Their Friendship

When Highschool Drama lives up to its name (Hiatus)

Taeyeon had excused herself from the lunch table, and was now wandering the halls as if she was lost. She walked down several hallways, before doubling back and turning down another that ran past the courtyard. Taeyeon finally found him, talking to Hyoyeon and Sooyoung by the stairwell.

"Yah, Junho!"

Junho looked over at the sound of her voice, but didn't seem too happy to see her.

"You didn't answer my message," she accused. "Hi Hyoyeon, Sooyoung."

"Hey," they chorused back at her.

"I was busy talking," Junho retorted.

"You could have atleast sent me a text back. I've been looking all over for you."

"Sorry." Junho didn't sound sorry.

"Hey Junho, we can talk about this later," Hyoyeon said, shouldering her backpack.

"Yeah, we can figure everything out at practice on friday," Sooyoung added, as she tugged Hyoyeon by the arm and started walking away. "We'll see you guys later!" she called back with a wink as they walked off.

Junho shoved his hands in his pocket and gazed off into the distance.

"You haven't been yourself lately. What's going on?" Taeyeon asked slowly.

Junho shrugged in response. "Nothing."

"Did something happen with your mom?"



"What Tae? I  told you, nothing's up," Junho replied sharply.


Junho didn't answer, simply choosing to keep staring at whatever he had been staring at for the past few minutes.

"Junho, why don't you tell me anything?"

Junho finally turned to face her, locking eyes with the shorter girl. "I needed to talk to someone yesterday, but you were off flirting with that new kid instead of meeting me for lunch. So sorry, but I'm not in the mood for sharing anymore."

Taeyeon bit her lip. If she had known Junho needed to talk, she would have let Tiffany do the tour with Wooyoung instead. She knew that when Junho didn't feel like talking, he wasn't going to budge. No exceptions. As much as Taeyeon had known this was a habit of Junho's, she was still annoyed.

"Sheesh Junho, why are you so stubborn?" she asked him with a playful tone.

"Stubborn, me? This, coming from you?" he asked gently, his lips slowly curving up into a smirk.

She pouted. "I guess it runs in the family," she remarked softly.

Junho chuckled. "I guess so."

Although they weren't actually related, Junho and Taeyeon considered each other as siblings. Real blood siblings, the kind where you would only share some secrets and not others. Taeyeon had to admit, they rarely updated each other on their love life, or bring up gossip at school. Well, that's what best friends were for right?

"Oh, are you gonna let Wooyoung join the dance team?" Junho made a face in response, and Taeyeon raised her eyebrows. "What? Why won't you?"

"I don't like him. Why do you keep asking? Do you like him?"

It was Taeyeon's turn to make a face. "No. And I just met him."

"But you think he's cute."

Taeyeon hesitated. "Um, sure I guess," she replied with a shrug.

"Which means yes."

"Why does it matter?" She hadn't realized it, but  their conversation had suddenly gotten awkward.

"I just wanna make sure you're getting over him. That's all," he replied, and Taeyeon knew who Junho was referring to.

"We didn't date for that long, and it was a mutual decision. Besides, I'm pretty sure Taec likes Yuri now."

Junho just nodded. "Just double checking that my little sister is doing okay."

"Hey! You're the little brother. Just in case you've forgotten, I am older than you," she pointed out.

"Only cause you were born first. But I am definitely more mature. And taller too," he added as an after-thought.

Taeyeon punched his arm playfully as the bell rung for end of period. She turned and started heading towards the busier hallways as Junho walked by her side.



Taeyeon pouted, and he laughed. "Maybe later Tae."

Taeyeon stopped walking and looked at him seriously.

"I'll tell you later, okay Tae? I told you, I'm just not in the mood today," he told her with a sigh.

"Fine," she replied, defeated. She shouldn't be surprised, she knew the way he was and no amount of pouting or guilt tripping was going to make him talk.

As they walked down the hallway, they saw a few of their friends coming their way, heading to their own respective classrooms. Taeyeon waved to Wooyoung, who hesitantly waved back after a brief glance at Junho.

"You have class with him?" Junho asked.

"Yeah, Wooyoung's schedule is pretty similar to mine."

"Have fun," he replied sarcastically as he turned into his class.

Taeyeon sighed before pulling her lips into a smile as she met Wooyoung at the doorway to their calculus class.

"Missed you at lunch. You just up and left," Wooyoung commented casually as they found seats at the back.

"Yeah. I had to ask Junho bout something, although it didn't do much good," she replied in a joking manner.


Taeyeon opened her bag and grabbed her notebook. "What's up with you two? You guys barely know each other."

Wooyoung shrugged. "I guess I just didn't like the way he was acting towards you."

"He wasn't-- "

"So today we will continue..."

The teacher had started, and both Taeyeon and Wooyoung resorted to doodling on each others papers while the teacher's back was turned for the duration of the class. The bell rung for end of school and they decided to keep there X.O.X score for the next math class, much to Wooyoung's dismay, as Taeyeon was leading by 4 wins.

