French. I do know it means "two swallows". It's inspired by a Vocaloid 
song of the same name. :3 I just really like the song. ouo)

Also! A best friend of mine IRL will be here as an author as well! :) Please welcome Banana-centric~
█ ▌█ ▌█ ▌█ ▌t h i n g s to k n o w (slash-some-warnings)/.

01.) I'm still a high school student. And I'm pretty sure everyone here knows how school works. Ehem. Homework, homework, homework. D: As much as I hate doing my homework, I still need to pass. So...I might not be able to update as often as I would like. But I assure you that I'll still continue to write your one-shots in school! :) Y'know, if I can. Hehe.

02.) Though with that said, I still take a LONG time to finish a one-shot depending on my schedule, mood, and creativity. So if you do not like waiting a long time, I suggest you turn away now and request somewhere else. On the other hand, if you are willing to wait for your one-shot patiently, then by all means please continue reading!

03.) I write almost anything and everythingOC x Idol, Idol x Idol, , yuri, het. School life, daily life, fantasy/AU. My strengths are fluff, romance and cheesy stories, but I try my best to write angst, mystery and horror--basically dark-themed stories. xD I can also write some scenes, but...I'm very amateurish at them. Very. So I suggest you don't ask for the explicit *** ones. But if you want...go ahead. xD;

04.) If I realize that I really like the plot you gave me to write on, I may ask you if I can write a one-shot sequel or a series to it. C: Of course, as it is your plot (if you have chosen Normal One-shot), you have a say in it. ^^~

05.) I only take one to four one-shots per week/two weeks. If it piles up too much, I’m scared of the possibility I might not be able to finish all of them..xD; Heheh.

06.) If you request from me, you are giving me the authority to change up your plot a bit or start in another part of the plot. Not exactly modify it completely, but change a little bit. Or not include some things. So...please, don't get angry.

07.) Also, if you request a rated/ fic from me, it will be placed in a different collection of rated fics. :3 You will still be notified here though. ^^


I basically also have the same warnings as Kyruui, but:

01.) Since I seriously need to get away from school work, I'll make my limit from 3 to 5 one-shots per week/two weeks.

02.) I have the same strengths as Kyruui, but I'm more new to writing than she is. It's probably best to request her for fics, but I can take some as well, but if you do request from me a fic, please note that mine may not be as good as my co-author's. 

03.) I don't take really long, but I can't say specifically how long it will take me since my schedule is controlled by the amount of school work I have. I'll probably take a shorter amount of time and increase my capacity when long breaks start rolling in. 

04.) I may change the storyline you give me slightly more than Kyruui. I tend to go crazy with my imagination and add tidbits of my own mind into it. 

█ ▌█ ▌█ ▌█ ▌r u l e s/.

First and foremost, no bashing. We accept constructive criticism, but when you’re just plain ranting and …remember that we have the handy delete button by our side.

Second, no plagiarizing. These are our one-shots, and we'd appreciate it if you’d respect that. We're pretty sure most of us can write well. Use your own imagination and creativity.

Third, no rushing. If you read the “Things to Know” part, we're assuming you wouldn’t. We'd prefer that we write our one-shots at our own paces. Of course, we’ll try to do it as quickly as we can (but still turns out to be a well-written story) but please. We have a life to take care of too.

Fourth, first come, first serve. It also depends if the author likes your plot/keywords/song. xD (But I [Kyruui] pretty much love anything so that’s not much of a problem! *is brick'd*)

Fifth, have patience and faith in us. xDD Haha.~
And that’s all. They’re easy to follow. ^^

And hopefully, we haven't scared you off yet. ;u; C'mon, we don't bite! (..Much..?)

█ ▌█ ▌█ ▌█ ▌
st e p s/.

01.) Read the rules! They are nothing big and demanding but we'd appreciate it a lot if you’d follow them. ^^
02.) Load up the form in another tab/window, and begin to fill it out. Click {here} for the form.
03.) Please, fill out the form correctly. Okay, the form is rather long but that's just because we want it to be quite specific. ;u;
Don't forget that if you will be requesting a rated fic, it will be placed in a different collection. C:
Also, the one-shots are CLASSIFIED INTO THREE:
01. Normal One-shot/.
Your average, normal one-shot.
You give the 
characters, a plot&genre, some important events you may want to happen, and the ending. We just put your idea into words.
{Kyruui} Preferably this is the type of one-shot I'd like to write often.

02. Song Fic/.
Song fic, song fic!
The way we define a song fic is either:
the written story follows the storyline of the song or 2) the emotions in the song conveys the feelings of a character in the story.
We'll try our best!

03. Free Writing/.
Hohoho. This kind of one-shot is like prompts (if I'm not mistaken). There's a keyword of some sort, and the story the author writes has to relate to it somehow. Get it? 8D [/Kyru hit by a brick]
And that's exactly what you have to do when you feel like giving us a challenge (or just plain lazy to give a plot)!
All you give us in this type of fic is the 
characters, the genre, and a keyword or set of keywords. Easy, eh?

04.) Just so we know you actually bothered to read all that. Heheh~on the "Anything else you'd like to add?", put the name of your current favorite bias or your most recent favorite K-Pop song. :)
05.) Next, subscribe and comment below, telling us that you requested. 8D That way, one of us can put up your name on the pending list immediately after we read yours!
06.) Wait patiently for your fic to be up and posted. Since we're assuming you’ve already subscribed, you’ll know when it comes. ^^
07.) And the posting day comes! Once you have read it, please give me feedback on our work. It can be a simple thank you message, or a review-like comment. 8D Anything! Just not bashing.
08.) And—oh, you’re done. xD Feel free to request another if you are satisfied with the service. :3


{Kyruui} I'll post my own one-shots also from time to time. It's partly a random one-shot collection, I guess? :)
{Banana-centric} Like Kyruui I, too, shall post my own one-shots here from time to time. :D

█ ▌█ ▌█ ▌█ ▌f a n f i c list/.
If you think I'm being too uptight with my definition of rated fics, please note that there are younger users over here in AFF. It's better to be safe than sorry. 3:< xD
bold - Complete. italics - Writing. underline - Pending. 

Chapter O n e : Return to Me [Minho (SHINee) x You] || request by: Kyruui xD
Chapter T w o :  [R] Make You Mine [Key (SHINee) x Yoon Soochan (OC)] || request by: not_me.
Chapter T h r e e : 
[R] Sorry and Thank You [Jaejoong (JYJ) x Im Yulmin (OC)] || request by: JustWinter.
Chapter F o u r : [R] Daydreaming or Not? [Woohyun (Infinite) x Yoon Jinri (OC)] || request by: zenlovers.
Chapter F i v e : The Carnival of Horror [Lee Jinki (SHINee) x Park Rinrin (OC)] || request by: chicken_oppa.

If you're a bit skeptical on our writing skills, check out Kyruui's fics: {Noona's in Charge} and {Bound Through the Crimson Butterfly}; and Banana-centric's fics: {Don't Leave Me Alone}. :) (Oh dear, shameless advertising. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ xDD)


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Ahahaha. ---> Requested for a oneshot <---<br />
<br />
<br />
@not_me--- Appa!!!! Ahhh!!! You're here too and what??? You mastermind of corrupted mouse. ^^
request xD<br />
fighting and thank you^^
I've request for oneshot~<br />
Thank you~
I requested for a oneshot!!!! ^^