000 - prologue

Guide Me

The sunshine tries to sneek into the coprehensive room by the curtain’s slits giving a warm feeling for the human being that's snoring so peacefully in the bed. The sun’s rays were beaming against Sehun’s face making him wake up from his deep slumber. He rubs his eyes with palms and tosses his feet before his bed. Sleeping for 5 hours has never been enough for Sehun, going home in the late of night just to wake up in the morning to have the same circumstance all over again.
Sehun goes to work in his black silky suit which has been prepared by his maid the day before. It’s all in good condition and ready to wear. He left his apartement’s key under the carpet and headed off for his company by his Lamborghini Revento.

Night comes so fast. After all the meetings and strict schedule, finally Sehun is free from the job. Chanyeol had invited him our for the afternoon to celebrate his 20th birthday. Ended up kissing with stranger who got lost by his apartement’s door and got slapped right on the face. Still, for Oh Sehun,it may have hurt and yet; it had been the meanigful night in his entire life since he was born; asides from his parents and all the presents, especially when he heard that foreign accent in the stranger's voice: so cute. The kiss lingers in his head and knocks him out till the next morning with smile a smile growing on his face.


A/N; i know it's a crappy prologue. i'm not a pro in writing the begining but i can persuade you as the story goes, it will be more interesting. So, i couldn't wait to see you guys in the next chapter and hope you enjoy! *whispers* i'm planning to update the first chapter tomorrow so i hope you guys excited as much as me lol

P.S did i see katakatica subscribing my story? omg.... she is one of my favorite authors in AFF and i like her "Not a Word" fanfic. oh senpai, i hope you enjoy my story as i enjoy your masterpiece.

P.S.S i'm looking for someone who is willing to be my beta reader and a master in grammar *pray so hard* just PM me if you want to help me!  (i found my beta reader already! guess who? it's KATAKATICA! WOOHOO~

SUBS and COMMENTS are really appreciated. they are my fuel to write and get this done the next day. UPVOTE if you like the story and help me to get this featured^^


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lovelovelu #1
Chapter 2: this is really great ^^

lovelovelu #2
Chapter 1: looking forward to the next chapter :)
Chapter 1: Haha even thou some grammar problems can be seen this seems to be fun :P I just hope that it won't be a dramatic thingie ;),fluff and happiness are love <3
(Would love to be your beta but right now I'm in snorlax mode: I sleep and eat, sleep and eat :D)