"Hey Wooyoung, do you have to go home now?"

Wooyoung had walked Taeyeon to her locker. "Nope, why?"

"Practice remember? The dance team often comes by so you should stay and get to know them. Plus, you'd get a chance to talk to Junho."

Wooyoung grimaced. "Do I really want to do that?"

"Yes, if you want to join the dance team," Taeyeon replied with a smirk as she shoved her textbooks on the top shelf and closed her locker.

"Don't you need clothes to change or something?" Wooyoung asked, eyeing her bare hands.

Taeyeon laughed. "Yes. But they're in my changing room locker, and we still have almost an hour before practice starts."

"An hour?"

"Yeah. Sometimes members have to finish up assignments or talk to teachers. Tiffany sometimes tutors some of the ninth graders in english so that's why we start so late."

Wooyoung nodded. "So what do you usually do for an hour?"

"Oh, I usually hang out with--" Junho. Taeyeon stopped herself before she said his name. "Some friends before practice."

"I see."

They found a bench in the main hallway and sat down. An awkward silence followed as Taeyeon pursed her lip in thought of something to say.

"So Jang Wooyoung. I know nothing about you," she teased as she turned to look at him.

Wooyoung smiled mischievously. "Well, we did just meet yesterday."

She laughed. "True, but you never did tell us why you transferred here."

Wooyoung leaned back to relax on the bench. "My dad's always worked in this city, so he had to travel almost an hour to and from work every day. My mom recently got a job nearby, so they figured it would just make sense to move."

"They decided to move when you were in your senior year of highschool?"

Wooyoung shrugged. "This school is pretty famous for their arts, so I figured it might help me with my dancing."

"You're already an amazing dancer." The thought slipped out before she could stop herself.

Wooyoung turned to eye her with a raised brow. "So you've seen those videos?"

Taeyeon blushed in response. "Well, we are close with the dancing team, so you can't help but overhear these things."

"If you say so," he replied lightly, leaning back in his seat again.

"Do you like it here?"

"Yeah. It's busier and more confusing, but I'm getting used to it."

"How long have you been here?" Taeyeon asked, determined to keep the conversation going.

"Moved in a few weeks ago?"

Taeyeon nodded. "Don't you miss your friends?"

Wooyoung shrugged again. "I can always make new ones."

"No girlfriend?" Again, the thought came out before she could fully process it.

Wooyoung leaned forward to look at her. "Not yet."

Taeyeon quickly looked away, before Wooyoung could see the blush that had deepened on her cheeks. Stupid, she scolded herself, now he's gonna think you're interested.

Still looking away, Taeyeon changed the topic by asking about his family, and they shared their interests on dance and music and were in the middle of talking about idols before Sooyoung popped in out of nowhere to interupt.

"Hey Taeyeon! What are you up to?"

"Hey. We're just chatting. Oh, have you met Wooyoung?"

Sooyoung nodded. "Yup, we met after we left you and Junho alone."


Wooyoung's face had darkened, but Taeyeon didn't ask why.

"Oh Tae, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to get ready for practice?"

Taeyeon's eyes widened. "What? Wait, what time is it? Oh darn I wasn't paying attention."

Sooyoung laughed. "It's okay, I think you have atleast 10 minutes to change before you guys offically start."

Taeyeon nodded as she stood up. "Um.. Sooyoung? Can you introduce Wooyoung to the rest of your team?"

"No problem," Sooyoung replied with a nod. "We'll see you in the gymnasium."

With a wave, Taeyeon dashed off, leaving Sooyoung with Wooyoung. They had been so into their conversation that she had lost track of the time. What was she doing? She asked herself as she reached her locker. He's a cool guy. A good friend. She wasn't interested in him, was she?

Thanks for reading/commenting/subscribing. Extra cookie if you did all 3 =D

Second. As you may have noticed, this is Taeyeon's point of view, and last chapter was Wooyoung's (but still written in third person). Hopefully it didn't confuse anyone. I will probably change it up depending on the scene, but I think it's pretty obvious who's view it is, and if it ever changes in the middle of a chapter, you'll know (~~~).

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sone4lifee #2
Chapter 5: Update soon pls author nim!
Taeyeoni0309 #3
Chapter 5: Juntae pls for next fanfic
Taeyeoni0309 #4
Chapter 14: Update soon pls!
But now I'm still rereading it... :D
WOW. I did not realize that you have not updated this fanfic for almost two years!
natybear505 #7
Love the story!
Please update and do not abandon this!
I'm hoping for it to be JunTae! My two biases! <3
please be wootae
-makeitpop #9
please update soon!<br />
i love your story and i really want to continue reading. ):
khunhojjang #10
how long has it been since your last update gosh?! I WANNA CONTINUE READING PLEASE DON'T ABANDON THIS FANFIC)=