| Their Mistaken Judgment |

The Girl That Must Forget


| Chapter One |

| Ji Hyun's Point of View | 


We are not a couple. We're just close friends! I'm not sure how people could see us more than that.

Everyone has mistaken us for dating one another. We both didn't know how the rumors had spread like a wildfire, but it just doesn't sound right. Jungsu? No way! I tell everyone countless times that Jungsu and I aren't dating but they never believe us. So, Jungsu and I just went along with it, tired of those fools coming to us everyday and asking us if we were dating or not.

| Flash Back |

My friends and I were in the cafeteria and sat at the table where we usually hung around. In the middle of our conversation, we heard footsteps coming closer to our table. My head moved to face where the sound that made me distracted from my friend's conversation, and to my surprise someone was looking at us. My eyes widened and I immediately felt the corner of my lips lifting up when I saw him innocently standing there with his tray near his chest and was held up by the both of his hands as he slowly came towards us. My friends eyed him and followed each step he had made to me. 

"Jungsu-ah! What are you doing here?" I shouted out with glee as he sat himself down onto the empty space next to me. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see my friends eyeing me strangely.

"I wanted to come over here and chat with you. Ji Hyun is always the person I go to when I'm bored. It's rare how a person can make me smile whenever I see them." Jungsu smiled as he placed his tray of food down onto the table.

"Aye...don't be like that when my friends are here! Your humilating me!" I said before pushing him over slightly.

Jungsu dropped his chopsticks and placed one of his hands over his heart.

"Ji Hyun-ah, I think my heart is broken. I guess it's true that you hate me. Aigoo...my heart." Jungsu frowned.

I ignored Jungsu and ate my sandwich that was homemade from my mother who took her time in the morning to make it for me. The juice that filled your mouth when you took a bite was so magical, I felt like I was in heaven. But that moment shattered when I heard Jungsu's voice again. 

"Ji Hyun-ah, your lips..." Jungsu leaned over and wiped the ketchup away that was smeared on the side of my mouth. After getting the stain, he folded the napkin neatly and added the weirdest lines he has ever said to me, "Maybe I should have just kissed you. That would have been entertaining." 

"Yah! Why are you being so weir-" I stopped at mid-sentence as I glanced back at my friends.

One of them raised an eyebrow while the others smiled cunningly at the both of us. My friends were whispering secretly about something, making me curious. Silence soon settled upon us and I looked up at Jungsu to see if he had an idea what they could be talking about, but he just shrugged his shoulders. He was always clueless, as usual. 

"I see what is going on here," one of my friends began, "you and Jungsu are dating! Isn't that right?" All of my friends squealed.

Jungsu and I covered our ears and scooted an inch away from my friends, scared that we'll lose our hearing from their screaming.

"Aniyo..you're all wrong! Jungsu and I are just friends!" I shouted over the top of them.

"Aye...spill it out. I know you guys are dating. I mean look at you both, you guys look so cute together. And I've never seen Jungsu act this way before." My other friend says while wriggling her eyebrows.

"Yeah Jungsu! Get your act together!" I glared at Jungsu.

"What are you saying? I'm always like this!" Jungsu winked at me and my friends, squealed like they have someone cute go by. Then Jungsu continued, "but when your friends are around, I feel like I could have a moment and make them jealous. Besides, we are a cute couple. Don't you think? Let's not keep it a secret and tell them what we really are Ji Hyun-ah." Jungsu chuckled.

My friends screamed like there was no tomorrow and started to hit me on my arm. Well, there is going to be a massive bruise there by the time I wake up tomorrow. They might have been petite, but they're strike were just horribly painful. Even the slightest hit could have would have injured you. They're bony knuckles are shown through their skins and once it goes against yours, you'd better expect a bruise by tommorow, other than that it's just sore.

"Buah..I can't believe this nonsense! Jungsu and I are not dating! So please, just let me have a moment with Jungsu without hearing anymore screams!" I yelled and slightly annoyed at their childish acts.

My friends looked at each other and began to laugh loudly. "Jungsu and Ji Hyun kissing on a tree! K I S S I N G! First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes-"

I covered their mouths and took a deep breath to help myself clam down. Anger started to boil inside me and no one would like to see what I'm like when I'm angry now, do they? My friends were one of the most attractive and popular girls in the school and I was one of those loners who just sat in the corner. But somehow they accepted me for who I was and brought me into their lives and treated me with respect. Most of the time when my friends spill a secret, everyone finds out that very same day. Proves how popular they are. If anyone overheard what they just chanted, the whole school will go nuts and I'd be doomed. But I was too late because people around us were freaking out and came to our table to ask who was dating who. My cheecks started to heat up when they were all oohhing and awing at the sight of Jungsu and I together.

A sigh of frustration escaped my lips, "Aniyo! It's not like that at all!" 

My eyes turned to glare at Jungsu who was only laughing and not helping me at all. It even looked like he was quite enjoying this.

"You're going to be dead when school is over!" I mouthed.

"Aye...don't be like that. You know, I actually like the attention we get just because they think we are dating." Jungsu replied. "Are you still going to beat me up?"

"Yes I am. You cannot change my mind. No matter what you do or say, the answer will be yes!" I hissed.

A frown appeared on Jungsu's face while my friends kept on squealing and telling everyone how they were filled with contentment that when they found out we were together. On the outside I was smiling and nodding at everyone but on the inside I was fuming with wrath. All I wanted to do was to beat Jungsu up so badly but with self-control I held it back. At the end of the day, I didn't get a chance to kick Jungsu's tail as many students were still hanging about after school ended. My planned got twisted when Jungsu held onto my hand and acted like what any other couples did. Ever since that day, my life wasn't the same anymore. When the rumor spread like a disease, Jungsu and I became more distant. Well that's what I thought. Students mistaken us as a couple causing our friendship to end up more awkward. We couldn't hang around each other in school anymore nor talk to one another without being labelled as a couple. A basic hello was the only conversation we shared before leaving each other. I missed hanging out with Jungsu so much, but I thought it wouldn't be the same to be around him again. Maybe I was just being too dramaticAfter many days of not talking to one another, normally Jungsu came up to me unexpectedly and frowned. Behind him, his friends were making hand gestures and teasing him.

"I really miss you Ji Hyun-ah," Jungsu looked at me with sadness evident in his eyes and pulled me into a hug, "I can't stand us being apart. We need to figure a way for us to not feel uncomfortable Ji Hyun." 

"I-I missed you too Jungsu-ah. And I'm sorry for making you feel this way oppa. Let's just pretend that we're dating. Hm?" I suggested before returning his hug.

"I'm not lying Ji Hyun-ah. I really thought I was going to die without you." Jungsu laughed as he patted my head.

"Me too." I agreed while nodding.

"But do you know what I hate the most?" Jungsu grumbled.

"What?" I asked.

"The people that come up to us every single day, asking if we're dating. They're so annoying!" Jungsu yelled.

"Yeah. I have to admit, it drives me insane." I agreed again.


I sighed and before I could've said anything, Jungsu freaked out when he saw my friends walking towards us.

"Ji Hyun-ah! Your friends are coming! Act natural!" Jungsu quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me closer towards him so that our shoulders touched. 

My friends who were walking down the hall slowly started ran up to us and hugged me tightly breaking the grasp Jungsu and I shared.

"Chingu-ah, how are you and Jungsu?" They asked me in the group hug.

"Jungsu and I are-"

"Great! I love spending time with her, espescially on Christmas!" Jungsu said before I could have finished my sentenced, "Ji Hyun-ah, I got you something~" He sung.

"What is it? What is it?" I said and jumped up and down like a child who was going to get candy. 

Jungsu leaned in his ear and whispered "A kiss?" That ruined my happiness. I stopped jumping like a little kid and looked away as I felt my face flush a deep red shade. My hand moved towards Jungsu's arm and smacked it.

"What kind of present is that?" I asked.

"You don't like my present?" Jungsu frowned.

"I think you don't even want to give me anything." I growled. 

"I was just kidding. That's not the present I wanted to give you." Jungsu said before lifting up the bag he kept on the floor.

I looked at the bag that he picked up and pointed at the bag, "Who is that for?"

Jungsu grinned. "This is something I got you for Christmas Ji Hyun-ah. Aye...And you thought I didn't want to give you anything for Christmas! Well, this is going to make you happy. I guarantee on it!"

The bag he lifted up looked so heavy. I had this desire to snatch it out of Jungsu's hands and look inside. But as always, I controlled myself and calmed down. It was finally the chance to open the gift and so I yanked the bag out of his hands. I took out the present out of the bag carefully before dropping the bag onto the floor. The present, it was the most beauitful thing I have ever seen. A smile slowly crept onto my face before I gave Jungsu a bearhug.

"Thank you so much!" I screamed into his school jumper.

"Awe...Look at the JJ couple." My friends said in sync. 

Jungsu and I could only hear the laughter and avoided everything around us. Jungsu suddenly picked me off the ground and spun me around in a circle before he looked into my eyes deeply and lovingly. At this very moment, time seemed to have stopped. Jungsu slowly leaned in closer to my face and I closed my eyes, expecting a kiss.

"Yah! Jungsu-ah, is that you?" One of Jungsu's friends shouted.

"Ayee! I was having a moment here!" Jungsu shouted back, annoyed.

Jungsu looked back at me and kissed me on the forehead, "Those fools...They did that on purpose!" Jungsu added while running his hand through his hair in frustration.

I leaned close to Jungsu's ear and whispered, "Was the kiss an act to get my friends to believe we're dating or was it...real?" I asked.

"The kiss was in between but a little more on the acting side." Jungsu smiled. "Anyways, did you like the necklace and those earrings I gave you?" Jungsu said. "Next up will be the ring," he winked at me.

"Yah! Why are you being weird? But thank you for the presents chingu-ah.." I replied feeling embarassed.

Jungsu gave me a startled look and nudged me lightly. "Why did you call me that?" 

"W-what did I say?" I looked around and saw that my friends were puzzled. 

"You called me a friend you moron! That's why they're looking at you oddly." Jungsu whispered.

I chuckled nervously. "What I meant was...Jungsu and I are close like friends. We do random things and occasionally do this.." My voice trailed off as I sensed myself not making any sense. "Aye...why am I such an idiot!"

Jungsu slinged his arms around my shoulder and smiled at me. "Yah! You keep forgetting to call me your boyfriend Ji Hyun-ah!" Jungsu told me off.

"A-arasso. Mianhae Jungsu-ah." I stuttered, looking away from him and my friends.

"Awee! Look at the JJ couple. So adorable!" A person said, passing by.

"Buah..I never knew we would be so popular." Jungsu smirked.



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Z-bot117 #1
Chapter 1: Great story hope it continues
C3cilia #2
Sounds interesting, cant wait to read it!!